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1、 新生入学教育是整个大学阶段教育的起点。对于大学生本身而言,入学教育阶段是他们 人生新的起跑线,谁能更早地适应大学生活并确立自己奋斗的目标,谁就能在成功成才的 道路上取得先机。对于学校来说,新一届学生入学教育的成败则会在很大程度上影响到学 校的学风和校风,从而影响到学校的整体育人环境。 所以,切实做好新生入学教育工作, 意义非常重大。Freshmen education is the starting point of the school education. For the college students themselves, school education stage is the

2、ir new starting line in life, who can adapt to college life earlier and establish their goal, who can be on the way to success success achieved. For school, the new students education will largely affect the success or failure of school study style and school spirit, thus affect the schools educatio

3、nal environment as a whole. So, to do a good job of freshmen entrance education, is significant. 1 入学教育的内容1 the content of the entrance education 入学教育作为教育主体的学校对新生进行的一种有计划、有目的的教育活动,主要是 帮助大学新生尽快适应新的环境,引导他们学会学习、学会做人和与人相处,确立奋斗目 标,树立科学的价值观与人生观,为大学的学习与生活铺平道路。实践表明,成功的入学 教育往往能使学生终身难忘并终身受益。所以,入学教育内容的选择至关重要,应

4、该根据 教育内容的轻重缓急,合理安排入学教育的时间和形式,帮助他们尽快进入角色,适应大 学生活。Entrance education for new students as the main body of education school of the education of a planned and purposeful activities, mainly is to help the freshmen to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible, guides them to learn to learn, learnin

5、g life and getting along with people, to establish goals, set up scientific values and outlook on life, paving the way for university study and life. Practice shows that the successful entrance education can benefit students lifetime and lifetime. So, the choice of the entrance education content is

6、important, should according to the priorities of the education content, reasonable arrangement of time and form of the entrance education and help them as soon as possible into the role, to adapt to college life. 1.1 校史校情和学校文化。1.1 history school and school culture. 在新生入学教育中首先要安排校史校情教育。一个学校的历史和传统精神、学

7、术文化 氛围和杰出校友,都会对刚跨入大学校门的新生产生不可估量的影响。新生刚刚结束高中 生活进入新的环境,心中对未来充满了无限的憧憬,期待获得一个满意的答案,校史校情 能为他们提供很好的参考借鉴,要充分发挥校史校情教育的导向功能,培养新生对学校的 认同感。进行校史校情教育,最突出的特点是可见性强,易于激发学生的情感,易于被学 生接受。加强新生的校史校情教育,才能使新生理解学校发展的规划,认真执行学校的各 项规章制度,维护学校的良好形象,从而形成良好的学风与校风。http:/ http:/ http:/ In the freshmen entrance education must first

8、arrange school history education. A school of history and traditional spiritual culture, academic and distinguished alumni, for freshmen entering university will immeasurable influence. Freshman just finished high school life in a new environment, in the heart is full of infinite vision for the futu

9、re, looking forward to get a satisfactory answer, school history can provide a good reference for them, to give full play to school history education guidance function, training new identity to the school. In school education, school history the most outstanding characteristic is visibility is stron

10、g, easy to stimulate students emotion, easily accepted by students. Reinforce the history of school education, can make the students understand the school development planning, earnestly implementing the school each rules and regulations, maintain the good image of the school, to form a good style o

11、f study and school spirit. 学校文化教育在入学教育中的地位也是非常重要的。文化部孙家正部长说过:“文化 如水,滋润万物,悄然无声。 ”一个学校的学校文化是经过长期的积累和演变才能形成的, 对于学校的成员尤其是学生的影响更大,它规范和引导着学生的思想和行为。一般认为, 学校文化包括四个层次的内容:即物质文化、制度文化、精神文化、行为文化。学校文化 通过潜移默化的方式影响着大学生的价值选择、思维方式、道德情感、行为习惯等。对于 处在新起点上的人格特点趋于稳定的大学新生来说,学校文化对其人格培养的影响更为深 远。The status of school culture ed

12、ucation in school education is very important. Minister of culture sun jiazheng said: “the culture like water, moist all things, silent.“ A school of school culture is through long-term accumulation and evolution to form, to members of the school especially students influence is bigger, it standardi

13、ze and guide the students thought and behavior. It is generally believed that includes four levels: the content of the school culture is the material culture, system culture, spirit culture, behavior culture. School culture affect the value choice of college students through subtle way, way of think

14、ing, moral emotion, behavior, habits, etc. That is in the new starting point for the students personality characteristics tend to be stable, school culture more profound influence on their personality cultivation. 1.2 安全教育与文明礼仪教育。1.2 safety education and civilization etiquette education. 新生从不同的地方来到一

15、个新的陌生的环境,进行常规的安全教育必不可少。一是提 高大学新生安全意识和防范能力。大学新生思想比较单纯,缺乏社会经验,自我安全防范 意识不够。一旦发生钱物被偷、被骗、被抢的情况,不仅给学生带来一定的经济损失,更 对学生的身心健康造成恶劣影响。在入学教育过程中可以邀请片区民警从校园及周边的治 安、交通安全和防盗、防骗、防抢等方面的知识为新生开设讲座,及时的使广大学生提高 警惕,掌握必要的安全知识,起到预防犯罪,保护自身及财物安全的作用。二是对大学新 生进行法纪教育。一方面可以聘请法律工作者进行法律教育,法律工作者更加熟悉法律条 款,讲解会更加清楚和有说服力,大学新生会更愿意听他们的专题讲座;另

16、一方面可以安 排校内资深管理者进行纪律教育和自律教育,这不仅出于资深管理者更易受到大学新生的http:/ http:/ http:/ 尊敬,而且,资深管理者更加熟悉校纪校规条款,了解大学生的心理状况,能明确告诉他 们哪些是不可以做的,告诉他们违纪的危害性,防患于未然。三是在入学教育中进行性教 育。性教育是一个国家文明、素质提高的表现,性教育应是不容忽视的人生必修课。大学 生正是青春期,倘若没有正确的教育与辅导,很有可能产生严重的后果。Freshmen from different places come to a new environment, and conduct regular safety education is indispensable. One is to improve th



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