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1、 2016 年国际暑期学校项目 PKU Summer School International 2016 中国中国 北京市北京市 海淀区颐和园路海淀区颐和园路 5 号号 100871 Number 30340056 Title Flower in the Mirror: the Chinese Values 镜中观花:中国人的价值观 Credit 2 PKU Credits, 32 teaching hours Instructor Dr. (Hans) HAN Jinpeng Email TA Classroom TBD Classes start from the 1st week an

2、d end at the 4th week MON, Class Period 7-8, 1510-1700 TUE, Class Period 7-9, 1510-1800 THU, Class Period 2-4, 0900-1200 Lecture time Objective The present course helps investigate the realm of values in which a Chinese approaches his family, love life, friends, education, career, and serious issues

3、 like nature, space, time, and inevitably, life and death. Texts cover a wide range of sources including classical and contemporary literature, social wisdoms and folklores, ancient philosophies and latest twitter discussions. In passing, there will also be substantial discussions on how a Chinese w

4、aves his lances of values and gropes for his identity in the postmodern maelstrom of information, globalization and political economy. It thus aims at a comprehensive understanding of Chinese values in the comparative light of tradition and individuality and of the Chinese in the eyes of other peopl

5、es and cultures and vice versa. Course structure Phase One: Formation of the Chinese Identity (21st cen. B.C. -1st cen. A.D.) a) What happened in this two thousand years B.C. witnesses the Construction of the Chinese Collective Unconscious, covering roughly the periods from Xia to West Han(夏-西汉) b)

6、The formation of Chinese Values: the Spring-Autumn and Warring States periods. Phase Two: Institutionalization of Values from East Han to Qing (1st -19thcentury ) - the Mainstream of the Stream of Consciousness: -Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism Phase Three: Modern China a) Traditional Values Vs Co

7、lonialism (1840-1949) b) The foundation of New China and Cultural Revolution: Are we Culturally Revolutionized? - (1949-78) Phase Four: a Deconstruction or Reconstruction? a) Where have we been in these Thirty Years (1980s-Present)? b) A Conclusion and a Fortunetelling Assessments 1. Attendance and

8、class discussions (20%), 2. Group work: Two 3-minute class presentations based on two written essays (40%) a) Each group chooses a specific theme or topic, on which members of the group share individual perspectives in their elaborations. Three minutes for each student. b) Two journal entries based

9、on the topics and discussions on the class. (500 words or two double-space pages for each entry. 2016 年国际暑期学校项目 PKU Summer School International 2016 中国中国 北京市北京市 海淀区颐和园路海淀区颐和园路 5 号号 100871 The Final Report (40%) 1. A 3 minute class presentation (10%) based on 2. A written essay (1000 words or four do

10、uble-space pages) (30%) Academic Integrity Participation in this class commits the students and instructor to abide by a general norm of equal opportunity and academic integrity. It implies permission from students to submit their written work to services that check for plagiarism (such as T). It is

11、 your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the definition of plagiarism. Violations of the norm of academic integrity will be firmly dealt with in this class. CLASS SCHEDULE (Subject to Adjustment) Lecture one: Core Chinese Values around Zhou Period This chapter covers the core values in the

12、Zhou Period of Chinese ideology by focusing important concepts. In the second section of the lecture, we discuss these values above in Now and Here: Values that have come from Zhou into the Chinese thought and behavior in the contemporary era. In passing, we take as examples the Chinese marriage, mo

13、urning, Love Life in contemporary background. a) “Tian”(天- Heaven / God) a) “Li” (礼-Ceremony) b) “De” (德-Virtues / Ethics) c) “Tianming” (天命-The Will of Heaven) d) “Tian”(天- Heaven / God) Works Recommended: An Introduction to I Ching(周易概论). Liu Dajun, Bashu Publishing House, 2008 An Annotated Versio

14、n of I Ching (白话易经). Liu Zhensheng, Starlight Press, 1981. An Annotated Version of the Book of Ceremony(礼记解读). Ding Ding, Renmin University Press, 2010. The Book of Songs: an Unexpurgated Translation. (Tran.) Xu Yuanchong, Chinese Literature Press, 1994. The Master Book for the Common Reader (平民尚书).

15、 (Ed.)Ye Liqun, Central Broadcasting University Press, 2012. Lecture Two: Confucianism (I): Core Virtues: Honesty serves as work ethic; wisdom ensures cognitive power; propriety guides social relations; righteousness justifies the act; benevolence reveals the soul. Thus Confucianism advocates elitis

16、m in a war-stricken era. It craves for justice where nobility and wealth turned politics upside down; for peaceful and joyous life where wars and poverty piled up like layers of suffocating mud; for wisdom to serve the state where corruption and mediocrity filled up the court; for love and fraternity where avarice r


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