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1、物价上涨的影响 在 2008 年的小康调查中, “物价”问题仅排在第十二位。从 2010 年开始, “物价”当选了 中国老百姓最关注焦点问题。随着这几年物价的上涨,人们对物价的不满由来已久,而它 又占据着人们的大部分收入,影响着人们的生活甚至社会的发展,我将简单讨论一下物价 上涨带来的影响。 In the official investigation in 2008, the problem of rising prices only ranks the twelfth place. But from 2010, price-problem has occupied the first of

2、second position of “the ten focuses of pubic interest “. As the tendency of rising, peoples discontentment of price becomes stronger and stronger. While it spends a large proportion of our income, and affects the development of society. I will discuss the influence brought by the price rising. 物价上涨直

3、接导致人们的生活质量下降。虽然人们的工资日益增加,但增加的速度明显不 如物价快。食品价格上涨是物价上涨的一个体现。恩格尔系数增加,说明食品支出在家庭 支出中占比上涨,人们的生活质量下降。现在人们必须学会精打细算起来。不得不开始购 买特价菜,将旧衣服拿到服装店翻新,节约购衣的支出,力图将生活成本降到最低。 Price rising leads to the decrease of our living quality. Although wage has increased, its pace is slower than price evidently(clearly). Food price

4、 rising can be an example. Engelian coefficient shows that food has more proportion of living expense, which proves that peoples life becomes worse. Now, people have to budget carefully, buy bargain vegetable, recondition(make over) new coats, try their best to cut down the living cost. 物价上涨还会导致社会文化

5、的倒退。随着生活必需品的价格不断上涨,更多人的收入只能 满足正常生活,人们的购买欲会从其他地方转到这些原来不曾注意的必需品上。而其他消 费例如时装、音乐会以及其他精神文化消费等逐渐失去曾经的拥护者,久而久之社会的文 化也会由于人们的忽视而倒退。 Price rising leads to society culture retrogress(back up). With the price of daily necessities rising, more and more people can only support their basic cost, and the desire of

6、purchase(buying) will focus on these necessities from other field. Thus the consumption of culture and spirit will lose old consumers gradually, which may cause society culture retrogress finally. 物价上涨会给企业带来潜在的危机。以去年为例,猪肉和一些蔬菜的上涨给人们的影响主 要有两个阶段。首先,人们承担着高消费来购买这些产品。第二,人们的思想开始发生转 变,不再受企业的摆布,而转向购买其他的产品。因

7、此持续的上涨会使企业失去民心,失 去消费者,甚至失去企业自己的未来。 Price rising leads to potential danger of enterprise. For instance, the price of pork and some kinds of vegetable had a great increase last year, and the effect from this phenomena could divide into two stages. At first, people have to undertake the high price to b

8、uy these things. But after a period of time, their thinking change to buy other kinds of goods, and can not be controlled by businessmen any longer. Thereby the continuing price rising with long time will make the enterprise lose consumers, even their future. 物价上涨不利于社会的稳步健康的发展,我认为这种现象应该从以下几点加以制止。首先

9、政府需要发挥宏观调控的作用。第二、加强市场的监督,严厉打击哄抬物价、价格欺诈等 行为。第三,对低收入人群应该增加他们的保障标准,加大力度扶持困难群体。 Price rising makes against to the societys developing healthily, and in my opinion, the follow measure should be taken. First, the government should give full scope to macroeconomic control. Second, strengthen market supervision, crack down on economic crime such as forcing up price. Third but not the last, government should increase the supply standard, and strengthen the decision to help poor people.



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