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1、www.tesoon.co m 天星教育 网难点 34 句子衔接加连词高考英语短文改错命题的一个重要方面就是考查连接手段,连词使用不当会造成上下 句不衔接。英语中的词与词、句与句之间必须使用并列或从属连词。 难点磁场 1.()It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. 78. _ (NMET2002) 2.()The food was expensive and the service was good. 84. _ (NMET2002) 3.()It looks as if my parents treat me as

2、a visitor and a guest. 84. _ (NMET2001) 4.() felt that they helped me understand what the world works.21 世纪教育网 89. _(NMET2001 春季) 5.()She was smiling but nodding at me.92. _(NMET2000) 案例探究 1.If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be called back for you, and whether you pay the cost of se

3、nding a post card, the librarian will write to you. 解析:此题为五星级题。whether 改为 If。此题考查 if 与 whether 作为连词的区别。此 处为 if 引导的条件状语从句,表示“如果” ;如用 whether,则表示“是否” ,语意不 通。 在下列情况下一般只用 whether:引导介词后的宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位 语从句或在 whether to do, whetheror not中。e.g.Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. I as

4、ked him whether he would go or not. 2.I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. 解析:此题为四星级题。此题考查定语从句中的非关系代词、副词的用法。where 改 为 which。这是一个非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,主语应由关系代词来充当,所 以应将关系词 where 改为 which。此句应改为:I live in Beijing, where there are lot of places of interest.先行词在定语从句为地点状语,所以应用关系副词 where。如: e.g.Thi

5、s is a house that / which I visited yesterday. This is a house where I spent a happy childhood. 3.It is a very important exam but I cant afford to fail it 解析:此题为五星级题。此题考查并列句之间的关系,在此两句为因果关系,所以根 据句意,but 改为 so。 it.about little knows he so young is Hemuch. knows hebut young is Hee.g.4.When I was on the

6、stage the next day, I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. (NMET2000) 解析:此题为四星级题。考查 sothat 引导的结果状语从句。把 as 改为 that,结果状语 从句一般由 so that,sothat,suchthat 引导。 e.g.The box is so heavy that nobody can move it. It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it.www.tesoon.co m 天星教育 网He got up later so that mi

7、ssed the first bus. 锦囊妙计 在连接手段上应侧重考虑: 1.语句中的词与词、句与句之间必须使用并列或从属连词。 2.若为并列句,要判断句与句之间的关系是并列、转折、选择、递进还是让步关系, 从而选择恰当的连词。 3.若为复合句,首先判断属于何种从句,然后根据主、从句之间的关系判断连接词使 用是否准确或是否有遗漏或多余现象,要注意句子结构的完整性。 歼灭难点训练 1.()When I talked to him, and I found that from childhood he had developed the habit of reading 2.()As you k

8、now, there are still some students, most of which are boys of science, learn English with much trouble. 3.()I realized that I had left soft drinks at the store but I ran out to get it before guests arrived.来源:21 世纪教育网 4.()the only thing I think is that when Im going to get home to listen to a new pi

9、ece. 5.()The question is,“How can we do about it ?” 6.()that old people should usually like to wear dark colored clothes, they are rather hard for drivers to make out from a distance. 7.()I take science though Im not good at remembering things. 8.()in order to find out that whether the environment o

10、f the country had been polluted. 9.()I found a most favourable point, and was just about to jump into the river while there came a cry. 10.()He liked to help young people who got into trouble, because he himself was often out of work.21 世纪教育网21 世纪教育网21 世纪教育网www.tesoon.co m 天星教育 网Tes oonwww.tesoon.co m 天星教育 网天/星教育/网天.星教.育网



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