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1、一、交际英语一、交际英语1、- Ive passed the examination.- _A:What a pity. B:I hate the exam.C:Congratulations. D:Come on.答案答案: C2、- Have a nice holiday!- _A:You have it too.B:You do too.C:The same as you.D:The same to you.答案答案: D3、- Im sorry. I lost the key.- _ A:Well, its OK.B:No, its all right.C:You are welcom

2、e.D:You are wrong.答案答案: A4、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.- _A:Great, I am very art-conscious.B:Dont mention it.C:Thanks for your compliments.D:Its fine.答案答案: C5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?- _A:Speaking, please.B:Oh, how are you?C:Im listening.D:Im Don

3、.答案答案: A二、阅读理解二、阅读理解1、 Computers can injure you. 电脑会伤害到你。 Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example,if you fall off a bike and break your arms,it happens very quickly. But computer injuries 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导、计算机应用基础统考辅导全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,一次性通过,全套题库,精心整理并

4、归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,一次性通过, 唯一唯一 QQ: 153499368happen slowly. You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely. Your eyes Too much light can injure your eyes,so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50cm from the screen. Remember to look aw

5、ay from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest. When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect on (反射) the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes. Your hands and wrists

6、Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time,follow these three rules:1) Rest your wrists on some thing. 2) Keep your elbows (肘) at the same height as the keyboard. 3) Stop sometimes and exercise yo

7、ur hands,wrists and fingers in a different way. Your back Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way,you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms,wri

8、sts,hands and the upper part of your legs should all be parallel (平行) to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time,get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms,legs and neck. Enjoy your computer,but use it safely. (1)、A computer screen may injure your eyes if your eyes are too close to it.A:TB

9、:F答案答案: A(2)、Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you get plenty of exercise.A:TB:F答案答案: B(3)、Your eyes and hands will be safe if you often take rests from working.A:TB:F答案答案: A(4)、It is good for your back and neck if you sit in the right way.A:TB:F答案答案: A(5)、The best title for the text is “How t

10、o Protect Your Eyes.“A:TB:F答案答案: B2、 Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. 在英国,住的地方随着你游览地点的不同而有所区别。Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.HostelsCheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all t

11、ypes of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you dont have to be young or single to use them. Britains independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhou

12、se (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable almost like bargain hotels.Youth HotelsFounded many years ago to “help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside“, the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. T

13、he network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for exploring Britains towns and countryside.B&BsThe B&B (bed and breakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room in somebodys house, and small B&Bs may only have one guest room, so youll really feel like part of the family. Larger B

14、&Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome.In country areas your B&B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around 12 to 20 per person. City B&Bs charge about 25 to 30 per person, althoug

15、h theyre often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.Pubs & InnsAs well as selling drinks and meals, Britains pubs and inns sometimes offer B&B, particularly in country areas. Staying a night or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.Rates range from around 15 t

16、o 25 per person. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.(1)、In this passage the author mainly _.A:tells us where to stay while visiting BritainB:advises readers to pay a visit to BritainC:introduces the wonderful public services in BritainD:gives us some information about British life答案答案: A(2)、_ are


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