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1、A黑龙江科技学院本科毕业设计终稿高速轴承疲劳测试台高速轴承疲劳测试台 监控系统的设计监控系统的设计电气工程及其自动化 08-4 班I摘 要本论文以哈尔滨工业大学电磁驱动与控制研究所高速轴承实验器的设计为工程背景,通过对高速轴承进行疲劳测试的技术要求进行详细的分析后,并以此实际工程为设计依据,给出了高速轴承疲劳测试台监控系统的设计方案。设计的监控系统包括三个部分:下位机部分、网络通信部分、上位机部分。下位机部分是以西门子 S7-200PLC 为控制器的控制系统,包括转速控制、加载力控制、温度控制三大部分。网络通信部分包括以 S7-200PLC 为从站经由EM277 模块与工控机的 Profibu

2、s-DP 总线通信。上位机部分包括工控机和人机界面(HMI) ,工控机的主要作用是给定 PLC 速度谱、载荷谱、温度谱。HMI的主要作用是现场实时显示转速、加载力、温度及各类报警信号。该设计系统主要从实际工程应用的角度出发,利用 PLC 技术、现场总线技术、传感器检测技术等对高速轴承进行在线监测,由高速轴承设计人员利用检测的数据进行高速轴承疲劳诊断,以提高高速轴承的质量可靠性。关键词:高速轴承,S7-200PLC,现场总线,监控系统IIAbstractThe engineering background is high-speed bearings experiments design of

3、the electromagnetic drive and control research institute of Harbin Institute of Technology of this paper. Detailed analysis of the technical requirements for high-speed bearings monitoring system and the actual project design, given the high-speed bearing fatigue testing and monitoring system design

4、.The design of the monitoring system includes three parts: the lower machine part, the network communication part, the upper machine part. The lower machine part is based on Siemens S7-200PLC as the controller control system, including speed control, loading force control, temperature control three

5、parts. The network communication part includes the S7-200PLC communication with the Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) via Profibus-DP bus from the station via the EM277 module. The upper machine part includes the IPC and human-machine interface (HMI), the main role of the IPC is given PLC velocity

6、spectrum, loading force spectrum, temperature spectrum and various of alarm signals.The design system starting from the point of view of practical engineering applications, the use of PLC technology, fieldbus technology, sensor detection technology for high-speed bearings testing and monitoring syst

7、em for online monitoring, detection data for high-speed bearing fatigue diagnosis by high-speed bearing designer in order to improve high-speed bearings quality and reliability.Key words: high-speed bearings, S7-200PLC, fieldbus, monitoring systemIII目 录摘 要.I Abstract.II 目 录 .III Contents.V 第 1 章 绪论

8、.11.1 论文的工程背景.11.2 PLC 概述及其基本结构 .21.2.1 PLC 简介 .21.2.2 PLC 的基本结构 .31.3 典型现场总线简介.51.3.1 基金会现场总线.51.3.2 LonWorks.61.3.3 HART.61.3.4 CAN .61.3.5 Profibus.71.4 本文的研究内容.10 第 2 章 监控系统的设计方案 .112.1 监控系统的设计要求.112.2 监控系统的系统构成.122.3 PLC 和 HMI 的选型.132.3.1 S7-200CPU 和拓展模块 .132.3.2 PLC 的型号选择 .162.3.3 Smart Line 精彩系列面板.172.4 监控系统网络通信的设计方案.182.4.1 PLC 与工控机通信的设计方案 .



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