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1、1Unit 3 Saying Goodbye 告别告别 Conversation1 A: Well, Ive got to go. See you later. 唔,我得走了。呆会见。B: See you .Have a nice day! 再见。祝你过的愉快!A: Thanks, you too. 谢谢,也祝你愉快。Key Words and Phrases Later(副词)稍后,随后 go (动词)走,离去 Notes :Well 用来引导一句话,继续讲述或填补讲话中的间歇。 Ive got to 我得。是口语表达形容词式。 See you 是常用非正式道别用语。 Have a nice

2、 day 是道别时的常用语。 Conversation 2 Paul: Ive got to go to bed. Have to work tomorrow. 我得去睡觉了。明天还得上班。Zheng: OK. Good night, then. Have a good sleep. 那好吧。晚安。睡个好觉。 2Paul: Good night. See you tomorrow. 晚安。明天见。Key Words and Phrases go to bed(动词短语)去睡觉/睡觉去 sleep(动词)睡觉 work (动词)工作/干活儿 tomorrow(名词)明天 Notes :Ive g

3、ot to 是 I have to 的口语形容词式 。have to 是习惯用语。意思同 must 是必须,不得不的意思。 Good night 是道别用语。用于晚上分别前,特别是睡觉前。 Conversation3 Kevin: Song, I hate to say goodbye, but I have to. 小宋,我很想再呆会,不过我还是得告辞了。Song: Nice meeting you, Kevin. I hope to see you again.认识你我很高兴,凯文。希望能再见。Kevin: Lets keep in touch. 咱们保持联系吧。Song: Sure, l

4、ets. Goodbye, then. 好的,一定。再见吧。Kevin: Bye. 再见。Key Words and Phrases 3hate(动词)不愿,不喜欢 keep in touch 保持联系 hope (动词)希望,盼望,期待 sure (副词)当然,的确 Notes:Goodbye 是正式告别用语 Bye 是 Goodbye 的简化形容词式 Say goodbye 是道别,说再见的意思。 Nice meeting you 是惯用语。用于告别时。 Lets 是 Let us(让我们)在口语中的缩写形容词式。用于提建议、倡导做某事。Additional Useful Expressi

5、ons Nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。Nice talking to you. 很高兴和你(进行了)交谈。Call me or e-mail me. 给我打电话或发电子邮件。See you around/soon. 回头见。Bye for now. 那就再见吧。See you next week. 下周见。 4Catch you later. 一会儿见。Have a good time! 好好玩儿。Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。Have a nice trip/a good journey! 旅途愉快!Take care! 保重!Good luck!

6、祝你好运!Vocabulary have(动词)有,持有 in(介词)在内,在。里 a(冠词)一 good(形容词)好的,好 next(形容词)下一个,其次 time(名词)时间,时候 now(副词)现在,此刻,马上 Unit4 Talking about the Weather 谈论天气谈论天气Conversation 1 Paul: Nice day, isnt it? 天气真好哇,你说呢? Zhu Wei: Sure it is. Why dont we go to a park? 可不是嘛。我们去公园吧。 Paul: Good idea! 好主意! Key Words and Phra

7、ses 5park(名词词)公园 idea(名词词)主意,点子 Why dont we? (提出建议)我们如何不做.呢?Conversation2 Louise: Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢那个季节? Yang: Autumn. Autumn is the best season in Beijing. 秋天。秋天是北京最好的季节。 Louise: I like autumn, too. 我也喜欢秋天。Where Im from, autumn is the best time of year.在我的家乡,秋天是一年中最好的季节。Key Words

8、and Phrases favorite(形容词容词)受人喜爱的 season(名词词)季节 autumn (名词词)秋天,秋季 best (形容词容词)最好的 Conversation3 Dou: Whats the weather like in your hometown? 你家乡的天气怎么样? Paula: Um, very nice. Its warm in spring and cool in autumn.很好,春天暖和,秋天凉爽。 Dou: Is it hot in summer? 夏天热么? Yes, it is, but not as hot as in Beijing.

9、热,不过没有北京这么热。 Key Words and Phrases like (介词)像一样 hometown (名词)家乡 warm (形容词容词)暖和的 spring (名词)春天 summer (名词)夏天 as (副词词)一样地 Additional Useful Expressions 6Does it snow a lot in Beijing? 北京经常下雪么? Its bitter cold. 天气冷的厉害。 What an awful day! 天气真糟糕呀! Its going to rain. Youd better take an umbrella with you.

10、 要下雨了,你最好带上一把雨伞。What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气会怎样? Its nice and warm out here. 外面天气真舒服。 I hate this kind of weather. 我真不喜欢这种天气。 Whats the temperature? 今天几度? Vocabulary bitter (副词)刺骨地 awful (形容词)极坏地 umbrella (名词)雨伞 temperature (名词) 温度d better = had better 应该 还是.好 Unit 5 Time and DateConversation 1Clerk: Please fill out the form. 请填写这个表格。Customer: All rightWhats the date today, please? 行请问今天几号?Clerk: Its August the thirteenth. 今天 8 月 13 号。Key words and phrases7Date(名词)日期 August(名词)八月Notes :8 月 13 号 英式英语是 the thirteen of August , 美式英语是 August the t



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