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1、 育明教育官网育明教育官网 北大、人大、中财、北外北大、人大、中财、北外 、中传教授创办、中传教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班 育明教育育明教育- -东南东南大学大学翻译硕士最权威翻译硕士最权威考研辅导机构考研辅导机构 20201111 年真题年真题(原题)(原题) 英语翻译基础英语翻译基础 共 150 分 一、英译汉(80%) 【育明教育注释】大约 490 词 都不难 没什么生单词 Israelis and Palestinians blu-ray copy were closely watching next months US midterm ra

2、ce amid a sense rarely discussed openly but very much on peoples minds that the result could affect the US-led peace effort,App Makers Take Interest in Android, and US President Barack Obamas ability to coax concessions from Israel. Animating the discussion is the startling fact that the United Stat

3、es has failed,Your SF Giants: Knuckleheads who win, despite emphatic public appeals by Obama and weeks of increasingly frustrating diplomacy, to persuade Israel to extend the settlement-building slowdown that expired on September 26. he Palestinians are now hoping that Obama has reacted mildly to Is

4、raels rejection because of political considerations ahead of the November 2 vote and might be freer to apply pressure after the elections. “We think that if President Obama emerges strong from this election, then this will enable him to work more on foreign policy,“ Palestinian Authority negotiator

5、Nabil Shaath told The Associated Press. “If he and his party lose in the elections,video converter, then this will limit his ability to pressure and actively engage in foreign policy. This is the problem.“ Although Israeli officials avoid discussing the topic publicly for fear of alienating its most

6、 important ally, there is a foreboding sense in Israel that punishment is on the way especially if Obama emerges unscathed. Nahum Barnea, a respected and blu-ray copy widely-read columnist, put it this way in Fridays Yediot Ahronot: “The problem is the disgust and rage that the Israeli refusal spark

7、ed in the administration a rage that is being suppressed at the moment, but which will erupt in full force on November 3, after the elections to Congress. The Americans are seeking the logic behind the refusal . and are finding nothing.“ But if recent polls are proved accurate and Republicans take o

8、ne or both houses of Congress, a chastened 育明教育官网育明教育官网 北大、人大、中财、北外北大、人大、中财、北外 、中传教授创办、中传教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班 president might be too busy or weakened to pressure Jerusalem much, the thinking goes. If Congress tilts Republican it could have a “positive impact“ on Israeli concerns, one

9、 adviser to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told The AP an allusion to avoiding pressure for concessions. With the Democrats weakened, Israels friends in Congress both Democrat and Republican “would be able to have a stronger voice if the administration should embark on a policy that is less favor

10、able to Israel,“ he added. US foreign policy is set by the White House, not Congress. But Congress can influence it in the course of the day-to-day political horse trading that goes on between the executive and legislative branches. For example, when Republicans controlled the House of Representativ

11、es during Netanyahus first term in the late 1990s, the prime minister was able to marshal the support of the partys conservative wing in a face-off with then US President Bill Clinton over stepped-up settlement construction and Israeli troop pullbacks in the West Bank. Traditionally, both branches b

12、lu-ray copy have been bastions of support for Israel no matter which party is in charge. But conservative Republican legislators tend to be less critical of Israels contentious settlement policy and more hawkish and therefore supportive on the security issues that are uppermost in Israels mind. 2014

13、2014 年年翻译硕士翻译硕士视频课程视频课程+ +近三年真题近三年真题+ +笔记笔记+ +公共课阅卷人一对一指导公共课阅卷人一对一指导=2500=2500元元 7 7 月月 1 1 日前报名,日前报名,8 8 折优惠!折优惠!8 8 月月 1 1 日前日前 9 9 折优惠!折优惠! 北大、北外、北师、首师大北大、北外、北师、首师大教授教授领衔辅导!领衔辅导! 育明教育官网育明教育官网 北大、人大、中财、北外北大、人大、中财、北外 、中传教授创办、中传教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班 20132013 年包揽北大、年包揽北大、贸大贸大、苏大苏大、川外川外

14、、北外、北外、南大南大、西外翻译硕士西外翻译硕士考研状元!考研状元! 育明学员马林同学育明学员马林同学 2014 年育明教育推荐翻译硕士参考书年育明教育推荐翻译硕士参考书 说明:除了各个高校自己指定的参考书,以下参考说明:除了各个高校自己指定的参考书,以下参考 书是实践中证明非常棒的参考书。书是实践中证明非常棒的参考书。其实,尤其是翻其实,尤其是翻 译方面,也没有什么具体的数目,即使院校指定的译方面,也没有什么具体的数目,即使院校指定的 也不一定就有帮助。所以大家还是以提升基本功为也不一定就有帮助。所以大家还是以提升基本功为 目的。目的。 1 1- -英译中国现代散文选张培基(三册中至少一册)英译中国现代散文选张培基(三册中至少一册) 育明教育官网育明教育官网 北大、人大、中财、北外北大、人大、中财、北外 、中传教授创办、中传教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班 非常经典,练基本功非它非常经典,练基本功非它莫属莫属 。 2 2- -高级翻译理论与实践叶子南高级翻译理论与实践叶子南 汉译英的经典之作,体裁实用,读来作者亲授一般汉译英的经典之作,体裁实用,读来作者亲授一般 3 3- -翻译硕士常考


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