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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文主动式RFID在集装箱应用中关键技术的研究和设计姓名:金允霖申请学位级别:硕士专业:精密仪器及机械指导教师:赵春宇20070201摘 要 第 II 页 唤醒机制。分析了天线线圈的电感耦合原理,在此基础上自制了天线线圈并设计了验证电路。通过实际测量路标和电子标签作用距离的结果对理论上的分析进行了比较。 介绍了衡量高频天线工作性能的参数指标,对标签小天线的设计进行了理论分析。通过 CST 仿真软件对小天线的理论计算结果进行了验证和优化。同样,通过仿真,模拟了集装箱标签小天线在被安装到金属表面时受到的影响。 讨论了电子标签的防碰撞机制。比较了目前常用的电子标签常用的防碰撞方法

2、。在 Aloha 算法和时间片 Aloha 算法的基础上加以改进,可自动获取读头读取范围的标签 ID 清单并动态分配时间片给电子标签。在该算法中融入系统低频唤醒和定时唤醒的特点,以降低电子标签的功耗。 关键词:关键词:集装箱,主动式标签,双唤醒机制,天线,Aloha 算法 ABSTRACT 第 III 页 Research and Design of the Key Technology for Active RFID Used in Container ABSTRACT With the development of world commercial globalization, the c

3、argo transportation between the nations and areas are more frequent. Containers offer a fast, safe and cost effective means of transportation in exporting and importing commodities. For the reasons, 90 percent of international general cargos are moved by containers. So, container transport plays an

4、important role in the world-wide cargo transportation. In recent years, the total number of container throughput increased with the growth rate of 40 percent. In 2005, the number was more than 3000 million TEUs. China has become the manufacture center of the world. The port throughput is over 93 mil

5、lion TEUs in 2006 and China has been No.1 in the world for 4 years. Moreover, 90 percent of containers used in the world are made in China every year. Those data show us the management in the container interflow of goods and materials has potential perspective in the word, including China. Compared

6、with the traditional automatic identification technologies, Radio Frequency Identification has its superiority. RFID has a fast speed to transmit or receive and a long distance to communication efficiently. At the same time, it can work all-day and operate normally in despite of the dust and other o

7、bstacle. Therefore, the application of RFID in container can improve the management and enhance the efficiency. Now, there are only several foreign companies designing the exclusive RFID system for the container and fewer domestic companies did such exclusive RFID system. The following theoretical a

8、nalysis, circuit design and testing are done in this thesis. To meet with the demand of collecting information related to the container, ABSTRACT 第 IV 页 the RFID system for the container consists of tag, signpose, reader and application system. According to the basic principle of RFID, choose the ac

9、tive tag as the information carrier. When communication in the long distance, the tag works at the frequency of 2.45 GHz and it can be waked up at the frequency of 125 KHz. This paper presents the two wake-up mechanism, which is a combination of timer wake-up and LF wake-up, can save the power more

10、effectively. Based on the analysis of the magnetic inductance coupling, the antenna coils are made and the testing circuits are designed to validate. At last, compares the actual testing results of interacting between signpose and tag with the theoretical analysis. After introducing the parameter to

11、 evaluate the performance of antenna working at ultra-high frequency, design and calculate the antenna of tag. By the software CST Microwave Studio, simulate the printed quartwave monopole antenna and optimize the parameter of this antenna. The simulation also is done to evaluate the influence when

12、the tag is affixed to the metallic objects. The anti-collision mechanism of RFID is discussed. The anti-collision methods including hardware and software are given. Based on the introduction of ALOHA algorithm and Slotted ALOHA algorithm, some improvements have been done to obtain the ID list of tag

13、s and distribute the time slotted dynamically. And the algorithm is well combined with timer wake-up and LF wake-up to cut down the power consumption. Keywords: container, active tag, two wake-up mechanism, antenna, dynamic slotted Aloha algorithm 上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取

14、得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位敝作者躲仓坪日期:,p 心7 年乙月) 日日期: p 心年乙月,日上海交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。保密口,在年解密后适用本

15、授权书。 本学位论文属于 不保密口。( 请在以上方框内打“”)学位论文作者签名:么 么辟日期m 年2 月) 日一Q吖、日詹寥易阴名年签)师吼教哼摩期指日第一章 绪 论 第 1 页 第一章第一章 绪绪 论论 1.1 研究背景和意义研究背景和意义27293435 经济全球化的浪潮已经把世界融为一个整体, 往往一件产品从原材料的采购、 加工、制造和组装到销售分布在全球各个角落, 社会分工的不同让各个国家在其中扮演着不同的角色。 根据 2006 年世界贸易报告, 2005 年世界货物进出口值均首次突破 10 万亿美元,全球性的贸易使得物流运输行业蓬勃发展。 其中集装箱运输已经成为货物运输的一种必然趋势

16、,国际间 90的货物运输是采用集装箱运输。世界港口集装箱总吞吐量在 1996年至 2000 年间增长幅度为 40,2005 年超过 3 亿 TEU(20-foot equivalent units 标准集装箱) ,2010 年上升为 4.07 亿至 5.25 亿标箱。中国正以积极努力的姿态融入到全球经济中去,加入 WTO 将使中国的进出口贸易加速发展。今天,中国已经成为世界的制造中心和加工工厂,近年来集装箱吞吐量得到高速增长,单就港口而言,外贸集装箱吞吐量香港、上海港和深圳港均在世界前四位,06 年中国 1 月至 11 月港口集装箱吞吐量累计完成 8360 万 TEU,全年港口集装箱吞吐量能完成 9300 万 TEU,连续四年排名全球第一。 预计到 2010 年中国港口集装箱吞吐量将达 1.2-1.4 亿 TEU, 中国正在成为世界的集运中心。 在现代的集装箱码头, 管理水平和信息化水平的高低已经成为制约集装箱运输的关键。目前港口虽然采用集装箱计算机


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