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1、七彩教育网 http:/七彩教育网 全国最新初中、高中试卷、课件、教案免费下载2008200820082008学年第一学期杭州地区七县市高三期中联考英语试卷学年第一学期杭州地区七县市高三期中联考英语试卷学年第一学期杭州地区七县市高三期中联考英语试卷学年第一学期杭州地区七县市高三期中联考英语试卷命题:萧山中学第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,40 分)第一节第一节 单项填空单项填空(共共 20202020 题,题,20202020 分分)从从 A A A A,B B B B,C C C C,D D D D 中选出最佳选项。中选出最佳选项。 错误错误(7(7(7(78 8 8 8 9)9)9)9) 1

2、The monkey seemed to enjoywith children in the safari parkAhaving phototgraphedBbeing photographed Cto be photographedDphotographed 2一 It is certain that Alice will win the competition一 I agreeShefor it for nearly two months Awas preparingBhad been preparing Cis preparingDhas been preparing3Such thi

3、ngsyou described in the report seldom happen now AasBwhoCthatDwhich 4The photo brought back the memory of the days in Hangzhou,he was looked afterattentively by the peasant AthatBwhenCwhatDwhich 5puzzled the police especially wasthe murderer was killedAWhat;howBThat;whyCWhich;whenDWhat;who 6Every ye

4、ar the students in the school are encouraged to grow more trees to prevent soil erosion the environment better than beforeAto makeBfrom makingCbeing madeDto making 7three times,but she still couldnt follow what the old man said AHaving toldBHaving been toldCShe had been toldDThough he had been told

5、8We waited until the noise of the busso we were able to listen to the program again Adied downBdied outCdied awayDdied off9一 Did he say something in the lecture thatyou? 一 Not reall,Actually I felt sleepy over his speech Aadjusted toBattached toCreferred toDappealed to10Youd better not speak of it a

6、t the beginning of the story, otherwise it maythe surprising ending Agive awayBgive upCgive outDgive off11Because of the heavy snow in Sichuan,the flight to Chengdu had beenandagood many passengers remained in the hall Agiven offBstarted offCcalled offDcut offl 2Tomfriendship and experience from the

7、 local residents,working with them for 3 years AearnedBwonCgainedDmade 13Most film directors can haveaproperto publicopinions on their filmsAreactionBroleCimaginationDidea 14The big earthquake destroyed 70of the houses bringing them AinaruinBin the ruin,Cin the ruinsDin ruins七彩教育网 http:/七彩教育网 全国最新初中

8、、高中试卷、课件、教案免费下载l 5On your way to NewYorkWilliam will keep youif you dont want to be lonely AcompanyBcompanionCsafetyDfriend1 6Einstein liked Boses theory so much that hehis own work and translated it into German Atook overBturned downCsent offDset aside1 7Native Americansabout seven percent of the C

9、alifornia population: Afill upBbring upCmake upDset up l 8一 Mom, guess what? Ive won the 1stprize!一 Thisacelebration! Letsgo to prepareaparty Ahelps outBworks outCcalls forDpays for 19Since the summary has been made,we shallthe detailsA1ookup toBget down toCcome up withDend up with 20“One World One

10、Dreamfullythe universal values of the Olympic spiritUnity, Friendship,Progress,Harmony, Participation and DreamAraisesBreflectsCunderstandsDannounces 第二节完型填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,并从 21-40 各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。One summer evening Simon was sitting by the window, readingagood but rather21my

11、stery storyAfteratime it became22darkforhim to read,so he put his book down and got up to turn on the lightHe was just about to draw the curtain23he heardaloudcryofHelp!Help!” Itseemed to come from the trees at the end of the gardenHe looked out,24it was now too dark to see 25clearlyAlmost immediate

12、ly Simon heard the26againIt sounded likeachild who might have climbedatree and could not get downHe decided,27he ought to go out and havealookinthe garden justincase someone was28He took the torch which he keptforgoing down into the cellar, where29was no electric light,and picked upastrong walking s

13、tickSimon went on into the gardenOnce again he heard thecryThere was30that it came from the trees“Whoisthere?” He called out as he walked,rather 31,down the path leading to the treesBut there was no answerWith the help of the torch he32 all that part of the33and the lower branches of the treesThere

14、was no sign of anybody34anythingSimon came to the conclusion that someone was35arather silly joke on him Still36rather puzzled,Simon went back to the house and put away the torch and the stickHe had just sat down and37to readmybook again when he was surprised by thecryof“Help! Help!”,this time it wa

15、s from38behind his shoulderHe dropped his39and jumped upTheresitting on the top of themantel(壁炉台),40alarge green and red birdIt was a parrot21AfrightfulBfrightenedCfrightenDfright 22AtooBsoCveryDquite 23AasBwhileCthenDwhen24AthereforeBforCevenDbut 25AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything 26AwhistleBsoundsCcryDnoise27AhoweverBbutCyetDstill 28Ain atroubleBin the wayCintroubleDinaway 29AthereBthisCitDthat七彩教育网 http:/七彩教育网 全国最新初中、高中试卷、课件、教案免费下载30Ano ideaBno questionsCno wayDno doubt 31AangrilyBexcitedlyCunhappilyDnervously32Asearchedf



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