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1、中俄木材贸易研究综述中俄木材贸易研究综述 Research on Timber Trade between Russia and China 宿海颖宿海颖 SU Haiying 中国林科院科信所(中国林科院科信所(RIFPI,CAF) 国家林业局林产品国际贸易研究中心(国家林业局林产品国际贸易研究中心(CINFT,SFA) 欧洲森林研究所(欧洲森林研究所(EFI)欧盟)欧盟FLEGT基金基金 研究背景 Research Background 对国内近5年的中俄林产品贸易文献进行梳理 Comb the Chinese literatures regarding China-Russian for

2、est products trade in recent 5 years 图:图:2004-2013年中国从俄罗斯原木、锯材进口量(万年中国从俄罗斯原木、锯材进口量(万m ) Fig. Log and sawntimber import volume of China from Russia (10 000 m ) 中俄两国无论是自然资源条件、劳动力丰裕程度,还是森林资源储备、资本、中俄两国无论是自然资源条件、劳动力丰裕程度,还是森林资源储备、资本、 技术等方面都存在差异,因此,中俄间林业生产要素的国际移动必然会发生。技术等方面都存在差异,因此,中俄间林业生产要素的国际移动必然会发生。 Chi

3、na and Russia differ in national resources condition, labor abundance, forest resources reserves, capital, technology, etc. Therefore, the movement of forestry production elements between China and Russia will necessarily happen. 中俄木材贸易面临的问题和挑战 Problems and Challenges Faced by China- Russian Timber

4、Trade 中俄木材进口市场具有很大的不稳定性中俄木材进口市场具有很大的不稳定性 Great uncertainty confronted by the timber import market between China and Russia; 森林资源数据不详、劳务指标等问题限制了中国企业长期森林资源数据不详、劳务指标等问题限制了中国企业长期 投资投资The problems, i.e., undetailed forest resources data and foreign labor quota, have restricted the long-term investment of

5、 Chinese enterprise; 俄远东经济过于依赖木材贸易俄远东经济过于依赖木材贸易 Russsian Far-East is economically overdependent on timber trade; 中俄现有林业产业合作档次较低中俄现有林业产业合作档次较低, 合作企业规模较小合作企业规模较小 The current China-Russian coopration on forestry industry is chareacterised with low level and small scale of enterprises invovled in the co

6、operation; 如何确保木材合法来源如何确保木材合法来源 How to ensure the legal origin of timber 政策建议 政府 Policy Recommendations for Government 提高双方贸易档次提高双方贸易档次, 建立以政府为主导的合作框架建立以政府为主导的合作框架 Step up the level of trade between the two countries by establishing a government-led coopration framework 推进中俄边境森林质量提升推进中俄边境森林质量提升,推动绿色

7、增长推动绿色增长 Facilitate the green growth by improving forest quality in the border between China and Russia 推进边境地区木材深加工园区建设推进边境地区木材深加工园区建设 Build the further timber processing zone/park in the bordering area 推进中俄双方林业执法合作推进中俄双方林业执法合作 Increase China-Russian cooperation on forestry law enforcement 加大对企业引导加大

8、对企业引导、规范经营规范经营 Provide stronger guidance over enterprises to regualte thier management 建立中俄林业商会建立中俄林业商会 Set up China-Russian Commercial Chamber on Forestry 对企业的建议 收集合法性证明文件 Suggestions for Enterprises Collection of Legality Documentations 标准和准则标准和准则 Standard and criteria 相关文件相关文件 Related documents 森

9、林经营单位和木材采伐企业森林经营单位和木材采伐企业 FMUs and timber harvesting enterprises 1.签署林区租赁合同并且进行了国家注册签署林区租赁合同并且进行了国家注册。 Sign foresland lease contracts and have it registered at designated national authorities 租赁合同的复印件租赁合同的复印件 Copy of the lease contract 2.缴纳林区租赁合同的租金缴纳林区租赁合同的租金 Pay the rents agreed in foreland lease

10、contracts 委托办理支付事宜的复印件委托办理支付事宜的复印件 Copies of documents for the payment 3.必须遵守林场林业操作规程的要求必须遵守林场林业操作规程的要求The requirements of forestry operation procedrue for forest farms shall be complied with 林场林业操作规程手册林场林业操作规程手册 Forestry operation procedure manual for forest farms 4.由联邦政府或市级政府批准的森林经营由联邦政府或市级政府批准的森林

11、经营 方案方案。Forest management plan approved by the Federal Government or municipal governments 森林开发规划森林开发规划 Forest Development Plan 5.森林经营单位每年都要制定和上交森林森林经营单位每年都要制定和上交森林 申报单申报单FMUs shall develop and submit the forest declaration form every year 森林申报单和 森林利用报告森林申报单和 森林利用报告 Forest declaration form and fores

12、t utilization report 6.采伐量不得超过伐区规定的限额采伐量不得超过伐区规定的限额。Allowable harvest volume shall not exceed the quota approved for logging sites 采伐区的技术操作图采伐区的技术操作图、设计采伐区的限额设计采伐区的限额 Technical operation map, of logging sites, and quota design for logging sites 7.采伐的树种要符合采伐限额中的要求采伐的树种要符合采伐限额中的要求。Species harvested sh

13、all meet the requirements of quota 关于采伐树种和采伐量的当前资料;采伐地点关于采伐树种和采伐量的当前资料;采伐地点 的立地调查结果;的立地调查结果; 用于采伐的木材林积调查指标用于采伐的木材林积调查指标。Information about harvested species and harvest volume; site investigation results of logging sites; timber volume investigation volume for logging 8.根据有关法律法规的要求确定哪些树木根据有关法律法规的要求确定

14、哪些树木(树种树种) 和灌木不允许采伐和灌木不允许采伐。Identify which trees (species) and shrubs shall be harvested in line with related legal requirements 在俄罗斯联邦领土上不允许采伐木材在俄罗斯联邦领土上不允许采伐木材 (树种树种)清清 单;地区红皮书;红皮书;单;地区红皮书;红皮书;CITES。List of the species that shall not be harvested in the territory of Russian Federation; regional Re

15、d Data Book, Red Data Book, CITES 9.运运 输环节输环节(原木和木材产品运输企业原木和木材产品运输企业)Transportation (log and timber products transporation enterprises 10.运输环节应具有相关执照运输环节应具有相关执照。Transporation shall have related license 有效的注册执照和编码有效的注册执照和编码。Valid registration license and code 11.木材运输的合法性木材运输的合法性。Legality of timber tr

16、ansportation 有 效 的 木 材 运 输 证 件 :有 效 的 木 材 运 输 证 件 : Valid timber transportation certificates 1.运输单运输单Transportation note 2.规格说明书规格说明书(包括树种包括树种、木材质量木材质量、原木数原木数 量量 、 原 木 尺 寸原 木 尺 寸 、 材 积 等材 积 等 ) Specification descriptions (including species, wood quality, log quantity, log scale, timber volume, etc.) 3.铁路运输单铁路运输单Railway transport


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