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1、学苑中心培训系列教材内部资料,翻版必究1十月联考集训班十月联考集训班英语翻译讲义英语翻译讲义英译汉练习英译汉练习 (一)观摩及翻译练习:(一)观摩及翻译练习: 1市场营销市场营销 The traditional market is a place where buyers and sellers meet in order to do business with one another. Most of our towns have market squares where buying and selling takes place in a manner which has changed

2、 little for centuries. In the modern world, however, a market is an arrangement which allows buyers and sellers to make effective contact with one another so that prices can be established and exchange transactions can take place. Buyers and sellers do not have to meet face to face; the telephone ne

3、twork can provide an efficient link between them and so can the “small ads“ columnsin the local newspaper. In the foreignexchangemarket,dealersareseparated,oftenbythousandsofmiles.Yet telecommunications networks keep them in constant touch with one another and they can do business just as effectivel

4、y as if they were in the same room. 难点提示: 交易 小型广告栏 不断保持联系 参考译文: 传统的市场是买主和卖主接头进行买卖活动的地方。 我们大多数的城镇都有集市, 在那 里买卖进行的方式几百年来几乎没有什么变化。 然而在现代世界里, 市场的安排使得买主和 卖主能够彼此有效地交流,从而确定价格进行交易。 买主和卖主不必碰面,电话网络可以提供他们之间有效的联系,地方报纸上的“小型广 告”栏也可以提供这种便利。在外贸市场上,商人们你东我西,常常远隔千里。但是电信网 络使他们不断保持联系,他们可以像在同一间屋子里一样有效地进行交易。2环境环境 National

5、ecologicalsecurity refers to the sustainabilityof the ecological environment for one countrys existence and development. In comparison with military, political and economic security, ecological security has a wider influence on the common people living in a country. Once its ecological environment i

6、s destroyed, the future survival of the whole nation, especially the poor, will be horribly undermined, and it will be extremely difficult for a generation, or even tens of generations to reclaim the environment once ecological deterioration goes beyond a certain threshold. Although protection of th

7、e environment has long been a matter of basic state policy for the Chinese government, it is an undeniable fact that, on the whole, efforts to improve the environment have largely failed to match destructive forces working against them. The whole country should contribute to comprehensive ecological

8、 improvement in the coming half century. 难点提示: 生态的 可持续性,可维持性 矫正,修复 界限,限度 参考译文:学苑中心培训系列教材内部资料,翻版必究2国家生态稳定指的是一个国家赖以生存和发展的生态环境的可持续性。 比起军事、 政治 和经济的稳定, 生态稳定对于生活在一个国家的普通人民有着更广泛的影响。 一旦生态环境 遭到了破坏,整个国家,尤其是穷人将来的生存将会受到极大的损害,而且一旦生志恶化超 过一定限度,那么一代人,甚至几十代人要重新修复环境都是极为困难的一件事。 尽管保护环境一直是中国政府制定的一项基本国策, 然而一个不可否认的事实是, 总的

9、 来说, 改善环境的种种努力很大程度上未能抵抗破坏环境的力量。 在下半个世纪举国上下都 应该为综合改善生态而做出贡献。3 互联网互联网 The Internet itself is only ah instrument that traditional industries employ to readjust themselves for further development. For this reason, it must interact with traditional industries. It will be meaningless to ta1k about the cha

10、nge brought about by the Internet Without setting it in the context of the traditional economy. It is true that the Internet can provide a new business mode, but in the end it is only a production tool. A self-enclosed Intend cannot generate production by itself. Once it is utilized by the tradition

11、al industries, the Internet will be a great benefit. It Will facilitate improvements in technology, production, marketing, management and service provision, thus improving operational efficiency in traditional enterprises. 难点提示: 在背景下 自我封闭的 参考译文: 互联网本身只是一种工具而已, 传统行业用它来调整自身以求得进一步发展。 出于这个 原因, 它必须和传统行业互

12、相作用。 不把互联网放在传统经济的背景下而谈论它所带来的变 化是毫无意义的。 的确,互联网能够提供一种新的商业模式,但最终它只不过是一种生产工具。一个自我 封闭的互联网本身无法带动生产。一旦被传统行业所利用,它便会是一个极为有益的东西。 它会促进技术、生产、市场营销、管理和服务供应的完善,从而提高传统企业的运作效率。4经济经济 In the new century, the trend towards economic globalization has grown stronger. The New Economy has developed at an extraordinary spee

13、d. There is no denying that economic globalization has triggeredmore fierce market competition worldwide. As major players in economic activities and technological innovation, enterprises are obviously under pressure from competition. However, a wider range of competition implies a wider range of co

14、operation at the same time. We stand for cooperation amidst competition, commondeve1opment through cooperation and economic prosperity from commondeve1opment, which Will eventually lead to a better 1if e for al1 people together. 难点提示: 激发,引起 在之中 参考译文: 在新世纪, 经济全球化的趋势愈演愈烈。 新经济以异常迅猛的速度发展起来。 不可否认, 经济全球化引

15、起了世界范围内更加激烈的市场竞争。作为经济活动和技术创新的主要参与学苑中心培训系列教材内部资料,翻版必究3者,企业显然承受了来自竞争的压力。 然而,越来越广泛的竞争同时意味着越来越广泛的合作。我们主张在竞争中求合作, 通 过合作实现共同发展,通过共同发展实现经济繁荣,最终使全体人民一同过上更好的生活。5广告广告 Advertising uses a variety of media to make the demand for the product more steady. It attempts to develop an intense brand loyalty to a partic

16、ular product by convincing consumers that the competing goods are not close substitutes. There is a widely held view that advertising is simply an additional cost of production and must, therefore, have the effect of keeping prices higher than they would be if the products were not advertised. The supporters of advertising reply that advertising can reduce average costs of production because it can lead to increased sales which enable producers



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