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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语模板:人物及性格特点在托福考试中,口语现场技巧把握较强,考生掌握科学的口语练习技巧,不仅可以赢得考官的好感,更可以事半功倍,轻松拿到口语高分。智课教育托福频道为各位考友收集整理了一些口语范文、口语话题、练习素材、练习技巧、答题技巧等等,希望可以帮助大家一招制胜,拿下托福!本篇文章为大家提供了有关“人物及性格特点”的一些托福口语素材,覆盖各种各样的性格特点以及与这些特点相称的职业和角色。相信大家熟读这些素材之后对于这类口语试题一定游刃有余!希望以下资料能为大家提供帮助。honest, obliging, considerate 诚实,亲切,体贴I am gonna

2、 talk about my roommate in college, I admire her/she influenced me most because of her great character. Firstly, she is honest to everyone. Only honesty can breed trust and only trust can keep and further improve the relationship among people. Also, she is very obliging. Whenever you are in trouble,

3、 she is always the first to come up and give you a hand. In addition, she is considerate and shows much care and concern about others. she is always trying to look at things from your angle and careful not to hurt you or upset you.有表现力的,耐心的,谈吐合适的(教师)In my point of view, a good teacher should possess

4、 the following characteristics: Firstly, a teacher should be expressive to teach effectively and efficiently. He or she is supposed to speak loud and clear and be able to put difficult things in a way that is easy to understand. Also, a good teacher must be patient and should not get angry or blame

5、the students for asking questions or making mistakes. In addition, since a teacher is the role model for the class, a great teacher needs to speak and behave appropriately, in order to set a good example for the students. responsible caring, patient, speak and behave appropriately关心人的,有责任心的In my poi

6、nt of view, good parents should possess the following characteristics: Firstly, parents should be responsible and care about the childrens well being. They must do all they can to raise the kids and turn them into useful people to the society. Also, good parents must be patient and should not get an

7、gry or blame their children for asking questions or making mistakes. In addition, since the parents are the role model for the children, great parents needs to speak and behave appropriately, in order to set a good example. 具有合作精神的 In my point of view, the most important quality to be a team member

8、is cooperativeness. By cooperative, I mean, a good team member should cooperative with both the leader and the other members of the team. Cooperating with the leader means following orders quickly and doing designated job effectively. This will contribute to the overall working efficiency of the tea

9、m. On the other hand, cooperating with the other team members can prevent personal mistakes and bring everyones talent to full play. So, if every team member is cooperative, the team as a whole can be very strong and powerful.善于交流的In my point of view, a good leader of a group should possess the foll

10、owing qualities. Firstly, the interpersonal and communication skills. This could help the leader communicate with people outside the group effectively and coordinate the subordinates efficiently. Also important is far sight and the ability to see the big picture. As a leader, one should consider things in the long run as well as those in the current situation. In addition, broadmindedness. A great leader must be willing to tolerate different opinions so that other groups will be glad to cooperate with the leader and the group members will be happy to follow the orders.



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