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1、How to Really Start a Business (or Why You Dont Need Money to Make Money)创业 之道赚钱无需花钱Everyone has excuses about why they cant (actually wont) earn more money. A common excuse is, “I need money to make money”. 对于为什么不能(实际上是不去)挣更多钱,每个人都有自己的理由。其中最常见的要数: “想创业挣钱,我得先有足够的钱”。You and I know thats a myth (you d

2、o know thats a myth, right?), but most people take it as a truism. 你我都知晓这个理由并不是真的(你不会不知道吧?),但大多数人却把它当作真理。A lot of people think they need tens of thousands of dollars to get in on a franchise, or put cash down for a rental property, or buy into some silly multilevel marketing scheme. 许多人认为他们需要一大笔资金去获

3、得特许经营权,或是支付租金,亦或是引入荒诞的多 层级营销方案。The fact is, there are plenty of ways to make money without the need for a pile of cash as Chris Guillebeaus recent book, The $100 Startup, covers. The first step is to realize that there are always multiple solutions to any problem, whether its making more money, buil

4、ding your retirement nest egg/strongbox, or bartering for broccoli. 但实际上,有很多方法既可以赚钱,又无需大把原始资金,就像克里斯古里博的新书 100 美元起家所描述的那样。第一步是要意识到凡事总有多种解决之道,无论是赚更 多的钱、为日后养老储备资金、还是与人交换西兰花。Must-have tools for creating a business on the cheap are: 白手起家必备秘籍: A bootstrapping mindset: How can you get or do something for f

5、ree or extremely low cost? Again, creative brainstorming and flexible thinking will help you figure out how to accomplish a task on a shoestring. Check out some more specific bootstrapping principles to get you started. 步步为营:怎样才能白手起家呢?创造性思维、灵活应变的能力都可以让你 以极少的钱完成任务。再多找些具体的步步为营法则看看,让自己顺利起步吧。 (注:Bootstr

6、apping 来自于 20 世纪初期美国流传的一句“提着鞋带把自己举 起来”的谚语,其本质就是一种步步为营、循序渐进的思想,指的是创业者在资源有限的条件下,发掘机会,创建新事业并实现价值。) Small steps and a willingness to experiment: This is the iterative, lean startup approach, where you try something small HSBCs money-laundering of Mexican drug-cartel money; “the London Whale” whose huge

7、trades cost J.P. Morgan Chase billions; leveraged buyouts and mortgage-backed securities and derivativesand stimulus packages, Bain Capital and the tottering euro and the Greek bailout. Saul Bellow referred to this quotidian fretting about world affairs as “crisis chatter.” Todays crises are all abo

8、ut what is euphemistically called “the financial services industry” that is to say, theyre all about money.Call it Wall Street porn. Not only do we know more than most of us wish to know about how the rich live we even know, thanks to the deep-digging efforts of the business reporters over at Bloomb

9、erg, how much they have. But there is such a thing as knowing too much: Did Larry Ellison buy a Hawaiian island for $600 million? And did that include the hotels? Is George Soross net worth $18 billion? $20 billion? (Anyway, why begrudge him? Hes probably given half of it away.) And when we talk abo

10、ut the 99 percent who arent rich, shouldnt that leave just 1 percent who are? Then why are we always hearing about the 0.1 percent and the .01 percent? Valiant fact-checkers are off the hook on this one: my point is that the exact numbers dont matter.按图放大Martin Venezky相关文章相关文章佛教徒的快乐Were all aware of

11、 the vast and still growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, we all know the global economy is a mess. But do we have to hear about it every waking minute of every day? Were in trouble when the earnestly liberal NPR begins its morning broadcast with a program called “Planet Money.”I cant

12、 even go for a bike ride without being reminded that we all share it now. My admirable neighbor Nathan, who makes a living doing odd jobs and is a militant nonparticipant in the global economy, has staked a cardboard poster on his lawn that reads, in blue letters, We are the 99 percent.Why is it tha

13、t the richer the rich get, the more their doings preoccupy the rest of us? What happened to the tacit social prohibition against talking about money? In part, its the fault of the media (as usual). “Who loses and who wins; whos in, whos out”: King Lears shrewd assessment of the human tendency to kee

14、p score is especially suited to our own historical moment, when everything is done in public. I didnt ask for a peek at Warren Buffetts portfolio: in order not to know how much preferred stock he acquired in Goldman Sachs I would have to confine my periodical reading to National Geographic.The probl

15、em is: I need to know about money. Like most everyone else in the middle class, Im scared. Reverberations from the largely bank-induced financial debacle of 2008 still ripple outward, lapping at our retirement plans and hard-earned savings. It never occurred to me that I would have to learn about I-

16、bonds and TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) at an age when I would have thought I was finally safe from the tortures of high school math worse, would have to learn higher math just to avoid getting swallowed by the London Whale and his pod. I would love to catch up on the first four seasons of “Breaking Bad”; instead I sit up late at night with a calculator trying to figure out if I have enough for retirement.In his ominously


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