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1、九年级九年级 Units1-14 综合测试题综合测试题 单项填空 16.The underlined part of the word “shut” is pronounced as_.A./B./s/C./t/D./h/17.We are doing better_English_the help of our foreign teacher. A.with;withB.at;inC.in;withD.in;at 18.Be quick please.We are_ be at the party before half past six,or we will miss the beginn

2、ing. A.looking forwardB.pleased toC.supposed toD.used to 19.-Look at the boy running on the ground.Is it Frank?-It_ be him.I saw him go to the library just now. A.mustntB.cantC.needntD.might not 20.Dont blame him._,he is just an eight-year-old child. A.All in allB.In allC.At allD.After all 21.-How d

3、oes Peter usually go to work?-He _ drive a car,but now he_ there to lose weight. A.used to;is used to workB.was used to;is used to working C.was used toD.used to;is used to work 22.-Look at these stamps.I_ them for five years.-Wow,they are wonderful. A.boughtB.have boughtC.keptD.have kept 23.The tre

4、atment will continue until the patient reaches the point_ he can walk correctly and safely. A.whereB.whenC.whoseD.which 24.-Dad,can you come home for dinner with us tonight?-_,but I might be a little late. A.Im busyB.Hard to sayC.Of courseD.Dont mention it. 25.-Oh, you sound just like an American.-_

5、.I still have trouble expressing myself. A.Yes,youre right B.Well,not quite like that C.I dont mind D.Youre welcome 完形填空 Five years ago my father was suddenly sent to the hospital for heart surgery(手术).At that time,we had no_26_that he was seriously ill.The surgery did not go_27_ and he remained unc

6、onscious(昏迷不醒的)。According to the laws of our state,we had to_28_ him on a ventilator(呼吸机)for 72 hours in order not to go against his living will. I was sitting in the waiting room and watching others_29_ their father around who had had similar surgery. Generally speaking,I should be very_30_ for oth

7、ers that were recovering,but that evening I was a little angry because I finally_31_ I would never be able to hold my fathers hand and walk down the hall again.I had to_32_at this moment.So I went down the hall to_33_everyone.This was not in my nature but I just had to be_34_.After a very long time,

8、I went into a restroom and_35_ for at least five minutes. When I came out of the restroom,there was a _36_.When I turned on the water and washed my face,she just looked at me and patted(轻拍)me on my shoulder_37_ I finally stopped crying.Then she took a paper towel and handed it to me.She smiled at me

9、 and then left.She_38_spoke one word but I knew she touched my _39_ at that time. She taught me that we do not need to be an excellent talker to comfort(安慰) someone who is hurt.We can make a_40_ in someones life without ever saying a word.Showing concern for others by simple actions is sometimes mor

10、e powerful than by words. 26.A.pointB.factC.ideaD.word 27.A.wellB.hardC.niceD.badly 28.A.letB.stayC.takeD.keep 29.A.stepB.talkC.marchD.walk 30.A.angryB.disappointedC.happyD.sorry 31.A.realizedB.wantedC.forgotD.remembered 32.Turn downB.break downC.put downD.calm down 33.A.take care of B.get away from

11、C.catch up withD.get ready for 34.A.lonelyB.aloneC.singleD.only 35.A.shoutedB.smiledC.criedD.sang 36.A.strangerB.classmateC.friendD.waiter 37.A.untilB.whileC.unlessD.after 38.A.sometimesB.neverC.alwaysD.often 39.A.faceB.hopeC.heartD.head 40.A.messB.decisionC.progressD.difference .阅读理解 A Lang Lang is

12、 an outstanding pianist and he is famous all over the world.He has been made a Messenger of Peace by the United Nations.He got the position on October 28,2013. UN-secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced(宣布)his selection of Lang Lang.He called Lang Lang “one of the most exciting and accomplished(技艺高超

13、的)musicians of our time.” Lang Lang is the first Messenger of Peace from China.Being a Messenger of Peace is the highest honor.It is only given by the UN to famous people in any field.Besides Lang Lang,there were some famous messengers including musician Stevie Wonder,actor George Clooney and conduc

14、tor Daniel Barenboim. Lang Lang has been a goodwill ambassador(亲善大使)for the UN childrens organization,UNICEF,for 10 years.Now as a Messenger of Peace,he will have a special task:getting the 57 million school-age children worldwide who arent getting education into classrooms. Lang Lang says that his

15、new role is more important than his music because it can help improve the lives of children around the world through education. Lang Lang also works with talented students to help them become musicians through a foundation(基金会) he established five years ago. “Children and music are my passions,”the

16、pianist said.He added that he hoped to expand the foundations work in many parts of the world.We hope that he will have more foundations all over the world.Then his dream can come true. 41.Why does the writer mention Stevie Wonder in the passage? A.Because he is a musician like Lang Lang. B.Because he once got the same position as Lang Lang. C.Because he is Lang


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