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1、法法 律律 硕硕 士士 专专 业业 学学 位位 论论 文文“汽车碰瓷汽车碰瓷”行为的刑法定性研究行为的刑法定性研究以王某等以危险方法危害公共安全案为例以王某等以危险方法危害公共安全案为例the qualitative study on intentional car crash from theperspective of criminal lawin the case study of Mr Wang s crime of endangering public security with the dangerous method作 者 姓 名:王会龙 指 导 教 师:石经海教授 西南政法大学

2、Southwest University of Political Science and Law内容摘要“汽车碰瓷”在近几年常发,审判实践中对这一犯罪的定性存有争议,有的为了从 严打击犯罪处以重刑。其导致同一种行为却有不同的处理结果,不加区分地以重罪认定 也存在重刑主义嫌疑。本文试着从犯罪事实和刑法规范等方面,结合典型案例对这个问 题展开研究。全文分为四个部分:第一部分为案件的基本情况。主要包括案由、案情简介、分歧意见和争议焦点四部 分,对案件作简要介绍。第二部分为相关问题的法理分析。主要是对本案争议焦点及焦点相关理论深入分 析。首先,对汽车碰瓷作简要的陈述,限定汽车碰瓷的内涵。其次,对单个

3、汽车碰瓷中 争议较大的行为可能触犯的罪名作出认定。最后,从不同角度分析和认定单个汽车碰瓷 行为和数次汽车碰瓷行为的罪数。第三部分为本案的研究结论。利用法理分析的理论成果指导本案,论证本案汽车碰 瓷行为是否符合理论分析中所认定的各种罪名和罪数构成条件,得出本案最终触犯的罪 名和构成罪数。内容主要是以危险方法危害公共安全罪、诈骗罪、敲诈勒索罪和抢劫罪 的罪名,罪数认定。第四部分为本案的研究启示。基于对本案的研究分析,指出汽车碰瓷行为的处理, 受到包括重刑观念在内的多种因素干扰,易导致罪刑失衡。该类犯罪行为的处理要做到 定性精准,罪刑均衡,司法机关应严格遵循宽严相济的刑事政策。关键词:以危险方法危害

4、公共安全罪;诈骗罪;敲诈勒索罪;抢劫罪Abstract“Intentional car crash” has been more frequent these years, while the character of this behaviour is quite confidential in the judicial practice. Some contends that in order to go all out to clamp down on crime , it should be charged with a felony. To the contrary, some th

5、ere are people claims that is not necessary. Consequently, the divergence on this leads to the different penalties towards the same behaviour. Furthermore, it is not fair and accurate to adjudicate all these behaviour into felony indiscriminately which will be prone to doctrine of severe punishment.

6、 This endeavor intends to make an exhaustive study on this subject from the perspective of particulars of offense and criminal regulation through typical cases. This paper can be divided into four parts:The first part is about the background of the case, which mainly includes the causes, the brief ,

7、 the divergence and the arguments.The second part is the analysis towards the relative problems from the perspective of legal practice. Generally, it concerns the argument and relative theories. Firstly, there is a brief statement of the “intentional car crash” to demarcate its connotation. Secondly

8、, the author will choose some accusations which is largely argued. Lastly, it is about the analysis and judgment of the quantity of single intentional car crash and several intentional car crash.The third part is the conclusion of this study. The charge and quantity of the behaviour of intentional c

9、ar crash is proposed after the discussion of the conditions ot these charges and quantity of crime in the guidance of jurisprudential analysis. It is concluded that this kind of behaviour is found in the charge of fraud, crime of endangering public security with the dangerous method, robbery and cri

10、me of extortion.The fourth part is the revelation of this dissertation. Based on this study, the judgment on intentional car crash is influenced by many factors including the concept of severe punishment, which could easily result in the imbalance between the crime and penalty. This kind of crime sh

11、ould be found accurately and the balance should beguaranteed. Meanwhile, the juridical authorities should strictly follow the criminal policy of justice with mercy.Key words: crime of endangering public security with the dangerous method ;The crime of fraud;Blackmail and impose exactions on Crime;Th

12、e crime of robbery目录引引言言.1 1一、案件的基本情况一、案件的基本情况.2 2(一)案由 .2(二)案情简介 .2(三)分歧意见 .2(四)争论焦点 .3二、相关问题的法理分析二、相关问题的法理分析.3 3(一)“汽车碰瓷”行为概述 .3(二)“汽车碰瓷”行为的罪名认定.3(三)“汽车碰瓷”行为的罪数认定.9三、本案的分析与结论三、本案的分析与结论.1313(一)王某等的行为不构成以危险方法危害公共安全罪 .13(二)王某等的行为构成诈骗罪 .15(三)王某等的行为构成敲诈勒索罪 .16(四)王某等的行为应构成抢劫罪 .16(五)王某等所犯之罪应数罪并罚 .17四、本案的

13、研究启示四、本案的研究启示.1818参考文献参考文献.2323引言“碰瓷”特别是“汽车碰瓷”是近几年常发的案件,关于“汽车碰瓷”行为 的犯罪定性研究,实务界与理论界都没有统一意见。司法实践中对于“汽车碰瓷” 行为犯罪的罪名和罪数的认定结果不同,混淆不清,这就出现同一种“汽车碰瓷” 行为却有不同的审判结果,司法的权威与公正未免受到质疑。司法问题可以折射 出理论研究上的不足,理论上对汽车碰瓷案件的定性存在着很大的争议,有的主 张定以危险方法危害公共安全罪,有的主张定诈骗罪,有的主张定抢劫罪,有的 主张定敲诈勒索罪,还有的主张数罪并罚,可谓众说纷纭,莫衷一是。理论探讨 的意义不仅是对刑法理论的发展,也是对司法实务的指导,


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