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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作生活类话题常用素材摘要: 上一期老师已经跟大家分享了如何让托福写作事业工作类话题的语言更地道, 为大家奉上了很多与事业工作类相关的地道词组和例句。这一期文章继续跟大家分享针对于生活类的话题,帮助大家让自己笔下的文章语言更地道更出彩。生活类话题是 托福 写作中最常见的话题了,对于考生而言这个话题并不难,可以说的东西很多比如压力、生活规律等,在叙述这些内容的时候我们需要用到一些素材。生活类话题地道词组汇总Plan ahead 提前计划例句: We should plan ahead before spending money.Endure hardship 承受磨难

2、例句: Hope makes us endure hardship in our lives.Get stressed out 压力过大例句: Some people go on as hopping spree when they get stressed out.Live by a rule 按规律生活例句:My father lives by a rule; he wakes up at 6 oclock and goes to bed at 10 oclock every day.Look down upon 轻视,瞧不起例句: People sometimes look down u

3、pon others.Save money for a rainy day 存钱以备不时之需例句: Most people save money fora rainy day.Take ones side 支持某人例句: I trust my friend because he always takes my side.Make a good/bad impression on 给。留下好/坏印象例句: A punctual person makes a good impression on others.Have/get a workout 锻炼例句:Getting a regular wo

4、rkout is helpful to your physical health.Reach a turning point 到转折点例句: Sometimes, getting a new job is reaching a turning point in life.Put up with 忍受例句: I try to put up with others mistakes, because I may make the same ones.Maintain a good relationship with 和保持良好关系例句: In order to maintain good rela

5、tionships with others, you should have good interpersonal skills.Have an optimistic/a pessimistic attitude 持乐观/悲观态度例句: If you want to be happy, it is important to have an optimistic attitude towards life.Set ones priority 设定优先级例句: If you have a lot of things to do, you should set your priorities bef

6、ore taking action.Adapt to a situation 适应形势例句: Immigrants have difficult times because they should adapt to a new situation.Take the risk of 冒。的险例句: If you can take the risk of starting over, you will not be afraid of failing.Be critical of others 对。持批判态度例句: Some people are extremely critical of oth

7、ers, but are very generous in evaluating themselves.以上是笔者为大家整理出的常用于生活类话题的地道词组,在这里笔者再为大家介绍一种学习方法。词组仅仅背过一遍还不足以支撑你去输出,所以大家需要进行模拟输出练习。换句话说,你需要将这些词组想办法应用在一个段落当中,让他们发挥作用。并且通过不断地应用这些词组在自己的写作当中,不断地刺激自己的大脑,让他们从一群“死词组”变成一个个灵动的“活词组”。下面笔者为大家展示几个刚才上文呈现的词组在段落中的应用:词组应用展示段:When it comes to whether people should spe

8、nd money on traveling or save money for future use, numerous middle-aged people would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses in the future. Put it another way, they would like to save money for a rainy day. However, most young people argue that they oftentimes get stressed out from work and s

9、tudy. Hence, they desire to take a break from their routines. Given this situation, they would like to travel, such as attending a summer camp abroad, to improve the quality of their lives.接下来,笔者再为大家奉上一组生活类话题的地道句子供各位考生积累借鉴。生活类话题地道好句汇总 与生活在小城镇的孩子相比,(生活在大城市的)孩子们被认为可以接受更高质量的教育。 Children are supposed to

10、 be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in a small town. 尽管(小城镇的)平均报酬比大城市的低很多,但像蔬菜肉类等日常必需品的价格也通常便宜很多。 Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, daily necessities, such as vegetables and meat, are usually less expensive. 我愿

11、意为一些不可避免的花销存钱,并且通过做一个创造者而不是消费者去享受生活。 I would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses and enjoy life by being a producer, not a consumer.上述就是小编为大家分享的 托福写作 生活类话题常用素材全部内容,如果您觉得有用可以点击下面的下载按钮获取电子版,同时我们还为大家准备了更多关于托福写作的材料,考生们可以进入我们的首页查看。相关推荐:托福写作下载2015年12月4日北美托福机经预测托福写作中连接词最新汇总相关字搜索: 托福写作生活类话题,托福写作话题


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