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1、 1Lesson Thirty-one Making plan What do you plan to do tomorrow?明天你计划做什么?明天你计划做什么? What do you plan to do on the weekend?周末你计划做什么? work out a plan 制定计划 =make a plan building plan 图纸 hijack 劫机 Nice to meet you 见面时用语 Nice meeting you 离开时用语 You too。 How are you doing ?见过面不太熟用语 Doing well.还好。 Whats up?熟

2、人见面用语 Not much.。没什么。 Im planning to go to the English corner. 我计划去英语角。我计划去英语角。 Im planning to learn English.我计划学英语 Im planning to take a trip.我计划去旅行。 Im hoping to spend a few day in the mountains. 我希望去山里面待几天。我希望去山里面待几天。 Im hoping to spend a few day at the seaside.我希望去海边待几天。 Im hoping to spend a few

3、days in Shanghai.我希望去上海待几天。 I think Ill do some work instead of going to the movies.我想我会工作而不是去看电影。我想我会工作而不是去看电影。 go to the movies 去看电影 film 胶卷 of off I think Ill learn english instead of staying home.我想我会学英语而不是待在家里。 I think Ill go shopping instead of going to the movies. I think Ill do sth. instead

4、of doing another thing. Theres nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday.没什么可做的,因为明天是假期。没什么可做的,因为明天是假期。 holiday 法定假期,传统节假日 vacation 公休假,寒暑假 winter vacation 寒假 summer vacation 暑假 Theres nothing to do today.今天没什么可做的。 Theres nothing to do because tomorrow is weekend. Theres nothing to do because tomo

5、rrow is my off-day. 没什么可做的,应为明天是我的休息日。 National Day 国庆节 Labor Day 劳动节 Spring Festival 春节 I doubt Ill do anything tomorrow.我不认为我明天会做任何事情。我不认为我明天会做任何事情。 Do you have a position for a secretary?你们有秘书的空缺吗? I doubt it.=I dont think so.我不认为 Without doubt 毫无疑问 Without doubt Zoe is my best friend.毫无疑问,Zoe 是我

6、最好的朋友。 Without doubt,this book is great.毫无疑问,这本书很好。 He cant decide what to do.他决定不了做什么。他决定不了做什么。 We cant decide what to do. They cant decide what to do. Would you consider going north this summer?你考虑今年夏天去北方吗?你考虑今年夏天去北方吗? Would you consider buying a house? Would you consider moving to beijing? Thats

7、a good idea.这主意不错。 Id love to.but Im tired. Id love to,but I have no time. 2Thats a good ,but ill ill lately.很好,但最近我生病了。 Please excuse me for a little while ,I want to do something.失陪一会儿,我有点事。失陪一会儿,我有点事。 Excuse me 意思:失陪;劳驾、借光;请再说一遍I beg you pardon a little while 片刻 稍等 反义词 a long time restroom 洗手间bat

8、hroom toilet 抽水马桶 lavatory 盥洗室(飞机或船上的) Lesson Thirty-Two Making decisions What have you decided?Can you tell me?你做了决定没有?可以告诉我吗?你做了决定没有?可以告诉我吗? decide v.决定 decision n. 决定 Ive definitely decided to go to California.我的确已经决定去加州。我的确已经决定去加州。 Ive decided to learn English. Ive decided to change my jobs. Ive

9、 decided to stop smoking. She has decided against buying a new car.他已经决定不买一辆新车了。他已经决定不买一辆新车了。 Ive decided against staying up late.我已经决定不再熬夜太晚了。 night person 夜猫子 early bird 起得早的人 The early bird catches the worm. Ive decided against dying my hair. skin head 光头 bald 秃头 I cant make up my mind right now.

10、我无法立刻作出一个决定。我无法立刻作出一个决定。 make up ones mind 做决定 Im sure youre made the right choice .我肯定你已经做出正确的选择。我肯定你已经做出正确的选择。 make a choice 做出选择 After you think it over,please let me know what you decide.等你考虑过后,请把你的决定告诉我。等你考虑过后,请把你的决定告诉我。 think over 考虑清楚 We are all determined to succeed.我们决心一定要取得成功。我们决心一定要取得成功。

11、We are all determined to go abroad. be determined to do sth.决心做某事 She is trying to talk me into changing my mind.她正试图说服我改变主意。她正试图说服我改变主意。 chang ones mind.改变主意 I changed my mind later. It took us a long time to make up our mind.做决定花了我们很长的时间。做决定花了我们很长的时间。 It takes sb. some time to do sth. It took me t

12、wo days to read this book. It took me one week to write this report. make a good choice. make a bad choice. Lesson Thirty-Three Telephone English telephone=phone 电话 make a call 打电话 call sb. 给某人打电话 mobile phone/cell phone 手机 cordless phone 无绳电话 pay phone 公用电话 walkie-talkie 对讲机 Hello ,This is john her

13、e.whos speaking? Hello,this is john ,whos that please.? 3Hello ,this is will speaking,whos that please.? May I speak to Mr. Smith Sorry, he is tied up at the moment. 对不起,他这时正忙。对不起,他这时正忙。 Wait a minute,please. One moment please. Sorry ,she is out. Sorry ,she isnt in. Sorry,she is tied up.对不起,他抽不开身。 W

14、ould you like to leave a message or call back later? 你愿意留话还是过后再打过来。你愿意留话还是过后再打过来。 Please tell him his mother is here. Please tell her her brother is ill. Would you mind calling back later? Would you mind calling back this afternoon? Thank you,Ill call back later. short message=SMS 短信 Ok,Ill call his

15、 mobile phone/cell phone. What number should I dial to get the manager?you get him at 672-5588. 要找经理应该拨哪个号码?你拨要找经理应该拨哪个号码?你拨 672-5588 能找到他。能找到他。 6083 six 0 eight three long distance 长途电话 I want to make a long distance call. 我要打一个长途电话。 international call 国际电话 make an international call 打国际电话 toll fre

16、e call 免费电话 local call 市话 collect call 对方付费电话 Michael ,you are wanted on the telephone. Michael,有人给你打电话。,有人给你打电话。 Pick up ,the receiver and drop a coin into the slot. 拿起电话筒,然后投一枚硬币到投币孔里去。拿起电话筒,然后投一枚硬币到投币孔里去。 The telephone is ringing ,would you answer it please. 电话铃响了,你去接一下好吗?电话铃响了,你去接一下好吗? I tried to call Miss dol


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