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1、第一单元 This document is a report on the feasibility study conducted on the proposed solutions for the Planet Tracking Software. 这份文档是关于行星追踪软件若干解决方案的可行性研究报告。 b) The software should be able to control the motors such that the mirrors and the unit can be aligned in all desired configurations. 这份文档是关于行星追踪

2、软件若干解决方案的可行性研究报告。 c) The first technical constraint that was considered for coming up with the possible solutions was that the system has to work on the Windows operating system. 对于备选的解决方案,第一个需要考虑的技术限制是系统必须运行在 Windows 操作系统上。 d) The advantage of this solution is that all 5 members of the group are we

3、ll-versed in the programming language chosen. 这个解决方案的优点是小组内的 5 名成员都十分精通所选定的编程语言。 Under the proposed scenario, the user would be able to take up to 100 measurements a day depending on what type of measurement is being taken. 在该场景下,用户一天应能进行多达 100 次测量,具体数目取决于测量类型。 f) Hence this solution does not transl

4、ate into a learning curve for any of the members. 因此这项解决方案对于组员来说没有学习上的难度。 g) The second critical section is where the code determines the coordinates of a celestial object using the time provided. 第二个关键之处在于使代码根据提供的时间来确定星体坐标。 h) As is apparent from the Gantt chart, accommodating the time required to

5、develop the plug-in leads to conflict with the deadlines. 从甘特表中可以清楚地看到,开发插件所需的时间将会和截止时间发生冲突。 第二单元 Translations. a) The objective of this Software Development Plan is to define the development activities in terms of the phases and iterations required for implementing a computerized class registration

6、 system for Zhonghua University. 这份软件开发计划的目的是从实施中华大学计算机化课程注册系统所需的开发阶段和迭代周期等方面详 细说明诸多开发活动。 b) This Software Development Plan describes the overall plan to be used by General Computers Corporation for developing the Course Registration System for Zhonghua University. 这份软件开发计划描述了通用电脑公司为中华大学开发计算机化课程注册系统

7、的整体计划。 c) Other artifacts will be produced, as described in the project development case, but are not intended to be delivered to the maintenance organization. 正如项目开发样例中指出的,会产生其它一些工件,但不会把它们交付给维护机构。 d) The Course Registration System is similar in complexity and architecture to the Online Library Syst

8、em, built for Zhonghua University in 1999. 这个课程注册系统与 1999 年为中华大学构建的在线图书馆系统在复杂性和整体结构上类似。 e) A Work Breakdown Structure is being prepared, and will be provided in the next version of this document.任务分解体系正在准备当中,并将出现在该文档的下个版本中。 f) Each phase consists of development iterations in which a subset of the sy

9、stem is developed.每一阶段包括若干开发迭代周期,各周期开发整个系统的子集。 g) To accommodate the changes, Rational RequisitePro will be used to manage the product requirements and to keep track of release content.为了适应变化,将采用 Rational RequisitePro 来管理产品需求并记录发布版本内容。 h) In addition, there will be internal releases, to maintain a r

10、egular heartbeat to help keep the project on track, and to allow for the possibility of additional releases after the initial release, if needed. 另外,将会发布内部版本,以保持常规步调,保证项目走在正轨上,如果需要的话,也能保证初次发布 之后继续发布的可能性。 第三单元 Please translate the following passage. A communication loop step by step: 通信循环的具体步骤: VTS i

11、s started and it starts TCP listener at the specified IP and Port, and loads all VT IMEI from database; 车辆跟踪系统启动后将在指定的 IP 地址和端口号启动一个 TCP 监听程序,并从数据库中载入所有车辆跟 踪器的 IMEI; The VT is powered on and comes into GPRS coverage areas, and then the VT attaches to the GPRS network and creates an active GPRS conne

12、ction; 车辆跟踪器在电源启动后,如果进入 GPRS 覆盖范围,它就能接入 GPRS 网络并且激活 GPRS 连接; The VT creates a TCP connection to the fixed IP and Port, and VTS gets the connection request at the listener and accepts the connection; 车辆跟踪器创建一个 TCP 连接到固定的 IP 地址和端口,车辆跟踪系统在监听端收到连接请求并接受该连 接; The VT sends login message, when the IMEI of t

13、he VT is sent as the id, VTS verifies IMEI and decides to accept or reject this connection; 车辆跟踪器发送登录消息,以 IMEI 作为身份码,车辆跟踪系统验证 IMEI 并决定接受还是拒绝该连接; Connection is set up, and VT sends Location Record in T-TCP protocol to the VTS; 连接建立后,车辆跟踪器通过 T-TCP 协议向车辆跟踪系统发送位置记录; The VTS gets Location Record, sends l

14、ocation to G-Tech Server by GTHttpRequest class, and gets return in XML format; 车辆跟踪系统收到位置记录并将其通过 GTHttpRequest 类发送给 G-Tech 服务器,再接收 XML 格式的返回 信息; The VTS processes the returned address info from G-Tech Server and sends address info to the LCS; 车辆跟踪系统处理 G-Tech 服务器返回的地址信息,并将其发送给位置信息收集系统; If the LCS ne

15、eds to send command to the VTS, the VTS will encode command and send encoded command to the particular VT. 如果位置信息收集系统需要向车辆跟踪系统发出命令,车辆跟踪系统会对命令进行编码,然后将编码后 的命令发送给特定的车辆跟踪器。第四单元 Translations. The existing software will write the records to the existing SQL database and provide the user interface. 现有的软件将记

16、录写入已有的 SQL 数据库并提供用户接口。 Session Manager is a working thread which manages all VT-VTS TCP communication sessions. 对话管理员是一个管理车辆跟踪器与车辆跟踪系统之间 TCP 通信对话的工作线程。 Consumers are empowered with the ability to keep watch of their investments from any computer connected to the Internet. 消费者可以通过连接到因特网的任意一台计算机随时跟踪他们的投资情况。 Its main purpose is to manage the incoming message flow to ensure that incoming messages are not lost. 它的主要目的是管理进入的消息流,并保证它们没有丢失。 The outQueue can store and ma



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