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1、山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)山 东 科 技 大 学山 东 科 技 大 学本科毕业设计(论文)正文本科毕业设计(论文)正文题 目: 中海山东路项目基坑桩锚支护设计学 院 名称土木工程与建筑学院专 业 班 级城市地下空间工程 2011 级学 生 姓 名高延达学号201101021609指 导 教 师李为腾山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)1摘 要摘 要近年来我国高层建筑发展迅速,特别是地标性建筑的建设成为我国各大城市发展进程的重要标志。高层建筑多建于人口密集的人群聚居地或者商圈,在寸土寸金的地段如何进行深基坑的支护工程成为一个亟待解决的课题,同时缩短工期,保护邻近建筑物,减小噪音也成为建设的重要

2、要求。采用钻孔灌注桩与锚索支护技术可以较好的解决上述问题并满足经济合理安全可靠施工方便的要求。正确的设计方法和在施工过程中关键技术的运用控制,对基坑安全、灌注桩的施工质量和工期的保障起到至关重要的作用。中海山东路项目,场区位于市北区山东路与延吉路交口西北地块,原青岛电缆厂内,面积约 43172 平方米。共包括 7 幢 17-30 层住宅楼,沿街带有 1-4 层商业网点,地下车库两层,设计拟采用独立基础,拟开挖基坑底标高 4.05m,基坑深度 8.45-9.95m,拟开挖基坑周长约 830 米。该基坑边坡工程安全等级一级,使用年限为 1.0 年。同时参考当地的建筑经验和施工现场的具体情况,完成了

3、该深基坑支护的方案论证和设计。降水方案为降水井方法降水,支护方案采用钻孔灌注桩配合锚索支护,止水帷幕为高压旋喷桩。关键词: 深基坑; 钻孔灌注桩 ;高压旋喷桩;土压力;设计计算;施工组织山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)2AbstractIn recent years, the rapid development of high-rise buildings, especiallythe construction of landmark has become an important symbol of Chinas majorcities in the development process.

4、 High-rise buildings were built in denselypopulated settlements or district population, high cost of land lots in how tosupport Deep Foundation has become an urgent issue, and shorten theconstruction period, to protect adjacent buildings, reducing noise also animportant construction requirements. Bo

5、red with the use of anchor supporttechnology can better solve the problems and meet the economic andreasonable requirements of safe, reliable and convenient construction. Properdesign methods and the use of control of key technologies in the constructionprocess, the pit safety, quality and security

6、of the construction period of thepiles play a crucial role.Zhonghai Shandong Road project, the court is located in Yanji Road, NorthEast Road and Road intersection northwest plots, former cable factory inQingdao, an area of about 43,172 square meters. Includes a total of seven 17-30storey residentia

7、l building along the street with a 1-4 storey commercial outlets,underground garage floors, independent foundation design to be adopted, theproposed excavation pit bottom elevation of 4.05m, pit depth of about8.45-9.95m , the proposed excavation pit circumference of about 830 meters.The pit slope en

8、gineering safety grade level, the age of 1.0 year. Also refer tothe specific local conditions and construction site building experience,completedthedeepexcavationdemonstrationprogramanddesign.Precipitation solutions for dewatering well precipitation method, supportingprogram uses bored with anchor s

9、upport, sealing curtain of high pressurespraying pile.Keywords: deep excavation; bored; high pressure spraying pile; earthpressure; design calculations; construction organization山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)3目录目录1 绪论绪论.11.1 本设计的研究目的和意义.11.2 国内外研究情况及其进展.21.3 本设计的主要研究内容.32 工程概况工程概况.52.1 工程环境及规模.62.2 工程地质.62.3 水文地质.83 支护方案的选择支护方案的选择. 103.1 基坑支护设计原则.103.2 深基坑支护常用的方式.123.3 支护方案的确定.174 支护参数的确定支护参数的确定. 184.1 有关参数的确定.234.2 土压力计算.195 基坑支护稳定性验算基坑支护稳定性验算.285.1 支护参数验算.345.2 桩身强度验算.505.3 止水帷幕验算.585.4 稳定性验算.566 施工组织设计施工组织设计.696.1 编制依据及编制原则.69山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)46.2 施工部署.696.3 桩锚支护主要施工工艺.726.4 基坑施工测量及监测方案.776



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