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1、3. Running is a good way to (保持健康). 5. He has a lot of (经验) in this subject. 句型转换。句型转换。 (10 分)分) 1. My mother said to me, “Dont go alone at night.” (改为简单句) My mother told me go alone at night. 2. The Browns came to China in 1997.(对划线部分提问)the Browns to China? 3. Mr. Fat has few good friends. (改为反意疑问句

2、) Mr. Fat has few good friends, ? 4. My home is about twenty minutes by bike. (改为同义句)It me twenty minutes there from my house by bike. 5. Its a good idea.(改为感叹句)How is! ( )2.Your bike is my sisters. A. same asB. as the sameC. the same as ( )3. Im in any book. A. interested; interestingB. interesting

3、; interestedC. interests; interest ( )5. He asked his father . A. where it happensB. what was happenC. how it happened ( )6. I dont know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you. A. if; whetherB. whether; whetherC. whether; if)7. will you stay in America? About two months. A. How manyB. How s

4、oonC. How long ( )8. He found very interesting to ride a horse on the farm. A. thisB. thatC. it ( )9. His parents make her at night. A. stay at homeB. stags at homeC. to stay at home ( )10. Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam? A. goodB. betterC. well ( )11. The policeman told the students in the

5、road. A. not playB. to not playC. not to play. ( )12. What she did us surprised. A. to make B. made C. making( )13. Did Jack come to our party yesterday? No, he . A. wasnt invitedB. isnt invitedC. didnt invite ( )14. You worry about him. He will get well soon. A. needntB. cantC. mustnt ( )15. Will y

6、ou please drive ? The train is leaving soon. A. quickB. fasterC. more slowly( )16. terrible weather it is? It is said that it will get later. A. What; badB. What; worseC. What a; bad ( )17. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd better your raincoat.A. put onB. wearC. inD. dress( )19. How did Kate get

7、 so much money? She it her best friend. A. borrowed; fromB. borrows; forC. borrow; to ( )20. Tom asked Michael the boy was. A. whatB. whichC. who 1.The video arcade is_ from the supermarket. A. next B. across C. through D. near 2.We are going to the zoo to see a dolphin show. Why dont you go with us

8、? I have to do many things. Im _, you see. A. free B. ill C. sorry D. busy 3.Alice cant hear very well. There is _ with her eyes. A. anything wrong B. everything wrong C. something wrong D. nothing wrong 4. The cake tastes delicious. I want _ one. A. other B. the other C. another D. others 12. Dont

9、make so much _. The baby is sleeping.A. things B. noise C. mistakes D. voice 15. Would you mind _ your voice _?-No, not at all.A. keeping; down B. turning; down C. keeping; up D. putting; out 16. Would you please _ this old lady?-Sure. Have my seat, please.A. give a room to B. have rooms with C. mak

10、e room for D. make a room for 17. Dear, dont put your photos everywhere in your room.-Sorry, Mum. I will put them in my _ at once.A. photo album B. CD cassette C. bag D. bookcase 18. Im hungry now. But there isnt any bread in the fridge.-Why not have a pizza_.A. too B. else C. instead D. instead of

11、20. Do you _ a lot of time on your English study every day?A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay 8. Please _ early tomorrow, mum. A. wake up me B. wakes me upC. wake me up D. will wake me up 9. He will go to the Great Wall if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain B. doesnt rain C. dont rain D. isnt raining 10. Can

12、you tell us _? A. where have you gone B. where you have goneC. where have you been D. where you have been 11. Li Lei, sit down, please. Ill _ you some tea.A. take B. to bring C. get D. give 12. Dont forget to _ your dictionary here tomorrow.A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow 13. He couldnt wash _ w

13、hen he was five years old.A. his B. him C. himself D. herself 14. Why did you leave your daughter at home all by_.A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. myself 15. I bought my son a bike, _ he like it a lot.A. and B. but C. or D. at宽宏精神是一切事物中最伟大的(欧文) 生活中有许多这样的场合:你打算用忿恨去实现的目标,完全可能由宽恕去实现的目标, 完全可能由宽恕去实现-

14、(西德尼史密斯) 诚挚地宽恕,再把它忘记(英国) 宽宥是人性的,而忘却是神性的(詹姆斯格兰) 生活过,而不会宽容别人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。但是谁能说是不需要宽容的 呢?(屠格涅夫) 正义之神,宽容是我们最完美的所作所为(华兹华斯) 只有勇敢的人才懂得如何宽容;懦夫决不会宽容,这不是他的本性(斯特恩) 宽容要么对人有益,要么对人有害(伯克) 损着别人的牙眼,却反对报复,主张宽容的人,万勿和他接近-(鲁迅) 君子爱人以德,小人爱人以姑息 责人要宽,责已要严 严以律已,宽以待人 以情恕人,以理律已 刻苦自己,厚待别人 待人要丰,自奉要薄;责已要厚,责人要薄 以责人之心责已,以恕已之心恕人 尽量宽恕别人,而决不要原谅自己(西拉斯) 人们应该彼此容忍:每一个人都有弱点,在他最薄弱的方面,每一个人



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