3、点探讨改进民生证券经纪业务营销策略的措施和建议。服务营销理论运用到证券领域的时间并不是很长,本文在查阅大量中外资料的基础上,通过一定的实地调研,对服务营销理论在民生证券经纪业务中的应用进行了初步研究,希望能够抛砖引玉,为今后这方面的研究提供借鉴。关键词:民生证券 证券经纪业务 服务营销AbstractThe Securities brokerage business is business activities of securities companies, the important component of the most brokers, bad results from vario
4、us business accounted for more than to see, brokerage business still occupied absolute status, most brokers brokerage accounts for more than 70 percent contribution than at various brokers, though the competition commission war still in our country securities market, and further open to internationa
5、l, the traditional brokerage business model further faced with daunting challenges, but it still is the most stable business brokers realize the important cornerstone. In this case, how to strengthen the consciousness of service marketing, brokers brokers service marketing ability training, improve
6、the brokerage services marketing strategy, thereby enhancing brokers core competitiveness, and is especially important, this also is this paper in conception. To radically improve brokers brokerage business marketing ability, from the Angle of key marketing strategy to plan and implement marketing a
7、ction. Therefore, this article tries to combine the theory and practice, follow questions - analysis problem - problem solving thinking, using the service marketing related theory to the livelihood of the people of securities brokerage business service marketing strategy for the first system researc
8、h. The first part introduces to choose a background and securities brokerage business purpose and meaning of service marketing .The second part introduces the related theory and securities brokerage basic theory of service marketing. The third part analyzes the present domestic securities markets ma
9、cro policies and minsheng securities of zhengzhou west south road of the current marketing securities brokerage business to the sales department, the current status in zhengzhou system are analyzed in detail. The fourth part of the peoples livelihood securities west south road of the marketing strat
10、egy analysis, some concrete measures for improvement, the personalized products and service, building differentiation and diversification of marketing channel and on how to improve the service delivery system, and puts forward to analyze broker-dealer service marketing give more attention. The fifth
11、 part is the conclusion and suggestion .This paper mainly discussed the service marketing theory, improve the livelihood of the people of securities brokerage business marketing strategy measures and Suggestions. Service marketing theory into securities areas of time isnt very long, based on consult
12、ing a large number of Chinese and foreign material, and on the basis of the investigation, through certain peoples livelihood of service marketing theory in the application of securities brokerage business was studied, hope to be able to derive the research for future reference.Keywords: minsheng se
13、curities brokerage business service marketing 目 录一 导论 1(一)研究背景1(二)研究的目的和意义 2二 研究理论综述4(一)证券经纪业务相关理论研究4(二)服务市场营销理论 41服务产品概念42服务营销的 7P 组合5三 郑州民生证券西太康路营业部营销现状分析7(一)郑州民生证券西太康路营业部简介7(二)外部环境分析71宏观政策环境分析 72民生证券郑州市西太康路营业部证券经纪业务现状分析83郑州民生证券西太康路营业部 SWOT 分析 10四 郑州民生证券西太康路营业部营销策略分析13(一)的产品和服务满足客户的需求13(二)建立多层次、多样
14、化的市场营销渠道策略13(三)建立完善的服务平台14(四)建立相关保障措施 14结论 16参考文献18致谢 19一 导论(一)研究背景中国证券市场在探索中快速发展。中国资本市场在不到 20 年的时间里走完了成熟市场上百年的发展历程,特别是自 2006 年以来,中国资本市场的跨越式发展给证券行业带来了前所未有的变化,证券公司经纪业务从纯粹的通道式服务到金融产品的差异化竞争;从传统的柜台交易到网上、手机证券非现场交易;从“大锅饭”式的粗放营销到个性化的精准服务;从“赶鸭子上架”式的股票推荐到专业化、技术化的理财分析20 年间,中国的证券公司已从一只嗷嗷待哺的雏鹰成长为羽翼渐丰的雄鹰。佣金战的恶性竞
15、争使行业利润率大幅下降。固定佣金制是维持行业高利润的一个基本保障,在固定佣金制下的成交量的放大就意味着经纪业务收益的增加,即使是靠天吃饭的被动等待也能维持经纪业务的幸福时光,大部分券商包括较成功的券商在内,其核心竞争力其实也是十分有限的。随着浮动佣金制的产生,佣金的下调意味着证券经纪收入的刚性下降,再加上大型券商和区域性券商营业网点的大面积铺设,恶性佣金战导致目前全行业的佣金平均在 0.1%左右,而相关的成本并没有减少。由于经纪业务收入占券商总收入70%左右(部分小券商占比更高),佣金收入下降将直接影响证券公司的利润,在不考虑增量的前提下,券商业绩平均下降速度可能将远超佣金平均下降速度。从民生
16、证券来看,其平均佣金收取标准近两年来一直维持在 0.08%左右,由于佣金的恶性竞争,经纪业务经营方式的调整也迫在眉睫。中国证券行业经纪业务转型在年,经纪业务仍占券商营收大头。不过值得注意的是,经纪业务利润贡献比例已经出现逐步降低的趋势。年年报显示, “靠天吃饭”的盈利结构并未有多大改观,15 家上市券商共实现营业收入 871.61 亿元,实现净利润 345.7亿元,受行情下跌和佣金率下降影响,大部分券商业绩出现下滑,仅有中信证券及宏源证券净利润正增长,同比增幅分别为 25.9%及13.4%,其余 13 家券商净利同比缩水幅度分布于 6%到 50%之间。有超过半数利润缩水幅度在 20%以内,其中净利润跌幅最惨的太平洋证券、东北证券和山西证券,净利润分别同比下滑49.73%、42.21%、29.12%。年报数据显示,15 家上市券商去年经纪业务收入集体下滑成为业绩的主要杀手。年由于行情不景气,多个月份市场成交量极度低迷,加之行业佣金战愈演愈烈,15 家上市券商经纪业务净收入396 亿元,同比下降 24.7%。从具体数据看,兴业证券、广发