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1、杭(杭州),西湖,雷峰塔雷峰,断桥。 杭州是中国的杰出资本在第十二和十三世纪,当白娘子传奇有其最大的文学发展。 事实上,有超过一亿人,这是最大,最富有,最文明的城市在世界。 (今天,它是一个现代化的工业城市和景点之一,中国最繁忙的旅游。)位于杭州城外的奇妙可爱的西湖。 这与它周围的山上湖是一个荷花,柳树,桃树和李子树,亭台楼阁,宝塔,寺庙和装饰船仙境。 白蛇传传说后来被链接到迅雷山顶塔,曾是南岸最突出的标志。 宝塔,尽管在 1924 年,倒塌的事件反映了现代的结局, 传说这里的人一样。故事中的另一个里程碑,断桥,仍然屹立不倒,尽管它的名字。 还有它是如何得到这个名字有一些想法,但我们可能永远不

2、会真正知道。Hangzhou (Hangchow), West Lake, Thunder Peak Pagoda, Broken Bridge. Hangzhou was Chinas illustrious capital in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, when the White Snake legend had its greatest literary development. In fact, with over a million people, it was the largest, richest, and most cul

3、turally advanced city in the world. (Today it is a modern industrial city and one of Chinas busiest tourist spots.)Just outside Hangzhou lies the wondrously lovely West Lake. This lake with its surrounding hills is a fairyland of lotuses, willows, peach and plum trees, pavilions, pagodas, temples, a

4、nd ornamented boats. The White Snake legend came to be linked to Thunder Peak Pagoda, once the most prominent landmark of the south shore. The pagoda, though, collapsed in 1924an event reflected in modern endings to the legend, like the one here.Another landmark in the story, Broken Bridge, is still

5、 standing despite its name. There are several ideas about how it got that name, but we may never really know.沿湖雪,断桥(断桥残雪 - 端桥残雪)白堤(白堤 - 白帝)是上述西湖最古老的堤道。 人民的名义后,它的构造白居易(772846)作为城市时,他在杭州省长担任。 断桥,为浪漫的“雪徘徊在断桥”是位于白堤东端。据白娘子,美丽的姑娘谁是真正符合白色蛇的传说在桥上许仙在雨中,他们爱上了对方,他们使用雨伞成了他们爱情的象征。 这座桥也是他们的场景后作出了长期的一系列跌宕起伏了。 人类之间

6、的爱情故事和不朽的感谢,断桥吸引了众多游客,并已超过中国的传奇名声远播的。 许多人相信大桥是头号相爱的人的地方。不论晴雨,您可以享受从四季桥湖景。 在桥本身的季节性变化也同样惊人的景色,尤其是当雪开始在冬天的阳光融化。 据推测,在一个阳光明媚的日子并不比西湖更好地在雨中,在雨中没有比在月光下更好地在月光下,没有比在雪地更好。 “徘徊在断桥雪”提供了证据来证明生动的描述。Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge (断桥残雪 - dun qio cn xu)Bai Causeway (白堤 - bi d) is the most ancient Causeway ab

7、ove the West lake. People name it after the constructor Bai Juyi (772 846) when he acted as city governor in Hangzhou. The Broken Bridge, romanticized as “Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge” is located at the east end of Bai Causeway.According to the legend of White Snake, the beautiful girl who wa

8、s actually a white snake met Xu Xian on the bridge in the rain and they fell in love with each other and an umbrella they used became the symbol of their love. The bridge was also the scene where they made up after a long series of ups and downs. Thanks to the love story between the human and the im

9、mortal, the broken bridge attracts numerous visitors and has its legendary reputation spread far and wide all over China. Many people believe the bridge is the number one place for people in love.Rain or shine, you can enjoy the lake views from the bridge in all seasons. The seasonal scenery changes

10、 at the bridge itself are equally breathtaking, especially when the snow begins melting in sunshine in the winter. Presumably, the West Lake in a fine day is no better than in rain, in rain no better than in moonlight, in moonlight no better than in snow. “Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge“ provides a proof to justify the vivid description


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