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1、仁爱英语七下第六单元第二话题重点仁爱英语七下第六单元第二话题重点Unit 6Topic 2 (一)重点短语 1. 在农村 in the country 在郊区 in the suburb 2.一套三居室的房子 house with three bedrooms 3. call sb. at +电话号码 ,拨打.与某人联系 4. a quiet double room under 300yuan per month 一间安静的双人间,月租低于 300 元 5.house with furniture for a family of three 适合三口之家,家具齐全的房子 6. rent sth

2、. to sb. 把某物租给某人 rent sth. from sb. 从某人那租某物 7. on the street corner 在街角 8. keep money 存钱 9. 寄信 mail (post) letter 10. see a doctor 看医生 11. month 的复数 months 12 at the end of 在.的尽头 13 community service center in our area 在我们这带的服务中心 14. 靠近 be close (adj.) to / close (adv.) to / near / next to (紧靠) 【反义词

3、是 far from】 15. right now 马上,立刻= at once 16. Childrens Day 儿童节 ; Teachers Day 教师节 ;Womens Day 妇女节 (二)重点句型: 1.-Whats your home like? 你的家是什么样的? -Its an apartment building. 它是一栋公寓楼。 2. They live in a big farmhouse in the country. 他们住在农村的农舍里。 3. Whats the matter with.?= Whats up with?= Whats wrong with.

4、? 有什么事? 4. I hear you playing the piano 我听到你正在弹钢琴 (hear sb. do sth. 表示听到某人做过了某事,类似的有see,watch,find) 5. -I m afraid its too loud. -恐怕声音有点大。 -I m really sorry about that. -我真的对此很抱歉。 6. There are no houses on the right. = There arent any houses. (no 后可以加可数和不可数名词= not any 后加不可数名词或者可数名词复数 / not a 后加可数名词单

5、数) 7. There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community. 在我们的社区里有许多高楼和小花园。 8. There are many shops and restaurants close to my home. = My home is close to my shops.我家附近有许多商店和饭店。 9. The parking lot and the train station are not far from here. 停车场和火车站离这不远。(near/close to 反义词 far from

6、) 10. We can call it for help. (call sb for sth/ doing sth.) 我们可以打电话向它求救。11. Are there many people living near your home? 有许多人住在你家附近吗? (there be +sb.+doing sth 表示某地有某人在做什么) 12. I cant hear you, the line is bad. 我听不清,线路不好。 13. My kitchen fan doesnt work. = There is something wrong with my kitchen fan

7、. = Something is wrong with my kitchen fan. 我家厨房的排气扇坏了。 14. Ill get someone to check it right now.我会马上派人去检查一下它的。 (get sb to do sth. 派某人去做某事 = ask sb to do sth.) 15. Many people are moving from cities to the suburbs. 许多人正从城市搬迁到郊区。 (move to ., move from .to .从.搬到、移动到.) 16. The traffic is heavy and the

8、 cost of living is high. 交通拥挤,生活开销高。 (cost 在这做名词,做动词时,主语是物,句型 sth. cost sb some money ) e.g. The rose costs me 10 yuan. 17. There are many houses with big yards in the suburbs. 郊区有许多带着大院子的房子。 18. What kind of home do you live in? 你住在什么样的房子里? (三)易错题: 1. 这个衬衫花了我 50 元。 _. 2. There are two _(钢琴) and thr

9、ee guitars in the room. 3. -The classroom is so dirty. - Oh, Ill get someone _ it soon. A. cleans B. clean C cleaning D . to clean 4. - Where do you live, Mary? - I live _ Zhongshan Road. A at the end of B. on the end C in the end D. by the end of 5. 很多家庭喜欢从城市搬到郊区。 Many families like _ the city _ th

10、e suburbs. 6. 杰克听到他妈妈正在厨房唱歌。 Jack _ his mother _.7. 请保持安静。_. 8. 连词成句: in , a, single, I , need, room, to , live, quiet _ 9. 我看到他正在操场上玩球。 _ 10. 那个女孩想寄些东西给她的朋友。 _ 11. There is one picture in my bedroom.(就划线部分提问) _- 12. If you want to have a picnic. You can _ a car _ the company. A. rent; to B. rent ;

11、for C. rent ; from D. rent; of 13. Michael likes music very much. I often hear him_ the piano at home. A. plays B playing C. play D to play 14. My home is _ my school/ A. close to B. closed from C. closed to 15. -Which city do you _? - I live in New York. A live in B. live C. to live 16. My watch do

12、esnt work.(写出两个同义句) _ 17. There _ a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box. A are B be C is 18. Id like a cup of coffee _ some sugar and milk/ A. in B. of C. with D. to 19. Look!There are some children _ in the scool yard. A. play B. are playing C. to play D. play 20. -Whats your father like? -_. A. He likes apples. B. He is kind. C. He lives in a tall buliding D. He likes living in the city.



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