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1、这些词组一定要掌握,要记住。因为考研翻译常常考查学术论文的翻译,论述中常常有一些常见的词组,比如说一些表示“推理”、“原因”、“结果”等的词组就是反复出现的。1994not so muchasbecause ofin shortas we call ita series ofover the yearsturnonrather thanat the expense ofvice versadepend onthe driving force1995in doing sth.divertfromlie withbe validated bywhetherordepend uponand onde

2、pend uponand uponsuchasin generalfor examplecompensate forgrow upundercircumstances.1996be results ofsocial needsto some extentcome to the conclusionmake demand ofscientific establishmentin detaila certain amount ofnot related toimmediate goalsbe unable to doin principledeal withnew forms of thought

3、as well asnew subjects for thoughtin the pastgive rise to sth.1997an agreed account ofhuman rightsleads .toat the outsetinvite sb. to do sth.extend tonoat all.Arguing from the view thatdifferent from.in every relevant respectin actionrather than1998 even more importantbe able tolook intoput forwardb

4、e required for sb. to do sth.close in onas expected1999asasconform toseeaslessand morewhetherorrefer topeculiar toin generaappropriate toapply toviewasequatewith.2000underconditionssuch asit is obvious thatbe directly bound up within turnrest uponof all kindsowing tobe exposed to sth.be forced to do

5、 sth.for the reasons given abovespread over or sobecause ofarise frommodern means of transport2001be regarded asrather than piece togetherhundreds ofaround the worldkey breakthroughstake placepoint outlead tohome appliancesresult in2002what is calledtracetoand so onpartly becauseand partly becausebe

6、 held responsible forgive credit forwith it2003 subjecttodefineasmakespossible2004have some connections withtake rootbe obliged to sb.die outsothataccuse sb. ofbe interested in doing e tobelieve ina sort ofproduce consequences for2005bring togetherin relation toone anotherout ofno less thantake a lossmake updeal withon a scaleit is no exaggeration to say2006defineasbe analogous toasasleadtocontribute tobe charged withdedicatetomake reflections on



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