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《 种控制坏脾气的有效方法》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《 种控制坏脾气的有效方法(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7 种控制坏脾气的有效方法种控制坏脾气的有效方法7 Effective Ways to Control a Bad Temper1.Take a timeout.多给自己留点时间多给自己留点时间If you feel your temper slowly rising, remove yourself from the situation completely. Take a deep breath and count slowly to 10. This method often calms people down and stops them from reacting in an irr

2、ational manner.如果你觉得自己的脾气在慢慢暴涨,想让自己完完全全从那样的状况中解脱出来。深呼吸, 慢慢数到 10.这种方法通常能让人平静下来,避免做出不理智的行为。2.Dont carry your temper.不要让脾气爆发不要让脾气爆发If you dislike your job, go to the gym or to the library before you go home from work. Take a little bit of time to let the anger pass so that the rest of your day isnt clo

3、uded by it.如果你不喜欢你的工作,那就在下班回家之前去体育馆或者图书馆。花一点时间让自己不 生气,这样剩下的时光也会变得明朗。3. Practice relaxation techniques.联系一些放松技巧联系一些放松技巧When you become angry, try visualizing a place where you feel happy and calm. Take deep breaths, and repeat a word or phrase in your mind as you envision the place. Continue repeatin

4、g the phrase and visualizing the place until you feel like you have control over your anger.当你很生气的时候,尝试着想象出一些能让你开心、平静地情景。做做深呼吸,当你沉浸 在想象的世界中的时候在心里重复一些话语。连续着重复这些话语,想象着这样一些会让 你开心的地方,直到你感觉自己已经能控制好自己的脾气。4.Take a walk.散散步散散步Exercise in itself can be a great stress reliever, as your body releases endorphin

5、s as you walk. Remove yourself from the situation that has aggravated you, take a walk and get the chance to clear your mind and gain new perspectives. When you feel ready to deal with the situation, walk back with a clear head.锻炼本身就是一种很放松的方式,因为当你的身体在你走路的时候会释放出激素。让自己 走出那样的情况会让你更生气,让自己走走,给自己一个机会去理清自己

6、的想法,获得新 的观点。当你感觉自己准备好处理这样的情况了,就能头脑清醒的走回来。5.Take a class you enjoy.参加你喜欢的课程参加你喜欢的课程Try joining a class where you will have the opportunity to vent and express your anger through a different method. Dance, running classes are all great ways to let go of tension in a relaxed and happy environment.试着去参加

7、一个课程,让你自己有机会通过不同的方式去宣泄,表达你的愤怒。跳舞,跑 步课都是一些很好的方式在愉快的环境中放松。6.Think of a funny memory.回想一些有趣的记忆回想一些有趣的记忆When you feel your temper rising over something small, think of a funny memory you have with your family or friends. Remind yourself that this is temporary, and it wont matter in a few hours.当你感觉自己因为一些小事想生气的时候,就想想你和家人或朋友之间的有趣回忆。提醒 自己这些都是暂时的,几小时之后就没事了。7.Smile.微笑微笑When your temper has flared, the last thing most people want to do is smile. However, smiling lowers your bodys stress response.当你感觉自己生气的时候,大部分人最不想做的事就是微笑。但是,微笑会帮助降低你身 体的压力反应。



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