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1、1七年级英语上册 Module1-Module4一 重点易错词汇1.明信片 postcard 2.外孙女 granddaughter 3.饭馆 restaurant4.芭蕾舞 ballet 5.咖啡 coffee 6.问候,致意 greeting7.节日 festival 8.龙 dragon 9.灯笼 lantern10.发生 happen 11.传统 tradition 12.涂,绘画 paint13.装饰 decoration 14.理发 haircut 15.饺子 dumpling16.焰火 fireworks 17.圣诞节 Christmas 18.野餐 picnic19.外孙女 g

2、randdaughter 20.游览 sightseeing 21.文化 culture22.外国的 foreign 23.假日 holiday 24.天气 weather25.燃料 fuel 26.昂贵的 expensive 27.秋天 autumn28.舒适的 comfortable 29.机器 machine 30.科技 technology31运输 transport 32.平稳的 smooth 33.不舒服的 uncomfortable二 词组1.拍照 take photos 2.等待,等候 wait for3.长城 the Great Wall 4.穿上 put on5.现在,此刻

3、 at this moment 6.春节 Spring Festival7.为。 。准备好 get ready for 8.舞龙 dragon dance9.元宵节 Lantern Festival 10.扫去 sweep away11.在工作 at work 12.温习 revise for13.剪纸 paper cut 14.新年前夜 New Years Eve15.一年到头 all the year round 16.吃野餐 have a picnic17.期待 look forward to 18.游览 do some sightseeing19.去骑自行车 go cycling 20

4、.外出 go out21.在将来 in the future 22.卫星电视 satellite TV24.有线电视 cable TV 25.变暖 get warm26.狂风暴雨 heavy rain and strong winds 27.玩的愉快 have a good time28.喝下午茶 have afternoon tea 29.穿衣服 get dressed30.传统节日 traditional festival 31.剪头发 have a haircut32.放烟花 set off fireworks 33.举办聚会 have a party34.呆在床上 stay in be

5、d三 重点句子1.我正站在长城上跟你讲话。I am standing on the Great Wall and talking to you.2.我们在学校组织的旅行中,并且我们玩的很开心。We are on a school trip and we are having a good time.3.其他人都在干什么?2What are the other doing?4.大明正在给玲玲照相,Betty 正在买好多礼物和贺卡,王辉正躺在阳光下。Daming is taking a photo of Lingling, Betty is buying lots of presents and

6、postcards and Wang Hui is lying in the sun.5.此刻,世界上不同地方的人正在做着不同的事情。 At this moment, people in different places of the world are doing different things.6.他们正在等汽车或者赶火车。They are waiting for buses or running for trains.7.他们正在家里或者在饭店里吃晚饭。They are having dinner at home or in restaurants.8.你正在为春节做准备么?Are y

7、ou getting ready for Spring Festival?9.我们通常在春节时把门和窗涂成红色。We usually paint doors and windows red at Spring Festival.10.我们经常用剪纸来装饰门窗。We usually decorate doors and windows with paper cuts.11.我们也买新衣服,并且每个人都剪头发。We also buy new clothes and everyone has a haircut.12.我们经常在午夜看电视,并且通常会有焰火。We usually watch TV a

8、t Midnight, and there are usually fireworks.13.他们是圆的,因此他们会给我们带来一整年的好运气。14.大明,你周末要去干什么?Daming, what are you going to do at the weekend?15.周六上午我将要检查我的邮件,然后我要做作业。下午,我要上钢琴课。On Saturday morning I am going to check my email, and then I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon, Im going to have a piano

9、lesson.16.早上我要呆在床上,然后我要温习功课。In the morning, I am going to stay in bed, and then I am going to revise for my test.17.我正期盼着与我父母一起去迪士尼乐园。I am looking forward to going to Disneyland with my parents.18.将来会有学校么?Will there be schools in the future?19.他们会把作业通过邮件发给老师么?Will they send their homework to teacher

10、s by email?20.老师不会在黑板上用粉笔写字。没有人会用纸,铅笔或者钢笔。The teachers wont write on the blackboard with chalk.And no one will use paper, pencils or pens.21.将来会有狂风暴雨。There will be heavy rain and strong winds.22.机器会在农场上,工厂里和办公室里干那些枯燥无聊的活。Machines will do all the dull jobs on farms, in factories and offices.四基础练习(一)单

11、词填空1.My mother is s_ for presents for my grandpa; his birthday is coming.32.Every Saturday my family have dinner in r_.We dont cook at home.3.The boy is four years old, and he can get d_ by himself.4.Its m_ now, and people are having lunch.5.G_ from Beijing! Wish you all the best!6.Christmas is one

12、of the most important western traditional f_.7.Look, the boys are making l_ to get ready for the festival.8.The room is very beautiful; there are lots of d_ in it.9.Chinese usually eat d_ on Spring Festivals Eve.10.I like sweet rice p _; I think they are delicious.11.I am looking forward to l_ on th

13、e beach and enjoying the sunshine.12.My grandpa like Chinese c_ very much, so he goes to China every year.13.Look, the boys are setting off f_ and they are very beautiful.14.Whats the w_ like today? Its sunny.15.I dont want to buy the book, its so e_, I dont have enough money.16.Science and t_ are v

14、ery important for the fast development of a modern country.17.The sea is not rough at this moment, it is s_.参考答案:1.shopping 2.restaurants 3.Dressed 4.midday 5.Greetings6.festivals 7.lanterns 8.decorations 9.dumplings 10.puddings11.lying 12.culture 13.fireworks 14.weather 15.expensive16.technology 17.Smooth(二) 介词1.We are _ a school trip and having a good time.2.Would you please take a photo _ me?3.Daming is eating ice cream and lying _ the sun.4.My mother is shopping _ presents for my family.5.Its six in the



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