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1、大学英语大学英语 B-2010 年年 12 月网络统考电大英语网考突击培训月网络统考电大英语网考突击培训专业从事统考辅导突击培训,有着自己的特色,突击学习系统化,即使基础很差,也可以专业从事统考辅导突击培训,有着自己的特色,突击学习系统化,即使基础很差,也可以 在我们的辅导下快速提高应对考试能力,顺利通过考试!在我们的辅导下快速提高应对考试能力,顺利通过考试!针对针对 12 月的统考,我们开设以下课程(月的统考,我们开设以下课程(3 天突击辅导):天突击辅导): 大学英语大学英语 B+计算机应用基础突击培训计算机应用基础突击培训-面向全国考生,支持网络培训,不局限于地理位置。面向全国考生,支持

2、网络培训,不局限于地理位置。 您只需要联系我们,我们将负责为您量身制定复习方案,免费提供系统化的复习教程。您只需要联系我们,我们将负责为您量身制定复习方案,免费提供系统化的复习教程。课程特色课程特色 1.300 位位 12 月考试的同学一起来迎接考试,大家汇聚一堂,交流心得月考试的同学一起来迎接考试,大家汇聚一堂,交流心得 2.名师主讲,紧扣考试大纲,重点分析考试的重点与考点,传授解题思路和应试技巧。名师主讲,紧扣考试大纲,重点分析考试的重点与考点,传授解题思路和应试技巧。 3.方法技巧完美演绎,学生即使读不懂原文看不懂问题,也能轻松应对。方法技巧完美演绎,学生即使读不懂原文看不懂问题,也能轻

3、松应对。 4.超常培训突击,不占用过多时间,只要用心复习,一次性通过两门统考。超常培训突击,不占用过多时间,只要用心复习,一次性通过两门统考。 5.题库真题详细讲解。题库真题详细讲解。 6.大学英语大学英语 B 范文,模板等均分享范文,模板等均分享 7.300 名考生的经验与过关秘诀与您分享。名考生的经验与过关秘诀与您分享。 8.考试不通过,免费重读一次为您扫除最后障碍。考试不通过,免费重读一次为您扫除最后障碍。网络远程教育一般是宽进严出的网络远程教育一般是宽进严出的,很多人在报名时都能顺利入学很多人在报名时都能顺利入学,但毕业时的全国统考却成为但毕业时的全国统考却成为 很多人的拦路虎很多人的

4、拦路虎,有多少人因为统考的原因而毕不了业有多少人因为统考的原因而毕不了业!“大学英语大学英语 B”网考是什么性质的考试?网考是什么性质的考试? 回答:回答:“大学英语大学英语 B”网考是高校网络教育统一考试之一,主要针对电大及各网络高等教网考是高校网络教育统一考试之一,主要针对电大及各网络高等教 育的非英语专业和非艺术专业的本科学生。通过育的非英语专业和非艺术专业的本科学生。通过“大学英语大学英语 B”网考是该类学生获得毕业网考是该类学生获得毕业 证书的必要条件之一,因此,上述学生必须通过证书的必要条件之一,因此,上述学生必须通过“大学英语大学英语 B”网考方可顺利毕业。网考方可顺利毕业。主讲

5、老师主讲老师 谢娜谢娜 收费标准:第一次辅导培训为免费提供,如果觉得满意需要全套课程,可以通过淘宝担保收费标准:第一次辅导培训为免费提供,如果觉得满意需要全套课程,可以通过淘宝担保 支付费用,安全可靠有保障。支付费用,安全可靠有保障。本课程为大学英语本课程为大学英语 B 和计算机应用基础组合课程和计算机应用基础组合课程 详细情况请咨询客服详细情况请咨询客服 QQ: 852487949 精简小抄精简小抄 2 张张 A4,精选,精选 300 考试原题,以下内容不是考试范围,大家参考。考试原题,以下内容不是考试范围,大家参考。阅读理解阅读理解第一篇When he took office, Georg

6、e W. Bush, son of former president George Herbert Walker Bush, became the first son to follow his father into the White House since John Quiney Adams followed John Adams in the early 19th century. Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, the first child of George Herbert Walker Bush

7、 and Barbara Pierce Bush. Although George Herbert Walker Bush began his career in the oil industry, he finally served as a congressman(国会议员), and vice(副) president and president of the United States.At the age of two,Bush moved with from Connecticut to Odessa, Texas, where his father took up the oil

8、 business. After a year in Texas, the family moved to California for business reasons. A year later, the family returned to Texas and settled in Midland, where Bush lived from 1950 to 1959.In 1959, again for business reasons, the family moved to Houston, Texas. In 1961 Bush left Texas and went to An

9、dover, Massachusetts, to attend Phillips Academy, aboarding school(寄宿学校) that his father had also attended.At Phillips, Bush played basketball, baseball, and football. He was best known for being head cheerleader. In 1964 he enrolled at Yale University in Connecticut.His father and grandfather had a

10、lso attended Yale. At Yale, Bush was considered an average student, but he was popular with his classmates.Bush graduated from Yale with a bachelors degree in history in 1968. Then he joined the Air National Guard and remained in the Guard until 1973. After earning his MBA from Harvard in 1975, Bush

11、 returned to Midland. Like his father, he first entered the oil industry as a “landsman(新手)”. However, Bushs oil companies never enjoyed great success. He took more interest in politics. He helped his father to become president and in 1994 he himself was elected governor of Texas.1.What does the wri

12、ter intend to tell us in the first paragraph? A. George W. Bush is the first son in American history to follow his father into the White House.B. George W. Bush is the first son of former president George Herbert Walker Bush.C. John Quincy Adams and his father were both former American presidents.D.

13、 George W. Bush is the second one in American history to follow his father into the White House.2.We may learn from the text that young Bush _.A. got on very well at the universitiesB. was very good at basketball, baseball and footballC. did everything as his father had doneD. was a very successful

14、politician like his father3.From the year when Bush was two to the year 1959, the Bush family moved in all .A. seven timesB. four timesC. five timesD. six times4.Which of the following is NOT true about George W. Bush?A. Young Bush lived with his family in Texas from 1948 to 1961.B. He once studied

15、at a university that his father and grandfather had also attended.C. He once ruled over an American state before he entered the White House.D. He once served at the Air National Guard for about five years.5.What would be the possible reason that Bushs oil business was not successful?A. He was not an

16、 expert in this field.B. He was more interested in politics than in business.C. He could not do as well as his father does.D. Oil business was not prosperous at that time.第二篇Acting is such an overcrowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is“Dont!”But it is useless to try to discouragesomeone who feels that he must act,although the chances of his becoming famous are slimThe normal way to begin is to g



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