外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅲ速效提能演练

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《外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅲ速效提能演练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研英语必修3:module 6 sectionⅲ速效提能演练(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.词汇知识 1_adj.冷冰冰的;极冷的_v结冰,冷冻 _adj.冷冻的,冻僵了的,结冰的 2_adj.荒唐的,可笑的 3_adj.巨大的,庞大的_adv.巨大地 4_n观察台_v注意,观察_n注意, 观察_n注视者,观察者 5_adj.有浓雾的_n雾 6_vi.(飞机)失事;坠毁 答案:1.freezing;freeze;frozen 2.ridiculous 3.enormous;enormously 4.observatory;observe;observation;observer 5.foggy;fog 6.crash .重点短语 1make_ 有意义,有道理 2be full_ 充

2、满 3bring an end _ 结束,终止 4crash_ 撞到上 5_the 1990s 在 20 世纪 90 年代 6_the top 在顶部 答案:1.sense 2.of 3.to 4.into 5.in 6.at .必背句型 1_ was strange _ that, when my grandparents lived in the village, there wasnt a reservoir there at all! 我祖父母在那个村庄生活时,那儿一座水库也没有,想到这些真感到不可思议! 答案:It;to think 2It was the tallest build

3、ing in the world _ the World Trade Centre was built in New York in 1972. 它是世界上最高的建筑物,直到 1972 年世界贸易中心在纽约建成。 答案:until 3The village is near the lake.My grandparents _ live in it. 这个村庄离湖很近。我的祖父母过去住在这儿。 答案:used to 4_ there are so many tall buildings in the world now? 你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑? 答案:Why do you t

4、hink.品句填词 1Drivers must be careful on such _(雾)days. 答案:foggy 2Tonight temperature will fall below_point(冰点) 答案:freezing 3He looks _(可笑的)in that hat. 答案:ridiculous 4The Grand _(运河),which was built in the Sui Dynasty,is still used to transport goods in the south. 答案:Canal 5On its way east from the so

5、urce,the Yellow River passes through several narrow _(峡) 答案:gorges 6The road was so narrow that the cars _(勉强地,以毫厘之差)missed hitting each other. 答案:narrowly .选词填空 crash,freezing,make sense,bring an end to,enormous 1The young man succeeded in his new invention and earned _sums of money. 答案:enormous 2A

6、ll the passengers lost their lives in that plane _. 答案:crash 3After walking through the snow, my feet were _. 答案:freezing 4This sentence just doesnt_,no matter how you read it. 答案:make sense 5The rings of the bell _his sweet dream. 答案:brought an end to 6My tastes have had an _ change over the years.

7、 答案:enormous .用所给词的适当形式或根据提示完成句子 1Its so cold today! Cold?Its absolutely_(极冷的)My face is frozen. 答案:freezing 2_(已证明)eating vegetable in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. 答案:It has been proved that 3Hi!Brian!I can fly with this small machine. _(开玩笑吧)!I dont believe

8、 your words. 答案:Ridiculous 4There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly make _(理解)them at all. 答案:any sense of 5Dogs have _(很好的嗅觉)and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. 答案:a very good sense of smell 6Without the air to hold some of the suns heat,the earth at

9、night would he _(freeze)cold for us to live. 答案:freezing 7我宁愿与朋友分享激动人心的时刻也不愿一个呆在家里。 I prefer _ exciting moments with my friends rather than _ alone at home. 答案:to share,stay 8据报道这次事故发生在二月份的第一个星期天。 The accident is reported to have occured _the first Sunday in February. 答案:on 9你建议派谁去那儿工作? _ be sent to

10、 work there? 答案:Who do you suggest 10直到碰到困难,他才意识到我们帮助的重要性。 _ he met with the difficulty did he realize the importance of our help. 答案:Not until.完形填空 Do you consider yourself to be a streetsmart person? Could you go into an area you are not _1_ with and blend in (协调) and you do not attract unnecessar

11、y attention to yourself? If not you need to learn some _2_ skills to be streetsmart and keep yourself from getting into a situation you would rather _3_. First off you should just avoid going to any area or place you are not comfortable with or feel would not be _4_.Why put yourself into a dangerous

12、 position for no reason? If you must go into an area such as this you want to do whatever it takes to not draw attention to you. _5_ in a way that makes you look like you belong there.Dont look flashy (奢华的)or over dressed because people will be _6_ you out and it may draw someone to you.Leave your _

13、7_ things at home, for someone may want these items more than you. Look and act as if you are from the area and dont speak to anyone unless you have to.If you speak, say as _8_ as you can get away with.If someone asks you a question, answer back _9_ but not in a way that will prolong the _10_, unles

14、s you want to keep moving along. Avoid making eye contact with anyone.If your eyes _11_ someone elses, dont lock onto theirs, and keep your eyes _12_ as if you are looking for something and they just _13_ to cross theirs. _14_ you should avoid any dangerous situation by staying away or going around it.You never know when something can go bad so being streetsmart could _15_ your life. 【解题导语】 做一个善于在街



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