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1、比较状语从句:状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。比较状语从句是其中的一种, 主要运用于形容词和副词的原级、比较级及最高级的句子之中。原级: asas(和一样),not so(as)as (和不一样);比较级: morethan(更);最高级:The mostin/of, the + 形容词+estof/in。 常用引导词:as(同级比较),than(不同程度的比较);特殊引导词:the more the more ;just as , so;A is to B what /as X is to Y; no more than;not A so much as B。比比较较状状语语从从

2、句句 通常由 as 或 than 引起,这类从句和大多数状语从句不同, 它们不修饰动词,而是 修饰 as,so,less,more 等副词,或其他 比较级 的词,如 taller, harder在这里讨论它们,不是作为动词修饰语,而是 作为一种状语从句。包含这类从句的句子通常为L,即从句在后: She is as tall as I(or me) He works as hard as his brother(does) He does not work as hard as his brother He does not work so hard as his brother No othe

3、r men work as(or so) hard as his brother (does) No other men work as hard as does his brother She is taller than I(or me) She is taller this year than(she was tall)last year She is more shy than unsocial She thinks more about her appearance than(she thinks about) her personality She finds it easier

4、to read than to write She is not taller than I(Both are tall) She is no taller than I(Both are short) 注意这两句话的 区别。I cannot persuade him any more than your persuade a pillar(= I am unable to persuade him,just as you are unable to persuade a pillar) I can forget her no more than she(forgets)me Nothing

5、is more dangerous than that you (should) make friends with him I will help you rather than that you(should)have any trouble rather than 而不是It is better that we should die rather than that we(should)be slaves (prefer to do rather than do,喜欢做什么而不喜欢做什么 I prefer to walk rather than sit. 我宁愿走,也不坐着。 )He i

6、s only less silly than(= almost as silly as)John Than him nobody is more clever(= He is the cleverest man)(than 在这里的作用更接近介词) Than this there are no better places(This is the best place) I know John,than whom I have never seen a sillier man 比较状语从句 (adverbial clause of comparison)从某种角度上说, 它也是一种方式状语从句

7、,它通常可和以下关联词来引导 as(或 so).as, than, according as, in proportion as 等。如: a as s. . . .a as s. . . . He woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep. 他醒来得和入 睡一样突然。 (第一个 as 是副词) I have never seen so much rain as fell that February. 我从未 见过像那个二月那么多雨。 (否定结构常用 soas, 也可用 as. as) t th ha an n Man developed earl

8、ier than people think. 人类的出现比人们所想 的要早。 He moves more slowly than his sister does. 他行动起来比他妹妹 慢。 The youth of today are better off than we used to be. 今天的年轻人比我们过去的境况要好。 a ac cc co or rd di in ng g a as s You may go or stay, according as you decide. 是去是留由你自己 决定。 You will be praised or blamed according

9、as your work is good or bad. 你受表扬还是责备得看你的工作好坏决定。 i in n p pr ro op po or rt ti io on n a as s Men are happy in proportion as they are virtuous. 人之幸福与 德行成正比。 Some people are happy in proportion as they are noticed. 有些 人越受到注意就越高兴。 T Th he e m mo os st ti in n/ /o of f This book is the most interesting

10、 of the three.这本书是三本中 最有趣的。 t th he e + + 形形容容词词+ +e es st to of f/ /i in n This road is the busiest street in our city. 这条路是我们城市 最繁忙的街道。 n no o m mo or re e t th ha an n 只只不不过过( (嫌嫌少少的的意意思思 ) ) I have no more than two pens.我只有两支笔。 Its no more than a mile to the shops.去商店不过一英里。 n no ot t m mo or re

11、e t th ha an n 不不如如。; ( (前前者者不不如如后后者者 ) ) Jack is not more diligent than John.捷克不如约翰勤奋。 o on ne e o of f t th he e + + 名名词词( (复复数数) ). .之之一一( (用用于于最最高高级级 ) ) Han Mei is one of the best students in our school. 韩梅是我们 学校最好的学生之一。 练习题:1. 他爱读书而不爱去参加宴会。2. 他在这儿住的时间比我长。 3. 我希望她将取得和你同样的进步。4. 他的朋友比他多。5. 乡下的空气比城市的新鲜。6. 他们和我们一样幸运。7. 她跑得像男孩一样快。8. 英语听得越多就越容易。9. 工作越努力,取得的进步就越大。


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