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1、11清洗宝宝衣物的小窍门清洗宝宝衣物的小窍门宝宝的肌肤非常的娇嫩,所以在选择日常的衣物是要注意选择穿棉材质的,尽量减少肌肤 不适的感觉,同时妈妈们在清洗衣物的时候也要注意,清洗不当也会威胁到宝宝娇嫩的肌 肤,下面就为妈妈们介绍一下清洗宝宝衣物的小窍门。一、敏感皮肤最好别用洗衣机宝宝的肌肤比常人的幼嫩且敏感,因此对于宝宝衣物清洗的要求也比较高一些。一般 宝宝的衣物是不用洗衣机清洗的,除非是宝宝专用的洗衣机。而且,清洗 宝宝衣物是,不 能用成人的洗涤用品,要选购宝宝专用的洗涤剂。宝宝的尿布更换要勤,要用专门的盆子 洗,不要将衣服都混合在一起,防止细菌感染。如果是宝宝衣物沾有污渍,妈妈们一定要用洗衣

2、机清洗衣服的话,只要照一般洗衣程 序清洗即可,建议先以清水冲净,再泡在小苏打粉水中或是加些白醋协助去汗,如果还是 不干净,可再用去渍皂冲洗或重新做一次浸泡小苏打粉水的动作,待汗垢消失后,就可以 把衣物丢进洗衣机里洗。二、奶渍、口水和果汁的污渍处理通用做法:巧用苏打粉因为宝宝的肌肤较为幼嫩,所以大部分宝宝的衣服都选用棉布制作,棉料的质地柔软 而且更舒适,可以减少衣服和宝宝肌肤之间摩擦产生的伤害。但是棉质的衣服就比较难清洗干净,尤其是有吐奶、溢奶、粪便沾到衣服上的状况, 比较理想的清洁方式就是沾到污渍时当场离开清洗。首先将沾有污渍的衣 物冲洗干净,然 后用小苏打粉调成浓度高一点的膏状,直接涂在污渍

3、的地方,静置一个晚上,第二天再清 洗时,脏污就会消失无踪或是大幅改善。温馨小提示:神奇的小苏打粉本身是一种化学品、可以去除异味,在西方国家(特别是 德国)常被拿来当作清洁剂使用。但是如果将衣物浸泡在小苏打粉水中时间太久,可能会发 酵发臭的。妈妈要注意的是把控好浸泡的时间,不要把衣服变得臭臭的。三、日常中 11 种污渍清洗妙招1、奶渍如果是有吐奶、溢奶或者是不小心让衣服沾到奶渍时,首先要把衣服用冷水洗一遍, 然后再用肥皂搓洗,然后用清水冲净。2、果汁衣物沾到水果渍是最难洗的,妈妈们可以要把脏衣物放在苏打水中浸泡 1015 分钟,22然后再拿出来用肥皂洗,这样就比较容易把衣物清洗干净了。3、呕吐物

4、如果是衣物上沾有宝宝的呕吐物时,首先要用水冲掉呕吐物,然后用冷水洗,如果尝 试用肥皂却洗不掉的情况下,可以用些加酶的洗衣粉,会有不错的效果哦!4、酱油当衣服不小心碰到酱油时,可去附近的便利商店购买无色的碳酸汽水,然后直接将汽 水倒在酱油渍上反覆搓揉,因碳酸汽水含有小苏打粉的成分,可帮助去污。5、发黄的尿渍有时候,长期穿着的小内内会有一些发黄的尿渍残留。这个时候可以用适量食用酵母 涂上去,过几分钟按常规清洗。6、油脂如果是衣物上沾有油脂也不要紧,可以在衣物的油脂处涂上牙膏,过 5 分钟之后搓洗。 这样可以有效的清除油脂哦!7、汗渍汗渍是最常见的污渍之一,对付汗渍可以用 40 度左右的温水兑适当洗

