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1、_ 以以 生生 命命 激激 情情 学学 习习 以以 科科 学学 方方 法法 学学 习习12012 年高三英语教学质量抽测试卷(长宁二模)年高三英语教学质量抽测试卷(长宁二模)II.Grammar and Vocabulary Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. Many young people say that they

2、want to be more independent, but sometimes they use this as an excuse _ irresponsible behavior. A.by B.to C.in D.for26. Frankly speaking, _ of them knew what the other was doing in the morning that day.A.none B.neither C.some D.all27. The bread you bought at the supermarket today was at least _ the

3、bread you bought in the nearby bakery yesterday.A. as worse as B.as better than C.no worse than D.not better as28.When the victims of the earthquake went back home, the repair of their damaged houses _.A.has yet completed B.has been completed yetC.had already completed D.had already been completed29

4、. He started the work quite early this morning. By now he _ it, but he is still working on it.A.should finish B.should have finished C.could finish D.must have finished30. It is not alwayss easy for the public to see _ use a new invention can be of to human life.A.whose B.what C.which D.that31.Alexa

5、nder said that he would found an institution _ any person could receive instruction in any study.A.where B.which C.that D.how32. Tom admitted _ the document in the morning without getting his managers permission.A.read B.being read C.to read D.having read33. _ difficulties we may come across in carr

6、ying out this plan, well work together to overcome them. A.However B.Wherever C.Whatever D.No matter34. Evidence came up _ specific speech sounds were recognized by infants as young as two months old._ 以以 生生 命命 激激 情情 学学 习习 以以 科科 学学 方方 法法 学学 习习2A.what B.which C.that D.whose35. Its not important wheth

7、er you win or not. What really matters is _ you play the game.A.what B.how C.who D.that36. Only under special circumstances _ to use the fire hose, otherwise they will be punished.A.are people permitted B.people are permitted C.people permitted D.did people permit37. Youll find the hot issue that Da

8、 Vinci Furniture Co., Ltd sold fraud furniture _ all over China.A. talk about B.to talk about C.talking about D. talked about38. What a fantastic view it is! We see millions of golden rape flowers, rows of houses and smoke _ from behind them. A.rose B.to rise C.rising D.risen39. A disabled boy beggi

9、ng on the street was reported _ by a car, but the driver fled instead of sending him to hospital.A.being hit B.to be hit C.having been hit D.to have been hit40. My grandparents have developed a habit of taking a walk after dinner every day _ it rains.A.in time of B.whenever C.except when D.despiteSe

10、ction B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.tragedy B.ceasing C.applies D.endure E.invaluable F.opportunity G.brilliant H.promises I.inconvenience J.emergingFrom the golden-tipped

11、fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of green Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would pay attention. In more recent times, this truth has been expressed as: April showers bring May flowers. This is a truth that _41_ light bursting from darkness, strength born

12、from weakness and if one dares to believe, life _42_from death. Farmers all over the world know the importance of the seasons. They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest. Everything must be in its own time. Although the rain pours down without stop, _43_all outdoor activities,

13、 the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. Despite the _44_, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. The showers in April give rise to the glorious flowers in May. But this ancient truth _45_ to more than the crops of the fields. It is a(n) _46_ _ 以以 生生 命命 激激 情情 学学 习习 以以 科科 学学 方方 法法 学学 习习3message of hope to all who experience _47_ in life. A dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship with another. A lost job here can provide the _48_


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