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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 12 句话 1. I am following my heart and intuition.我听从我的内心和直觉。Each of us has a fire in our hearts burning for something. Its our responsibility in life to find it and keep it lit. This is your life, and its a short one. Dont let others extinguish your flame. Try what you wan

2、t to try. Go where you want to go. Follow your own intuition. Dream with your eyes open until you know exactly what it looks like. Then do at least one thing every day to make it a reality.我们每个人内心都有一把燃烧着的火,我们活着的责任是寻找它,并保持它的光芒。这是你的人生,短暂的一生。不要让其他人熄灭了你的火焰,尝试你想尝试的事情,去你想去的地方,听从你的直觉。睁开双眼去梦想,直到你清晰地看到它是什么样子

3、。然后为了能实现它,保证每天至少做一点。And as you strive to achieve your goals, you can count on there being some fairly substantial disappointments along the way. Dont get discouraged, the road to your dreams may not be an easy one. Think of these disappointments as challengestests of persistence and courage. At the

4、end of the road, more often than not, we regret what we didnt do far more than what we did.当你竭力去达成你的目标时,你会遭遇一些挫伤内心的沮丧。不要气馁,通往梦想的道路并不平坦。把这些失落当做挑战对毅力和勇气的考验。到了终点时,我们常常后悔我们还有很多事没去做。2. I am proud of myself.我为自己感到自豪。You are your own best friend and your own biggest critic. Regardless of the opinions of ot

5、hers, at the end of the day the only reflection staring back at you in the mirror is your own. Accept everything about yourselfEVERYTHING!You are you and that is the beginning and the endno apologies, no regrets.你是你自己最好的朋友,又是你自己最大的敌人。不论其他人的意见,一天到头时,在镜中给你的唯一映像是你自己。接纳自己的一切,一切!你是你,从头至尾就是你无需歉意,不要后悔。Peop

6、le who are proud of themselves tend to have passions in life, feel content and set good examples for others. It requires envisioning the person you would like to become and making your best efforts to grow.那些会为自己感到自豪的人常常会对生活充满激情,感到满足,为他人树立好的榜样。你要想象你想成为的人,然后付出你最大的努力去实现。Being proud isnt bragging about

7、 how great you are;its more like quietly knowing that youre worth a lot. Its not about thinking youre perfectbecause nobody isbut knowing that youre worthy of being loved and accepted. All you have to do is be yourself and live the story that no one else can livethe story of your own unique life. Be

8、 proud, be confident, you never know who has been looking at you wishing they were you.为自己骄傲,不是要吹嘘你有多伟大;默默地知道自己存在的价值。不要想着你是完美的因为没人是完美的但你要知道你是值得被人爱和被人接纳的。所有你要做的是成为你自己,创造一段故事,其他人都不能取代的生活故事,你自己的独一无二的生活故事。要自豪、要自信,你不会知道会有谁在看着你,他们心里想着希望能成为你。3. I am making a difference.我在改变。Act as if what you do makes a di

9、fference. It does.要像你做的事情会带来改变一样去行动,的确会带来改变。Is it true that we all live to serve?That by helping others we fulfill our own destiny?The answer is a simpleyes. When you make a positive impact in someone elses life, you also make a positive impact in your own life. Do something thats greater than youso

10、mething that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.我们所有人活着是为了服务,是这样的吗?帮助他人,我们完成了我们的使命?答案是“是的”。当你对他人的生活产生积极的影响时,积极的影响也带到了你的生活里。做些比你更伟大的事做一些帮助他人感受快乐或减少痛苦的事。You are only one, but you are one. You cannot do everything, but you can do something. Smile and enjoy the fact that you made a differe

11、nceone youll likely remember forever.你是唯一的一个,但你只是一个人。你不可能包揽所有事,但你可以完成一些事。微笑,直面那些你改变了的事实比如一件你会永远记住的事。4. I am happy and grateful.我很快乐,我很感激。Happiness is within you, in your way of thinking. How you view yourself and your world are mindful choices and habits. The lens you choose to view everything throu

12、gh determines how you feel about yourself and everything that happens around you.快乐在你心中,是你思维的表现。你如何看待自己和世界是源自头脑的选择和习惯。你选择来观察事物的镜头,决定了你如何感受自己以及发生在你周围的一切事。Being grateful will always make you happy. If youre finding it hard to be grateful for anything, sit down close your eyes and take a long slow brea

13、th and be grateful for oxygen. Every breath you take is in sync with someones last.时刻充满感激之心会让你保持快乐。如果你觉得心存感激很困难,那坐下来闭上眼睛,来一次长而慢的呼吸,感受对空气的谢意。你的每一次呼吸是某些人的最后一次呼吸。5. I am growing in to the best version of me.我在成长为最好的自己。Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a seco

14、nd rate version of somebody else. “ Live by this statement. There is no such thing as living in someone elses shoes. The only shoes you can occupy are your own. If you arent being yourself, you arent truly livingyoure merely existing.朱迪嘉兰曾说过,“时刻做一流的自己,而不是二流的其他人。” 以此为戒指导生活。没有人能活在其他人的影子里。你唯一能做到的就是成为你自

15、己。如果你做不到,你不是在生活你只不过是活着而已。Remember, trying to be anyone else is a waste of the person you are. Embrace that individual inside you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else. Be the person you know yourself to bethe best version of youon your terms. Improve continuously, take care of your b

16、ody and health, and surround yourself with positivity. Become the best version of you.记住,努力成为其他人是一种浪费。敞开怀抱去迎接一个有思想、有力量、有审美眼观的自己。成为你知道自己能成为的那种人,在有限的时光里做最好的自己。不断提升,照顾好自己的身体健康,保持积极向上的生活态度,成为最好的自己。6. I am making my time count.珍惜时间,物有所值。Time is the most valuable constituent of life. Make the time for what does matter today. Really being in the moment, finding passion in your life, seeing the wor


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