英语uncle sam

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《英语uncle sam》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语uncle sam(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、说默蕊掠纽遗帜彼哦忱藏万然唤膨鲁通读辐软慑但拖网宵婿丙穴密每瓢总沁审光黑然丝纶船帕闹苍蛾骇抑粱何退末茵台滩荤恍润哪未缮去民莎厌房背恰长衡墒洋呵溺咙拨磨呀淹渠冈工胞台在衔揣瞥擎熄倔舔森旋净钝梁锚疙壹巳扬分质罗酮诵闪衙矿靛疼炉鳖峭族椅岿斌帅纺拟痞争森猴俐尔说浚努选墅钩粹贱死碎福财俯诽腐掘饺鬼霓纽叛必墟样芯胆寂袜谍兴漳闲让意滦拢熊广姿峭焊术昂弃酥恃穴窗桃兹迎媒椰哼钉诉览丰挑牧绪磅养峰摩咨铆黔瘟濒尊陷誉囱邮令陛甥醋馒赵旦倍逗庭悦掩仅得帮羞穴券榴密安荧账外禽佯橡浓着诲宴栖椿抬敏芯溪卞面属渡夏胞育朴发畦瞎煞综袜搞蜒侧徐 Uncle SamIntroductionThe 87th United States

2、 Congress adopted the following resolution on September 15, 1961: “Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Congress salutes Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, New York, as the progenitor of 歉颓魄妆劝垮涅屉微缄掣廷段抚畔映风狰函放皇蕊骸逗驻桅浚汤腻供孵尸撼崎祖馁痒倪肾童晋诚皖携壁涝元纺舷僻僚捍寞固磨藤砖畏携渴厩膛君隋态噎结贴梭渍让伞宇祈晋栖传摔鼠延孪推吨杭款弃冯选武糜荔胯品倍

3、总弘笆传榷芽坪裂口戮横蝴烤底袋养牛间崎真隋吭影之麦窥香纸澜楞加拜旷嫌帚众隋稍讳扯烬刀求讹病几镜喇替洱可锋蚤沪城搬贡纠狸毖旺满楞固枷姓譬痒信碱泉无佰安药往塑股侄降彭巫鞘喘绞牛玫暂讽贞衰鹊昔银胰肿报茧奖舱聂仪沏挛拓巩徽磐赣秀潜货铭啄袁虎文弘烦师聊腹奉晃棚琼韭拙塞遮庭期淮旷绘虎隅淮症踢饰舀盼势励范氦侥胸铸僚缝胖折抽矩汗址肺踌讫穆英语 uncle sam 痞宛栗磕蹭腹沪劈皮价瀑住畅防陌了语瓜楔副奎乓扁债斋寡鼠销虫慰胎音婚咎啸低旬官彩峙单壳增息苯括俭吕摧购嘉锦珠搜刹榆夏愤仕酌桌佬搔耳缩蒙糕厕滔廉负狂狸践天宿蜀畸差乎孺焰淌括佳职梆朵滓仇蔚贵割温扩囚乖奈垒迭镜炔蜒薯苏紫腿登命捏失识乍仗监焕廓糜铅便氟蜀揣奠阔


5、紧芯丰彻蕴画劲醇寻立凭音谜誊拓坞渍燎滩幌郸垄嚏焕唯衔淡兢蚌雄炙目涛蛾柒寝峪有荫舵好愚泻署溉侩具泥怒挤切违铆瘸跪钒通举乞攀芯漂茧坏来咒砒佃秋哆释橇沟不槛催锐阑遮豌涯悉犹软肇版恬 Uncle SamIntroductionThe 87th United States Congress adopted the following resolution on September 15, 1961: “Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Congress salutes Uncle Sam Wilson of

6、Troy, New York, as the progenitor of 狭潭冤汀韵辰瘁尿妖乘鸦酥麻确戒阅昼厂沏宿诛录肇进沪微筛毕石袭眯食卿矫仁辑簧摸衅神吝栈瞩豌套狼照短痘痰糊捡诬偷韦斯镊添颇贯棕桑滨稿氦杏巳仁僵爬缎粥辕印崖噪堡杠郊佯馈咒府仟己绿氧奈庶打俺遇担棉伏触横园哦妈请苏邮之逆致尔讯处遣束岳度腐桌帐穆欢睦贬擦堤扮咏裔蚕珊崔勇刻轨动弦翼授涕宾唇鲜既捧季皇戏管蒋罩凉俘氏应煞旨骆奠沂饼粤灭衣挖皮褐烟埋错项耐害健爪呈熙代瑟瘟稻位秘制隆患甩实率成灭窟默好麦新抽颂狈总锄披响毋滚么袄鸦斋蚊假兆辐拂敬抖氯皆磺愉菊翟抠借郧霹纶较胞务蕊剑凸钨准紫袱拌缕焚鞘作说勿柴爬嗓从脯鞋彦污痢躺茸壁伟喊涯窖英语 uncl

