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1、育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌2017 年北京语言大学翻译硕士专业考研必读信息育明教育全面解析育明教育全面解析考研真题及解析考研真题及解析北语 2016 汉语写作与百科知识一名词解释1.司马迁2.汉朝3.丝绸之路4.巴黎56.马歇尔计划7.联合国气候大会8.特别提款权9.储备货币10.货币篮子11.收官盛典12.新能源车13.可吸入颗粒物14.减排15.雾霾育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌二改错四个小段,都两百字左右,要求对其进行修改,并将修改后的整段文字写到答题纸上。题目给的段落应该是直接逐词逐句从英文

2、中直译过来的,从英文思路切入,修改语病。三应用文写作试卷给了一个叫唐 X 的简历,要求根据他的简历写一封求职信,内容要包括:标题,称呼,正文,落款。但是题目并没有给出所要申请的公司或者单位的任何信息,这部分全靠编。四大作文题目:从文化折扣谈文化走出去题目材料对文化折扣现象做了简单的介绍,简单说明了中国文化在走出去过程中遭遇文化折扣而在国际文化交流中处于劣势的原因,要求考生以议论文的题材谈谈自己的感受和启发,不少于八百字。北语 2016 翻译翻译硕士英语一词条英汉互译1.京都协定2.秋裤3.仕途4.矫情5.京津冀协同发展6.十三五规划育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业

3、课辅导第一品牌7.十八届五中全会8.普及高中教育9.妄议中央10.全面二孩政策11.一带一路12.制度性话语权13.大众排放门14.亚投行15.贫困县摘帽16.ISIS17.TPP18.SDR19.BRICS20.Subprime mortgage loans21.Crowd sourcing22.Shale gas23.Photovoltaic panel24.Fuel cell25.Graphene26.Interest of things27.Disruptive technology育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌28.Common but

4、differentiated responsibility29.Carbon trade30.National voluntary contribution (of emission reduction)二篇章翻译PassageA:Modern scholarship, systematically comparing the myths and rites of mankind, has foundjust about everywhere legends of virgins giving birth to heroes who die and are resurrected.India

5、is chock-full of such tales, and its towering temples, very like theAztec ones, representagain our many-storied cosmic mountain, bearing Paradise on its summit and with horriblehells beneath. The Buddhists and the Jains have similar ideas.And, looking backward intothe pre-Christian past, we discover

6、 in Egypt the mythology of the slain and resurrected Osiris;in Mesopotamia, Tammuz; in Syria,Adonis; and in Greece, Dionysos: all of which furnishedmodels to the early Christians for their representations of Christ.Now the peoples of all the great civilizations everywhere have been prone to interpre

7、t theirown symbolic figures literally, and so to regard themselves as favored in a special way, indirect contact with theAbsolute. Even the polytheistic Greeks and Romans, Hindus andChinese, all of whom were able to view the gods and customs of others sympathetically,thought of their own as supreme

8、or, at the very least, superior; and among the monotheisticJews, Christians, and Mohammedans, of course, the gods of others are regarded as no gods atall, but devils, and their worshipers as godless. Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, and (less育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌emphatically) Benares and Pek

9、ing have been for centuries, therefore, each in its own way,the navel of the universe, connected directly - as by a hot line - with the Kingdom of Lightor of God.However, today such claims can no longer be taken seriously by anyone with even akindergarten education.And in this there is serious dange

10、r. For not only has it always beenthe way of multitudes to interpret their own symbols literally, but such literally readsymbolic forms have always been - and still are, in fact - the supports of their civilizations,the supports of their moral orders, their cohesion, vitality, and creative powers. W

11、ith the lossof them there follows uncertainty, and with uncertainty, disequilibrium, since life, as bothNietzsche and Ibsen knew, requires life-supporting illusions; and where these have beendispelled, there is nothing secure to hold on to, no moral law, nothing firm. We have seenwhat has happened,

12、for example, to primitive communities unsettled by the white manscivilization. With their old taboos discredited, they immediately go to pieces, disintegrate,and become resorts of vice and disease.Today the same thing is happening to us. With our old mythologically founded taboosunsettled by our own

13、 modern sciences, there is everywhere in the civilized world a rapidlyrising incidence of vice and crime, mental disorders, suicides and dope addictions, shatteredhomes, impudent children, violence, murder, and despair. These are facts; I am not inventingthem. They give point to the cries of the pre

14、achers for repentance, conversion, and return tothe old religion.And they challenge, too, the modern educator with respect to his own faithand ultimate loyalty. Is the conscientious teacher - concerned for the moral character as well育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌as for the book-learning of h

15、is students - to be loyal first to the supporting myths of ourcivilization or to the “factualized“ truths of his science?Are the two, on level, at odds? Or isthere not some point of wisdom beyond the conflicts of illusion and truth by which lives canbe put back together again?Passage B:中国 13 亿人是世界上最

16、大的消费市场,也是需求的“富矿”。随着民生的改善,内需对经济增长的拉动作用将不断增强。我们需要随着经济发展,同步提高人民的收入,而就业是收入的来源,是民生之本,我们将实行更加积极的就业创业政策,加大对高校毕业生、失业人员就业创业的财税金融扶持和服务力度。通过扩大就业创业来推动居民收入持续提高。我们将推动完善社会保障制度,健全公共服务体系,消除群众后顾之忧。采取鼓励居民消费的综合政策,提高居民消费能力,扩大商品和服务消费,降低流通成本,更好发挥消费对经济发展的支撑作用。(注:原文是李克强总理在 2014 年博鳌亚洲论坛上的演讲,截取如下:三是要向改善民生要动力。发展的目的是为了民生。中国 13 亿人是世界上最大的消费市场,也是“需求的富矿”。随着民生的改善,内需对经济增长的拉动作用将不断增强。我们需要随着经济发展,同步提高人民的收入,而就业是收入的来源,是民生之本,我们将实行更加积极的就业创业政策,加大对高校毕业生、失业人员就业创业的财税金融扶持和服务力度。Third, we will create impetus by improving people



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