5、衣液,浸泡 15 分钟之后再进行搓洗。8、发黄的白衣服很多时候,发黄的白衣服妈妈们都会选择扔掉处理。其实对于发黄的衣物只要在清洗 的最后一遍水里加几滴蓝墨水,就可基本恢复以前的白色,还可防止再发黄。9、葡萄渍若衣物上沾有葡萄汁的时候,后立即用白醋浸泡,记住不要用皂类物质清洗,直接用 大量清水冲洗,这样效果更佳。10、青菜青草渍如果在亲近大自然的时候,让衣服沾有青菜青草渍,面对这些绿色的污渍,可以用食 盐化水浸泡后搓洗。11、血渍33沾上血迹后立即用冷水冲洗,还洗不掉的话就用柠檬汁加点盐搓洗,即使是时间很长 的血渍也可以清洗干净。还有硫磺皂也有较好的效果。掌握这些清洗衣物的秘籍,可以保护宝宝的肌

6、肤,还可以让宝宝每天都穿上“新”衣 服。The babys skin is very delicate, so in the choice of clothing is to pay attention to choose to wear cotton material, reduce skin unwell feeling, at the same time, mothers should also pay attention to when washing clothes, cleaning the improper will also threaten the baby delicat

7、e skin, mothers are below tips to introduce cleaning baby clothes.A, sensitive skin had better not use washing machineThe babys skin tender and sensitive than ordinary people, so for babys laundry request is higher. Average baby clothing is not washing machine, unless you are the baby special washin

8、g machine. And clean, baby clothes, cannot use adult washing supplies, to choose and buy the baby special detergent. My babys diaper change frequently, to use special wash basin, dont put clothes are mixed together, prevent bacterial infection.If is baby clothes stained with besmirch, mothers must

9、wash clothes with washing machine, as long as according to general laundry wash program, proposed first to clear water rinse, again bubble or add some white vinegar to assist in baking soda water to sweat, if still not clean, reusable scouring did not keep a soap wash or soak baking soda water movem

10、ent, after being sweat scale disappear, you can put clothes into the washing machine.Two, milk stains, water and fruit juice stainsCommon practice: use opportunely baking sodaBecause the babys skin is relatively young, so most of the baby clothes are choose cotton production, cotton is soft and more

11、 comfortable, can reduce the friction between the baby clothes and skin damage.But cotton clothes is difficult to clean, especially spit milk, milk spill, excrement on their clothes, ideal cleaning way is to stick to a stain on the spot to leave when cleaning. First rinse clean of clothing will be s

12、tained with besmirch, then mix with baking soda into a higher concentration of cream shape, apply directly in the place of besmirch, let stand for one night, the next day when cleaning, dirt will disappeared or significantly improved.Warm tip: the magic of baking soda, itself is a kind of chemicals

13、can remove smell, in western countries (notably Germany) are often used as detergent. But if the clothes were soaked in baking soda water for a long period, may be smelly fermentation. Mother should pay attention to is the accused of soaking time, dont put the clothes become stinky.3, 11 kinds of be

14、smirch cleaning tips in their everyday life1, milk stains44If there is a spit milk, milk spill or accidentally let milk stains on clothes, must first put the clothes in cold water, then scrub with soap, then rinse with clear water.2, fruit juice,Fruit stains on clothing is the most difficult to wash

15、, mothers can put dirty clothes in the soda water soak 10 15 minutes, take out and then wash with soap, so it is easier to put the clothes clean.3, vomitIf it is clothes stained with the baby vomit, must first wash it with water vomit, then wash in cold water, but if you try to use soap to wash not

16、to drop the case, can use some enzymatic detergent, will have good results!4, soy sauceWhen clothes accidentally run into soy sauce, can go to a nearby convenience store to buy colorless fizzy soda, and then pour soda on the soy sauce stains directly repeatedly rub, for carbonated soft drinks contain baking soda, helps the decontamination.5, yellowish urineIn long-term wearing small sometimes there will be some yellowish urine res


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