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1、南京师范大学硕士学位论文“代沟问题”之探微-在价值观下的思考姓名:郭艳胜申请学位级别:硕士专业:哲学;伦理学指导教师:陈章龙2009-05-05摘要代沟问题是伴随着人类的产生而存在的,是人类社会的一种最基本的关系, 是社会结构的有机构成部分。但是,不论是从其生物学意义而言,还是从其经济 学意义而言, 拟或是从文化学意义而言, 传统社会的代沟问题并没有作为 “问题” 而存在,因而始终处于“隐性”状态而被经济关系、政治关系、文化关系和阶级 关系所遮蔽。可是,进入现代社会以来,特别是 20 世纪中叶以来,人类代沟现 象发生了从未有过的重大变化,其主要表现就是:文化意义上的“代群体”逐渐 形成并越来越

2、明朗化,各代逐渐形成了“代共同体”意识, “代共同体”成员拥 有相对一致的利益需求、价值视念和生活方式,并因此而与其他“代共同体”区 别开来。这样,由各代所构成的代际关系开始凸显为社会的“显性”关系。自此, 如何处理社会代际关系就逐渐成为现代社会重要的理论和实践课题。 这种变化客 观上导致了社会利益和社会价值观开始在代际间发生分化和整合, 并日益成为社 会整体利益和社会整体价值观分化和整合的重要方面和重要表现。 因应社会代际 关系的上述变化,自 20 世纪初以来,特别是 20 世纪中叶以来,国外有关学科从 各自角度对社会代际关系进行了审视和研究。 这些学科主要包括青年学、 社会学、 人类学、以

3、及对家庭研究的某些学科等。在中国,对代际关系的研究自 20 世纪80 年代才开始,虽然某些学科或多或少地涉猎到代际关系问题,但主要只是集 中于社会学,人类学及青年学。可以说,这些学科在对社会代际关系的研究中取 得了较多较好的成果。但是, 迄今为止对代际关系问题的研究, 至少有两个问题是值得注意的:第一, 也许是由于上述学科的性质所决定, 上述学科仅仅将在场各代之间的关系纳入自 己的研究视阂, 而没有涉及在场各代与已经退场特别是尚未进场的各代之间的关 系。而在现代社会,在场各代与尚未出场的人类后代之间的关系,已经成为了一 个越来越突出的问题。 第二, 社会代际关系当然包含着代际之间的伦理价值关系

4、, 因此应该从代际的视角对社会代际关系进行伦理价值的审视和分析。本文就是试图从纵向的、动态的和历时的视角,以在场各代之间的关系以及 在场各代与已经退场的前代特别是与尚未出场的后代之间的关系为研究视阂, 对 在现代社会中日益凸现的蕴涵于社会代际关系中的伦理价值问题作一尝试性的 探讨。对社会代际关系的这种伦理价值分析视角,就是一种“代际伦理价值”的 分析视角。关键词:代沟代际差异价值观亚文化楷模文化多元文化IAbstractAre accompanied by a generation gap problem of the creation of human existence is a basi

5、c human society the relationship between the structure of society are the organic components. However, both are in terms of its biological significance , or to learn from the cultural sense , the traditional society there is no question of a generation gap as a “problem“ exists, which is always “hid

6、den“ status by economic relations, political relations, cultural relations and class relations are obscured. However, access to modern society, especially since the mid-20th century, human beings have taken place in the phenomenon of the generation gap has never been significant changes, the main ma

7、nifestation is: on the cultural significance of the “on behalf of groups“ gradually formed and more and more clear, the gradually formed on behalf of the “on behalf of the Community of“ consciousness, “on behalf of the Community“ members have a relatively consistent demand for benefits, values and w

8、ay of life, as read and, therefore, with the other “on behalf of the Community“ to distinguish between. In this way, by substituting posed by inter-generational relations for the society highlights the start of the “dominant“ relationship. Since then, the society how to deal with inter-generational

9、relations in modern society has gradually become an important theoretical and practical issue. Objective of these changes on society has led to benefits and social values start at intergenerational happen differentiation and integration, and increasingly becoming the communitys overall interests and

10、 the community as a whole the values of differentiation and integration of important aspects and essential performance. To cope with the social relations between the above-mentioned inter-generational changes, since the early 20th century, especially since the mid-20th century, the foreign related d

11、isciplines from their point of view of social inter-generational relations to examine and research. These include young people learn discipline, sociology, cultural anthropology, economics, as well as home study certain subjects. In China, the study of inter-generational relations since the 20th cen

12、tury until the 80s, although some subjects covered to a greater or lesser extent inter-generational relations problem, but it is mainly focused on the study ofsociology and youth. It can be said that these disciplines at inter-generational relationships of social studies has been made more and bette

13、r results.There are worth noting: First, perhaps because of the above-mentioned subjects are nature, the above-mentioned disciplines will be the presence of only the relationship between generations into its own research as the threshold, and does not involve the presence of different generations an

14、d have been out in particular that have not yet come in the relationship between generations. In modern society, the presence of different generations and have not been out of the relationship between the human offspring has become an increasingly prominent problem. Secondly, inter-generational rela

15、tions society of course, includes inter-generational relationship between the ethical values. Therefore should be inter-generational perspective on the relationship between social inter-generational ethical values of the examination and analysis.This article is an attempt from the vertical, dynamic and diachronic perspective in order to present the relationship between generations, as well as the presence of different generations and have been out of the previous generation in particular are not yet out of the relationship between the offspring for



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