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1、Unit 4 Pygmalion Period 2 Learning about Language howCto do with; how Dto do with:what解析 考查动词。 句意:有大多的困难让我们处理,我们真的不知道该做些什么。处理困难要用 deal with;而第二个空后面的 do 缺少宾语,应该用what。答案 A9The sound of the train_in the distance. Which of the following is WRONG?Afaded out Bfaded away Cdied away Ddied out解析 句意:火车的声音渐渐消失

2、在远方。fade out,fade away,die away 都可指声音渐渐消失。die out“灭绝,灭亡,绝种” 。答案 D10Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to_honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones.Adistinguish BdisguiseCdissolve Ddiscount解析 句意:许多人事经理声称由于不诚实应征者人数上升,越来越难和诚实的应征者加以区分了。distinguish 辨别;disguise 掩

3、饰,假装,假扮;dissolve溶解,消除;discount 折扣。答案 A11Bob and I see each other_but not as often as we used to.Aonce more Bonce in a whileCin the end Dmore or less解析 句意:鲍勃与我偶尔会见面,但不像以前那么经常了。once in a while“间或,偶尔”符合句意。once more 再次;in the end 最后;more or less或多或少。答案 B12Many youth dont know what to_at university; they

4、 cant make up their minds about the future. Atake away Btake upCtake over Dtake after解析 考查动词短语。句意:许多年轻人不知道在大学里应该学习什么,他们对自己的未来拿不定主意。take away 带走,解除,消除;take up 开始从事,占据;take over 接收,接管;take after(面貌、言行等)像。答案 B13Jack,you seem in high spirits._We won the match 40.AGuess what? BSo what?CNo wonder. DNo dou

5、bt.解析 考查情景交际。句意:杰克,看起来精神不错呀。你猜猜怎么了?我们以四比零赢得了比赛。Guess what?“猜猜怎么了?”So what“那又怎么样呢?”No wonder.“难怪;怪不得” ;No doubt.“毫无疑问” 。根据句意选 A 项。答案 A14Human behaviour is mostly a product of learning,_the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.Aotherwise BwhereasCunless Dnevertheless解析 句意:人类的行为大多是学习的产物,而动物

6、的行为则主要依靠本能。whereas 意为“然而,却” ,引导对立的从句;otherwise 意为“否则” ;unless 意为“除非” ;nevertheless 意为“然而” ,不引导从句。答案 B15Before you decide to leave your job,_the effect it will have on your family.Aconsider BconsideringCto consider Dconsidered解析 before 引导的是时间状语从句, 填空句为主句, 而此主句为祈使句, 故动词用原形。其中 it will have.为修饰名词 the ef

7、fect 的宾语从句。答案 A.阅读理解AIf youre out for a walk and a bird in a tree says to you “Hello there”, dont worry, youre not going mad.Naturalists have reported a growing phenomenon of pet parrots that have been taught to repeat phrases by their owners before escaping from their cages and then passing on the

8、technique to the wild flocks they join. “Hello there!” , “Hello darling!”and “Whats happening?”are among the chorus of comments that flocks of wild birds have been repeating after picking up words and sentences from other birds that were once household pets.Naturalist Martyn Robinson said:“Weve had

9、people calling us thinking theyve had something put into their drink because theyve gone out to look at the flock of birds in their back yard and all the birds have been saying something like Whos a pretty boy, then?”Mr.Robinson, who is based at the Australian Museum in Sydney, said the usual sequen

10、ce of events saw a caged parrot of some kind which had been taught phrases but had then made its escape. It would then join a wild flock and chatter away in the trees,its words being learned by younger birds in the flock.The older ones would be unlikely to start learning. When chicks are born, they

11、hear the words being spoken by the older birds and grow up repeating the phrases.And so it continues, generation after generation.Mr.Robinson said that because of a drought in the western regions of New South Wales, flocks of wild birds“speakers”among themhave been flying to Sydney, where more food

12、is available, and have been hanging around suburban gardens. From the tree tops in gardens, from chimney pots and lamp posts, the flocks have been talking away, leaving many people wondering if their minds were playing tricks on them.“These birds are very smart and very social, meaning that communic

13、ation and contact is important between them, ” said Mr.Robinson.“I just hope a pet bird thats been taught dirty words doesnt join a flock because we dont want to hear that kind of thing going around the back gardens.”【语篇解读】 很多悉尼居民可以在自家的花园中听到一群野生鹦鹉在树梢上对他们说, “你好” “出什么事了” ,这是为什么呢?1When people heard a f

14、lock of birds say “Hello there!” , they felt_.Athere was something wrong with their mindsBthey had drunk some wineCthey were in a world of parrotsDthey heard people speaking解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段、第三段以及倒数第二段的信息可知,人们在听到野生鹦鹉说话时感到很诧异,以为自己的大脑出了什么问题。答案 A2Flocks of wild bird “speakers” have been flying to Sydney

15、 because_.Athey are following some escaped pet parrotsBit is easy for them to find food in SydneyCthere are fewer birds left in New South WalesDthey are on their way of migration解析 细节理解题。从文章倒数第三段可知,这些会说话的野生鹦鹉从新南威尔士州飞到了悉尼,原因是新南威尔土州大旱,缺少食物,而悉尼有很多食物。答案 B3Which of the following gives the correct order o

16、f events given in the passage?aPeople hear a bird in a tree say“Hello there!” bThe pet parrot escaped from its cage.cA flock of wild parrots learned to speak from the escaped“speaker”dA pet parrot picked up some sentences from its owner.eThe pet parrot joined a flock of wild birds.Ah, c, d, a, e Be, a, c, d, bCd, b, e, c, a De,



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