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1、农村中学英语教师课堂教学策略探究农村中学英语教师课堂教学策略探究Research on the rural middle school English teachers classroom teaching strategies目 录摘 要Abstract第一章引言1.1研究背景 1.2研究目的1.3研究意义 1.4文章结构第二章文献综述2.1 教学策略概述2. 1.1 教学策略的含义2.1.2 教学策略的分类2.1.2.1 课堂组织策略2.1.2.2 激励策略2.1.2.3 提问策略2.1.2.4 学习指导策略2.1.2.5 课堂评估策略2.2 国内外课堂教学策略研究状况2.2.1 国外课堂

2、教学策略研究现状2.2.2 国内课堂教学策略研究现状2.2.3课堂教学策略理论依据及局限性2.2.3.1 加德纳的多元智能说2.2.3.2 布鲁姆的目标分类2.2.3.3 素质教育的理论2.2.3.4 个别化教学理论和合作学习理论2.2.3.5 课堂教学优化的理论第三章 研究设计 3.1 研究问题 3.2 研究对象3.3 研究工具3.3.1 调查问卷 33.2 访谈 3.4 研究步骤 3.5 数据统计 3.1 问卷调查与教师访谈3.1.1 学生问卷调查 3.1.2 教师访谈3.2 课堂观察第四章 分析与讨论 4.1 初中学生及其学习的特点 4.2 初中英语学习内容的特点4.3 目前初中英语教学

3、存在的问题4.3.1 教师教学观念落后,能力欠缺4.3.2 学生学习能力低下,学习效率低4.3.3 教学评价内容简单,方式单一第五章 初中英语课堂教学的策略5.1 课堂教学的前提-教学准备策略5.1.1 备自己5.1.2 备学生5.1.3 备教材 5.2 课堂教学的关键-教学实施策略5.2.1 转变教学模式,发挥学生主体性5.2.2 重视情感教学的作用,建立融洽的师生关 系,营造积极和谐的课堂气氛 5.2.3 督查学生课前预习,课外阅读,培养学生自主学习能力5.2.4 运用多种教学形式和方法,开展生动的英语活动,诱发学生的学习兴趣5.2.5 运用多媒体辅助教学,优化教学环境,增添课堂活力5.2

4、.6 重视课堂提问,科学设计问题,培养学生自主思考的能力5.3 课堂教学的保证-教学评价策略第六章 结论6.1 研究的结论6.2 研究中存在的不足及需要改进的地方参考文献附录一 附录二 致 谢摘 要初中英语作为高中英语学习的过渡期,在学生的整个英语学习过程中起着重要的作用。尽管中学英语教学进行了重大的改革,并取得了很好的成效,但是,受各种因素的影响,农村初中英语课堂教学的现状堪忧。在实际教学中,还是以教师的讲授为主,按部就班的讲解语音、词汇、句型等知识,忽视学生真实语境中的语言运用能力,学生的自主学习能力和创新能力更是无从谈起。这与新课程标准的要求相去甚远。作为教学活动的组织者和实施者,教师在

5、实现有效英语教学中发挥着核心作用。因此,教师必须掌握有效的教学策略,才能提高教学的效果。 本研究通过问卷调查和访谈的方式,对广西钟山县。 。中学初中学生和教师进行调查,试图找出目前初中英语课堂中存在的问题,并提出改进课堂教学的策略。研究结果表明,12.3.(你通过问卷和访谈得到的结果是什么,请把你的问卷归纳为学生在课堂教学中存在的几个问题以及访谈中发现教师存在些什么问题)这几是你要研究的问题。请分开写,学生的问题,教师的问题) ,针对以上问题,本文以课堂教学活动的组织者和实施者-教师作为切入点,依据教学的概念、标准等相关理论,从教学准备、教学实施和教学评价三个方面提出了构建初中英语有效课堂教学

6、的策略,以期为当前初中英语课堂教学提供一点理论和实践的思考和借鉴,从而实现初中英语课堂有效教学。最后,笔者对本研究出现的不足进行了总结,并对今后的初中英语教学提出了改进的建议。 关键词:农村;中学英语教师;课堂教学策略; Abstract As a permanent subject in education field, teaching strategies has received wide attention from educational practitioners and researchers since education activities began. It is th

7、e very motivation of improving teaching quality and effect that motivates all educators to research and explore the forms of teaching strategies and have produced abundant theories of teaching strategies. The research of teaching strategies began in 1990s, and the present research is lack of thoroug

8、h systematic construction, most of which were introduction of foreign theories and achievements of teaching. There is no specific research about domestic classroom teaching and no independent discipline formed. In actual teaching practice, there is no detailed guidance and procedures to follow.With

9、the development of world economy and advancement of technology, English is becoming more and more important. As a very important part of the elementary education, English teaching is paid more and more attention since the new curriculum reform. English in junior high school, as the transitional peri

10、od of senior high school study, plays a very important role in the whole study process and has profound effect on the successive study that cannot be neglected. And English teaching in junior high school has been reformed greatly and many considerable achievements have been attained. But still, the

11、current English teaching is not very satisfactory and there are many problems existing that are not in concord to the requirements of our times. For example, teachers play a main role during class and just teach knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary and sentence structure, etc. and pay no attention

12、 of students abilities in linguistic performance in real contexts, not to mention their abilities in independent learning and innovation. All is far from the new curriculum standard requirements. So under the circumstance of the new curriculum reform, its vital to explore the characteristics of Engl

13、ish study and students of junior high school, change current teaching concepts and models and achieve teaching strategies. As the organizer and executor of teaching activities, teachers play the essential role in creating and realizing English teaching strategies. To solve this problem, teachers are

14、 required to know and master concepts of teaching strategies and apply them in the real English teaching process. So, launching research of teaching strategies can help teachers fully utilize teaching time to cultivate students comprehensive abilities and promote their development. This paper aims t

15、o find out problems existing in current English classroom teaching which includes: 1) teachers backward teaching concepts and lack of capacities. Some English teachers teaching concepts are still in the test level, thinking of English teaching as only teaching the textbook knowledge. And also, some of them are of narrowed knowledge, single knowledge structure and lake of professional abilities in science and technology. 2) students low learning ability and efficiency. 3) simple and single teaching evaluation. E


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