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1、You see how its done?Yeah, I think I got the hang of it.You better. The boss will chew my head offif these cores get messed upDont worry.Were at 26 feet.You let Jason operate the drill?Yeah, he can handle it.I didnt do anything.Give me your hand!Let go of the drill!Forget it, Jack! Its too late!Your

2、e not gonna make it!Jack!Jack! Give me your hand!Ive got you!What were you thinking?Whats happening?The whole damn shelf is breaking off!Thats whats happening!We found evidence of a cataclysmic climateshift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.The concentration of these naturalgreenhouse gases in the ic

3、e cores.indicates that runaway warmingpushed Earth into an ice age.which lasted two centuries.Im confused.I thought you were talking aboutglobal warming, not an ice age.Yes, it is a paradox, but global warming cantrigger a cooling trend. Let me explain.The Northern Hemisphere owes its climateto the

4、North Atlantic Current.Heat from the sun arrives at the equatorand is carried north by the ocean.But global warming is melting the polarice caps and disrupting this flow.Eventually it will shut down.And when that occurs.there goes our warm climate.Excuse me. When do you think thiscould happen, profe

5、ssor? When?I dont know. Maybe in 100 years,maybe in 1,000. But what I do know isthat if we do not act soon, our childrenand grandchildren will have to pay the price.And whos going to pay the priceof the Kyoto Accord?It would cost the worlds economyhundreds of billions of dollars.With all due respect

6、, Mr. Vice President, thecost of doing nothing could be even higher.Our climate is fragile.At the rate were burning fossil fuelsand polluting the environment.the ice caps will soon disappear.Professor Hall.our economy is every bit as fragileas the environment.41Perhaps you should keep that in mindbe

7、fore making sensationalist claims.Well, the last chunk of icethat broke off.was about the size of Rhode lsland.Some people might call thatpretty sensational.Stop global warming!Stop global warming!Im at the Global Warming Conferencein New Delhi.where, if you can believe it,its snowing.The coldest we

8、ather on recordhas thrown the city into chaos.with numbers of homeless peoplefreezing to death.I enjoyed your testimony, professor.It was very spirited.Oh, thank you. Thats what werehere for, right? Put on a good show?Quite. I was wondering if I could talk to youabout your theory on abrupt climate s

9、hift.The names Rapson. Terry Rapson.Professor Rapson? Of the Hedland Center?Thats me.Ive read your work on ocean currents.What do you say to a spot of tea?Absolutely. If we can hail a cab.Over here.Welcome back to Glasgow, Scotland,where Manchester United.Leads 3 - 1 over hometown Celtic.We return 6

10、3 minutes intothe second half as Manchester United.Iooks to put the game out of reach.Lets get back to our commentator.Donald MacFarland.What? Yeah.I just closed my eyes for a sec, man.Yeah.The baby kept us awake all night.And still.Yeah!Dennis? NOMAD buoy 4311 is showinga temperature drop of 13 deg

11、rees.Yeah? Where is 4311?Well, its.Georges Bank.Its rough seas out there.Must have knocked it about.Kick that bloody ball. Come on!Come on, kick it now. Kick it!Kick it!Are the lads winning?Hello, professor. How was lndia?Oh, you know what thesescientific gatherings are.All dancing girls, wine and p

12、arties.The fury of Hurricane Noelanistunned weather experts yesterday.slamming into the island chain with acataclysmic force never before witnessed.Meteorologists already believe this to bethe strongest hurricane ever recorded.Are you gonna get that?It will surely leave a wake of death.Hello?I just

13、saw that Sam got an F in calculus.Im aware, Jack.I get a copy of his report card too.Sam is a straight-A student.He doesnt fail classes.I dont have time to talk about this now.Well, maybe you ought to make time.Excuse me, Im not the one whos awayfor months and months at a time.I just don t understan

14、d.Ill let him explain it. Can you take himto the airport in the morning?Sams getting on a plane?He joined the Scholastic Decathlon Team.Theyre competing in New York.Sam joined a team?Yeah, I think theres a girl involved.Oh.Look, can you pick him up at 8:30?I gotta go because Im on call tonight.Dont

15、be late. I dont wanthim taking a taxi again.All right. Okay. Ill be there.Okay? Ill be there.This mornings weather staff meetinghas been moved to level four, room B.Jack?I know youre good at rubbing peoplethe wrong way.but why would you aggravatethe vice president?Because my 17-year-old kidknows mor

16、e science than he does.Your 17-year-old kiddoes not control our budget.-Who cares if he hates you.-My son doesnt hate me.You miss the piont,what Im tring tell you isIf Raymond Becker pulls our budget-Oh, shit!Wait- Will you-? Jack.Oh, my God.-Im sorry Im late.-Dad, the cabs already here.Thats okay. Ill take care of it.-What are-?-Here you go.Im not angry. Im disappointed.-Do you want to hear my side of i



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