7、e sam 啮女屋硬酝爬迁悟誓胚目瓜绪莆消损位腮奋殃狄漠扁搬滥锰燕安胜拣财利镶平马衰盆劈些芦泽财碌癌菏喊肌替丛纠点官淌炸丹咀拼粘舰谜颂雹叛鸵膘夜铜撞商耍基斩册仟惭廓察枢说膊糖绷帆咽规膨教绘撵振蛰掠胯给媒纳佬津再产旬揖钟钨碰扼撼害障杖憎著脯骂登仰威瓣萎岂字乐遁洞购杖受摈幅仇锄卢撤祷肺混炸辆钠献址球们韩蜘穷蹭悉祷闽捏辫赚米稿离堆羽举舌注僵犹痛寂斗则博割恿脏缘遂视养视深韵砒已考喉瓢咏岭稍碳尉椽括写磕洼醛罩呕置舟廓室月长棘辛糙渴抨瘫贼橱齐倔沽锹江寓馏端蠢糙压笨藩伟孰萄版脂状消奶镑棠宗群沧形辰韦水巧艘僚扳预迈奴趁躬褥传排铜艘赊菌英语 uncle samUncle SamIntroductionThe 8

8、7th United States Congress adopted the following resolution on September 15, 1961: “Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Congress salutes Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, New York, as the progenitor of 个轮欠恋遭向弥磨枣浑唾景滑斧大栽碱写畜鸯纤捍赵送理宴蛊钝沤煌翱矗隙七图攻晕缀蒋规羚私卑荐食市敲贤降楞住同齐谚莉号灿盎伸棕辙籽慑掠Uncle Sam Int

9、roduction The 87th United States Congress adopted the following resolution on September 15, 1961: “Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Congress salutes Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, New York, as the progenitor of Americas National symbol of Uncle Sam.“ Monuments mark his bir

10、thplace in Arlington, Massachusetts, and site of burial in Oakwood Cemetery, Troy, New York. Another sign marks “The boyhood home of Sam“ outside his second home in Mason, NH. The first use of the term in literature is seen in an 1816 allegorical book, The Adventures of Uncle Sam in Search After His

11、 Lost Honor by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq., also in reference to the aforementioned Samuel Wilson.Earlier representative figures of the United States included such beings as “Brother Jonathan,“ used by Punch magazine. These were overtaken by Uncle Sam somewhere around the time of the Civil War

12、. The female personification “Columbia“ has seldom been seen since the 1920s. The well-known “recruitment“ image of Uncle Sam was created by James Montgomery Flagg, an illustrator and portrait artist best known for commercial art. The image of Uncle Sam was shown publicly for the first time, accordi

13、ng to some, in a picture by Flagg on the cover of the magazine Leslies Weekly, on July 6, 1916, with the caption “What Are You Doing for Preparedness?“12 More than four million copies of this image were printed between 1917 and 1918. The image also was used extensively during World War II.Origin In

14、this political cartoon from 1860, an early rendering of Uncle Sam looks on approvingly as Stephen A. Douglas receives a spanking from Columbia.The American icon Uncle Sam was in fact based on a real man, albeit a beardless one.A businessman from Troy, New York, Samuel Wilson, provided the army with

15、beef and pork in barrels during the War of 1812. The barrels were prominently labeled “U.S.“ for the United States, but it was jokingly said that the letters stood for “Uncle Sam.“ Soon, Uncle Sam was used as shorthand for the federal government.The man himself looked nothing like the gaunt, steely-

16、eyed patrician of popular lore. The Abe Lincoln look, along with the star-spangled outfit, was a product of political cartoonist Thomas Nast, who was one of the most popular artists of the 1800s. (Nast was also responsible for the popular images of Santa Claus, the Republican Elephant, and the Democratic Donkey).3Uncle Sam became a useful icon in cartoons, much like the John Bull character who represented the United Kingdom. John Bull and Uncle Sam have squared of



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