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1、第十二课时第十二课时 八年级八年级( (下下) ) UnitsUnits 5 56 6,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求 词 汇 攻 关1.1.heavy(副词)_heavilyheavily_ (反义词)_lightlight_ 2.2.sudden(副词)_suddenlysuddenly_ 3.3.strange(名词)陌生人_strangerstranger_ 4.4.wood(形容词)_woodenwooden_ 5.5.fall(形容词)落下的_fallenfallen_ (过去式)_fellfell_ (过去分词)_fallenfallen_6.6.ice(形容词)_icyicy

2、_ 7.7.silence(形容词)_silentsilent_ (形容词的近义词)_quietquiet_ (反义词)_noisenoise_ (形容词的反义词)_noisynoisy_ 8.8.west(形容词)_westernwestern_ 9.9.wife(对应词)_husbandhusband_ 10.10.shine(合成词)阳光_sunshinesunshine_ 短 语 归 纳1.1.(闹钟)发出响声_gogo_offoff_ 2.2.进入梦乡;睡着_fallfall_asleepasleep_ 3.3.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失_diedie_downdown_ 4.4.看一看_h

3、avehave_a a_looklook_ 5.5.前往;费力地前进_makemake_onesones_wayway_ 6.6.沉默;无声_inin_silencesilence_ 7.7.拆除;往下拽;记录_taketake_downdown_ 8.8.首先;最初_atat_firstfirst_9.9.有点儿;稍微_a a_littlelittle_bitbit_ 10.10.代替;反而_insteadinstead_ofof_ 11.11.变成_turnintoturninto_ 12.12.从前_onceonce_uponupon_a a_timetime_ 13.13.爱上;喜欢上

4、_fallfall_inin_lovelove_ 14.14.结婚_getget_marriedmarried_ 15.15.接电话_pickpick_upup(thethe_phonephone)_ 句 型 再 现1.1.暴风雨来临时你正在干什么? _WhatWhat_werewere_youyou_doingdoing_when the rainstorm came? 2.2.下暴雨时这个女孩在干什么? What was the girl doing _atat_thethe_timetime_ofof_ the rainstorm?3.3.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。 _WithWi

5、th_nono_lightlight_outsideoutside_,it felt like midnight. 4.4.本的爸爸正在拿几块木板盖住窗户,同时 他妈妈在确认手电筒和收音机都能正常使用 。 Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom _waswas_makingmaking_suresure_the flashlights and radio were working. 5.5.他和家人来到外面,发现社区一片狼藉。 He went outside with his family and _

6、foundfound_thethe_neighborhoodneighborhood_inin_a a_mesmes s s_. 6.6.她记得当时(自己)正在距离两座塔楼不远 的办公室工作。 She _remembersremembers_workingworking_in her office near the two towers. 7.7.我如此害怕,以至于从那以后我几乎不能 清晰地思考。 I was _soso_scaredscared_that I could hardly _thinkthink_clearly after that.8.8.但是不把山移开,愚公还能做什么呢?Bu

7、t what could Yu Gong do _insteadinstead_ofof_movingmoving the mountains? 9.9.但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能 把自己变成人。 But _unlessunless_ he can hide his tail,he cannot _turnturn_himselfhimself_intointo_ a man. 10.10.有一年天气太干旱,以至于粮食颗粒不 长。 One year,the weather was _soso_drydry_thatthat_ no food would grow. 11.11.妻子告

8、诉丈夫,除非他把孩子们留在森 林里死掉,否则全家人都将会死掉。 The wife told her husband that unless he _leftleft_thethe_childrenchildren_toto_diedie_ in the forest,the whole family would die. 12.12.你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去森林里。 _AsAs_soonsoon_asas_youyou_wakewake_upup_,you must go to the forest with your father.语法 结构1.1.过去进行时。 2.2.状语从句。 话 题1

9、.1.Unforgettable events(难忘的事情)2.2.Legends and stories(传说和故事) 3.3.Facts about the world(有关世界的事实),青海五年中考真题演练过去进行时( D D )1.1.(20152015西宁2525题)Did you see a girl in yellow pass by ten minutes ago?No,sir.I _ a novel.Aread Bam readingCwould read Cwas reading( B B )2.2.(20142014西宁3333题)They _ to the airpor

10、t when the plane took off.So they missed the plane.Aare driving Bwere drivingCdrove Dhad driven( C C )3.3.(20142014青海3737题)Why didnt you come to the welcome party?Oh,sorry.I _ the dentist.Awill see Bhave seenCwas seeing( C C )4.4.(20132013西宁2020题)When did you know Lisa?I first met her when we _ in a

11、 university.Aare teaching BtaughtCwere teaching Dhad taught词汇短语类( B B )5.5.(20122012西宁2222题)Last Thursday when I got to the station,I _ I had left my ticket at home.Aunderstood BrealizedCbelieved Dseemed6 6(20122012青海9090题)当我们购物时,应该带上自己的布袋而不是使用塑料袋。We should take our own cloth bags when shopping _ins

12、teadinstead_ _ofof_ using plastic bags.,青海中考重难点突破辨析asleepasleep,sleepingsleeping,sleepysleepy与sleepsleep 【满分点拨】辨析sleep,asleep,sleepy与sleepingsleep动词或 名词睡觉go tosleep睡觉;入睡Last night I slept very well.我昨天晚上睡得很 好。 I have a good sleep.我好好睡了一觉 。sleeping形容词睡着的Please take a sleeping bag with you.请随身携带一个睡 袋。

13、 sleepy形容词困倦的,想睡的She is always sleepy.她总是想睡觉。 I feel very sleepy now.我现在昏昏欲睡。 asleep表语形 容词睡着的 fall asleep睡着了The children have been asleep.孩子们已睡着了 。 He was too tired and fell asleep at once.他太累了,立刻就 睡着了。【考点抢测】1 1她在上课时睡着了。She _fellfell_ _asleepasleep_ in class.She _gotgot_ _toto_ _sleepsleep_ in class

14、.( B B )2.2.I didnt sleep well last night.So I feel very _ now.Asleeping BsleepyCasleep( A A )3.3.Keep quiet,dont wake the _ child.Asleeping BsleepyCasleeppickpick upup接电话;拣起 【满分点拨】pick up的用法(1)pick up意为“接电话;拣起”,还有“(用车)接人”的意思。(2)pick up是“动词副词”型短语,代词作宾语时必须放中间。若名词作宾语,既可以放在二者之间,也可以放在动词短语之后。图解助记:【一言辨异】H

15、e picked up a wallet on the way to picking up daughter.他在接他女儿的路上拣到一个钱包。【考点抢测】1 1我七点打电话,你没有接。I called at seven and you didnt _pickpick_ _upup_2 2同学们,当你们看到地上有废纸时把它捡起来。Class,please _pickpick_ _itit_ _upup_ when you see waste paper on the ground.( A A )3.3.Do you _ your son after school?No.He comes back home on the school bus.Apick up



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