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1、 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 型钢再生混凝土组合柱正截面受力性能的 有限元分析 专 业:结构工程 硕 士 生:孟刚 指导教师:薛建阳 教授 摘 要 随着全球经济的飞速发展,城市化进程的加快,混凝土用量的增加,由此造成了自然资源大量开采和大量建筑垃圾产生的后果。型钢再生混凝土(SRRAC)组合结构是将再生混凝土、型钢与一定量的纵筋及箍筋组合在一起的新的结构形式,目前对此结构的研究相对比较少。 本课题组设计制作了 6 根型钢再生混凝土组合柱轴压试件和 9 根偏压试件,通过试验研究了再生骨料取代率、相对偏心距对型钢再生混凝土组合柱偏心受压承载力的影响和再生骨料取代率、长细比对型钢再生混凝土组合柱轴

2、心受压承载力的影响。由于试验研究存在一定的局限性,本文在此试验基础上借助有限元分析软件 OpenSees 进行了如下的研究: 1 本文利用 OpenSees 程序对试验的 15 根构件进行了轴压与偏压的模拟计算,学习和掌握了 OpenSees 的建模方法。基于 OpenSees 平台的模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,表明该软件能够较好的实现对在轴心、偏心受压作用下 SRRAC 柱的有限元分析。 2本文在试验研究基础上,进一步研究了取代率、相对偏心距、长细比、型钢强度、配钢率和混凝土强度参数的影响规律。结果表明:取代率对轴压和偏压的受力变形影响不明显;混凝土强度对组合柱正截面承载力有较大影响,且在不

3、同偏心距条件下,混凝土强度对组合柱正截面承载力的影响基本一致;长细比对组合柱正截面承载力有较大的影响,长细比随偏心距的增大对组合柱正截面承载力的影响会增大;极限荷载随偏心距的增大而减小,且随着偏心距的增大,偏心距对承载力的影响减小,但减小程度不明显;配钢率与型钢强度对组合柱正截面承载力影响比较大,随配钢率与型钢强度的增大,组合柱正截面承载力提高比较明显,同时对轴压构件承载力的影响程度略大于对偏压构件的影响程度。 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 关键词关键词:型钢再生混凝土;取代率;型钢配钢率;混凝土强度;型钢强度;纤维模型;数值模拟 论文类型论文类型:应用基础研究 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(5

4、1178384) 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 Finite-element analysis of mechanical behaviors of normal cross-section of steel recycled concrete composite columns Specialty: Structural Engineering Name: Meng Gang Instructor: Prof . Xue Jianyang ABSTRACT With developing of global economy, increased urbanization level and

5、concrete dosages, give rise to exploit natural resources and create construction waste in quantity. Steel recycled concrete (SRRAC) composite structure is a new structure, which was recycled concrete (RC) in the configuration section, and also comes with a small amount of steel and stirrup. At prese

6、nt studying on the steel recycled concrete was rarely. Research group design and produce 6 axial specimens and 9 eccentric compression specimens to study the recycled aggregate replacement ratio, eccentricity of steel recycled concrete column capacity of eccentric compression and recycled aggregate

7、replacement ratio, slenderness ratio of steel recycled concrete column axial compressive bearing capacity. Owing to experimental study exist limitation, this text based on experimental study process analysis and solution with the help of OpenSees. 1. The simulation of 6 axial specimens and 9 eccentr

8、ic compression specimens is based on OpenSees, meanwhile modeling method is also studied. The results based on OpenSees coincide with experimental results preferably, indicating that using OpenSees to simulate the loading process of steel reinforced recycled aggregate concrete columns is credible. 2

9、.Based on experiment and OpenSees, the influence of recycled aggregate replacement ratio, slenderness ratio, concrete strength, eccentricity, shape steel strength and steel content parametric is researched. Results indicate that: the influence of replacement rate of recycled aggregate on the bearing

10、 capacity is not obvious; The affect of concrete strength to the flexural capacity of composite columns is obvious, the affect of concrete strength to the flexural capacity of composite columns is consistent 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 with the different eccentricity; The influence of slenderness ratio on the fl

11、exural capacity of composite columns is obvious, the influence of slenderness ratio is increase as the increasing of eccentricity; With the increasing of eccentricity relative, the bearing capacity is decreasing, while the influence of eccentricity relative to the bearing capacity is decreasing, but

12、 the degree is not obvious; The affect of shape steel strength and steel content to the flexural capacity of composite columns is bigger, with the increasing of shape steel strength and steel content, the increasing of bearing capacity is obvious, while the affect of the parametric changes to axial

13、specimens is slightly greater than eccentric compression. Key words: steel reinforced recycled aggregate concrete; replacement rate; shape steel strength; concrete strength; fiber model; steel content; numerical simulation Research type: Applied research 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 I 目目 录录 1 绪论绪论 . 1 1.1 概述 . 1 1.1.1 型钢再生混凝土组合结构特点 . 1 1.1.2 再生混凝土的研究现状 . 2 1.2 组合结构的研究现状 . 5 1.2.1 国内外型钢混凝土结构的应用与发展 . 5 1.2.2 型钢混凝土组合结构的试验研究现状 . 7 1.3 有限元的应用及研究现状 . 8 1.3.1 非线性有限元理论 . 8 1.3.2 有限元仿真研究现状 . 9 1.4 课题的提出 . 11 1.5 本文研究的主要内容 .



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