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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 7 页 中考英语真题透视阅读理解专项讲解(中考英语真题透视阅读理解专项讲解(4)完成句子式题型完成句子式题型Passage 1Mr. Scott worked in a middle school. He read a lot. He taught well and could answer all the questions his students asked. And they liked him very much. One Sunday morning, when he was dressing his little son, Jimmy, the boy

2、suddenly asked, “May I ask you a question, Dad?” “Of course you can,” answered Mr. Scott. “Are you sure that you can answer it?” “Certainly.” “Well,” said Jimmy, “Are there any holes in your socks?” “Holes?” Mr. Scott said in surprise. “Its impossible.” “Look at them carefully, or youll be wrong!” M

3、r. Scott took off his socks and looked at them carefully but didnt find anything wrong.“No, theres no hole in them,” said Mr. Scott. “I bought them only last week.” “How can you put your feet into them, then?” Little Jimmy said with a smile. At first Mr. Scott didnt know what to say. After a while h

4、e began to laugh with a red face.根据短文意思,将下列句子补充完整。每空一词。1.Mr. Scott was a _ in a school.2.His son was very _, so he couldnt dress himself.3.Mr. Scott _ to find if there were holes in his socks.4.In the end Mr. Scott _that his son had played a joke on him.5.From Jimmys joke we can say that he was a _

5、boy.(选自 2003 年广东省肇庆市试题)【解题思路点拨】这篇小短文的大意是:Mr. Scott 是一名中学教师。一天,正当他给儿子穿衣服时,儿子 Jimmy 问他“你的袜子上有一个洞吗?”这个问题。Mr. Scott 感到莫名其妙。他脱下自己上周刚买的新袜子,仔细地看了看,根本没有发现任何问题。令他没有想到的是,儿子微笑着对他说:“没有洞,那么你是怎么样把脚放进去的呢?”1.teacher。由短文开头的两句话就可以得出答案。 2.young。从 Mr. Scott 给儿子穿衣服这件事上来看,可以判断出他的儿子年龄很小,还不会穿衣服。所以答案为 young。注意不可误将 little 作为

6、答案,因为这个词并不指年龄小。3.tried/wanted。这个小题的答案源自于“Mr. Scott took off his socks and looked at them carefully but didnt find anything wrong.”这句话之中。第 - 2 - 页 共 7 页 4.understood/knew/learned/learnt。根据短文所述的内容,不难看出这是儿子给 Mr. Scott开的一个玩笑。联系短文末尾的“After a while he began to laugh with a red face.”这句话,就可以得出答案。5.clever/b

7、right/naughty/lovely/ cute。从这个孩子说的“How can you put your feet into them, then?”这句话,可以看出 Jimmy 是非常聪明、可爱的。开父亲的玩笑,说明他很淘气。这由Jimmy 的两次问话“May I ask you a question, Dad?”和“Are you sure that you can answer it?”也可以看出来儿童活泼可爱的天性。答案只要符合这几层意思都是正确的。Passage 2There are many colors in nature. But do you know if a col

8、or has weight? I think youll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you dont believe, you may do a small experiment.First, put two objects (物体) with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the box. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. OK. Now

9、hold the boxes with your hand one by one. It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colors have different weight in a mans mind. So he did man tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every color has its own we

10、ight in our mind and their order is the same. The heaviest color is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.The scientist told us that colors also have smell. Can you smell the color? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every color stands for (代表) a kind of ligh

11、t with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs (感觉器官).According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept (接受) the colors they like, and refuse the colors they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colors you like. Or youll be nervous or even get

12、 ill. For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, youll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, youll feel you have been there for only and hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his

13、temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change with different colors.根据短文意思,将下列句子补充完整。第 - 3 - 页 共 7 页 1.If you want to know if a color has weight, you can do a small experiment. First, _. Second, _. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece. Then

14、, holding the boxes with your hand one by one, you may get the result.2.In a mans mind, the heaviest color is _, then _.3.The scientist told us that colors have not only _ but also _.4.If a person walks out of a green room into a _room or a _, his body temperature will rise.5.If you stay in a room w

15、ith red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, youll feel youve been there for four hours because _.【解题思路点拨】这是一篇有关颜色的科普小品文。实验表明,在人的感觉中,颜色不仅具有重量,而且还有气味。更为有趣的是,不同的颜色对人的心情、健康还有影响呢。1.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes, second, cover the box。通读第二自然段,很容易理解该实验的四个步骤:首先是将两个重量相同的物体分别放进盒子里。然后将盒子盖上。接下来用一张红色纸将其中的一只盒子包上,另一只盒子用白色的纸。最后是将这两个盒子放在手中掂一掂。由此可得答案。2.red, blue, green, orange, yellow and white。在人的意识中,不同颜色的重量是不同的。这是一位科学家在经过多次实验得出的结论。第三自然段最末一句即是实验结果,也正是这个题目的答案。3.weight, smell。本小题出自第三自然段中的“A scientist found that different colors have different weight in


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