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1、1. Welcome to our bar.欢迎光临我们的酒吧。2. Nice to meet you again.很高兴再次见到您。3. Please wait a moment.请稍等一下。4. Is there anything I can do for you?还有什么事需要为您效劳吗?5. Thank you for your coming,Good-bye.谢谢您的光临,再见。6. Thank you,We dont accept tips.谢谢您,我们不收小费。7. Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?您要

2、鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰?8. Would you mind filling in this inquiry form?请填一下这张意见表好吗?9. Leave it to me.让我来吧。10. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee.请给我一壶热咖啡。11. Can you act as my interpreter?你可以做我的翻译吗?12. Do you honor this credit card?你们接受这张信用卡吗?13. Please give me a receipt.请给我一张发票。14. It is no sugar in the coffe

3、e.咖啡里没有糖。15. Id like to see your manager.我要见你们的经理。16. Please give me another drink.请给我另一份饮料。17. Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me.请叫一下在酒吧里的李先生。18. Will you take charge of my baggage?你可以替我保管一下行李吗?19. Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒?20. Your friends will be back

4、very soon你的朋友很快会回来。21. Have a nice trip home.归途愉快。22. Wish you a pleasant journey.祝您旅途愉快。23. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?要我为您叫出租车吗?24. Id suggest you take the one-day tour of .我建议您参加南京一日游。25. May I take you order?我能为您点酒吗?26. There is a floor show in our . Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演

5、,您愿意去看吗?27. Please feel free to tell us you have any request.请把您的要求告诉我们。28. Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel.李小姐被认为是酒店里最好的女调酒师。29. Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time.先生,这是酒单,请慢慢看。30. I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you?非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?31. M

6、ao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine.茅台酒精度数要比黄酒高。32. Mr. Tom has caught a cold. He asks the bartender for someaspirin tablets.汤姆先生患了感冒,他向调酒师要一些阿司匹林药片。33. Snack bar usually serve fast food.小吃吧通常供应快餐。34. We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good.我们喜欢绍兴黄酒是因为它口味很好。35. We have a bottl

7、e of wine that has been preserved for twenty years.我们有一瓶保存了 20 年的葡萄酒。36. Yesterday he caught a cold,so he didnt go to work.昨天他得了感冒,所以他没去上班。37. Hotel staff should handle guests complaint with patience.酒店员工必须耐心地对待客人的抱怨。38. Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.从你人住我们的酒店后,你就可以签单。39. “Bourbo

8、n on the rocks“ is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes.“Bourbon on the rocks“的意思是波本威士忌加冰块。40. Ill return to take your order in a while.等一会我会回来为你点单。41. The minimum charge for a 200 people cocktail receptions is 6000 yuan,including drinks.200 人的鸡尾酒会最低价是 6000 元,包括酒水。42. The base of Old Fashioned cocktail is w

9、hiskey.古典鸡尾酒的基酒是威士忌。43. Kahlua is a kind of liqueur:甘露咖啡酒是一种利口酒。44. I hope that we will be meeting again soon.我希望我们不久会再见面。45. What will you be doing at 7 tonight?今晚 7 点钟你们千什么?46. He will be waiting for you in the lobby at seven.他今晚 7 点在大堂等您。47. What are you going to do tomorrow morning?明天上午您打算干什么?48

10、. Im not going to stay any longer. Its going to rain, isnt it?我不打算再多呆下去,天好像要下雨,是吗?49. If you dont mind, we can take care of your baggage for you.如果您不介意,我们可以为您看管行李。50. Let me carry the suitcase for you; will you?让我为您提这只皮箱好吗?51. What would you like to drink after dinner, coffee or tea?晚饭后您想喝咖啡还是喝茶?52.

11、 How shall we get to Yu Yuan Garden, by bus or by taxi?去豫园公园该乘公共汽车还是出租车?53. Your breakfast will be served in a short while.您的早餐要过一会儿才能送到。54. It takes about 10 minutes to drive from the airport to our hotel.从机场到我们宾馆驱车大约要 10 分钟时间。55. Please dont speak loudly in the lobby lounge,will you?请不要在大堂酒吧大声说话,好

12、吗?56. Theres something wrong with my watch. Could you tell mewhere I can get it repaired?我的手表坏了,请问上哪儿可以修理?57. The children are too young to drink wine.孩子太小还不能喝酒。58. 1 tried to remove the wine stain in my coat with soup, but invain.我试着用肥皂洗去衣服上的酒溃,但是没有成功。59. Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It nev

13、er goes to thehead.您要喝点茅台吗?这酒从不上头。60. A bartender should know what to do and how to do it.一个调酒师应该知道做什么和怎么做。61. The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes?酒吧现在客满,请稍等约 20 分钟好吗?62. Would you mind if I smoke?你不介意我抽支烟吧?63. Would you please tell me the exchange rate today?请你告诉我今天的外汇兑换率好

14、吗?64. We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself.我们供应很多种饮料,请自便。65. Would you please show me how to use chopsticks?请你教我如何使用筷子好吗?66. Would you mind opening the window by the table?您不介意把餐桌一边的窗户打开吧?67. How much do all these come to?这些共计多少钱?68. Frankly speaking, I dont like this wine.老实说,我不喜欢这种酒。69. 1 like my coffee very sweet, so does my wife.我喜欢把咖啡冲得很甜,我夫人也是。70. Can this wine really have been preserved for years?这种酒真的是陈年葡萄酒吗



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