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1、 谋学网 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。 )1. His wi h only hr husns intrsts_. . on hr hrt . on hrt . t hr hrt . t hrt标准答案:2. Th rson or th tri int ws_on o th rivrs lost ontrol o his r. . why . whn . tht . us标准答案:3. Thr us to ptrol sttion nr th prk, _? . int it . osnt thr . usnt it . int thr标准答案:4. This is not n

2、 onomil wy to gt mor wtr , _it is vry xpnsiv. . or ls . on th ontrry . in short . on th othr hn标准答案:5. It is imprtiv tht th govrnmnt _ mor invstmnt into th shipuiling inustry. . ttrts . shll ttrt . ttrt . hs to标准答案:6. xprimnts show tht yrming signiintly_to intlltul growth. . ttriuts . istriuts . hlp

3、s . ontriuts标准答案:7. Th mor w look t th strt pinting,_. . th lss w lik it . ttr w lik it谋学网 . w lik it lss . it look ttr标准答案:8. “Mr. Grn is likly _out this mting. Why hsnt h om?“ . to notiy . to notii . to hv n notii . to notiying标准答案:9. I hv no out _h will ovrom ll his iiultis. . i . tht . s to . wh

4、thr标准答案:10. Louspkrs wr ix in th hll so tht vryon _ n opportunity to hr th sph. . ought to hv . must hv . my hv . shoul hv标准答案:11. It is n on to show _ ginst popl o irnt rs. . istintion . irn . sprtion . isrimintion标准答案:12. _o thm know out th pln us it is srt. . Som . No on . ny . Non标准答案:13. W must

5、 _ tht th xprimnt is ontroll s rigily s possil. . ssur . sur . nsur . issu标准答案:14. Pls _itionris whn you r not sur o wor splling or mning. . srh . sk . inquir谋学网 . onsult标准答案:15. This is th hins _, trnslt rom nglish. . pulition . itor . printing . vrsion标准答案:16. Th young mn ws ll_whn h gn his nw jo.

6、 . t th s . t s . in th s . in s标准答案:17. Th sor ws 80 to 78_th gust tm. . in vor o . in wy o . in spit o . in viw o标准答案:18. Lngug onsists _wors whih w put togthr into sntns. . in . or . o . on标准答案:19. Unr no irumstns _nything tht will nit ourslvs ut hrm th intrsts o th stt. . shoul w o . w shoul o .

7、 w will o . i w o标准答案:20. You shoul try to _your mition n mor rlisti. . rstrin . rtin . rsrv . rpl标准答案:21. I_ otor now i I h stui mil sin in my youth. . wr . shoul . h n谋学网 . shoul hv n标准答案:22. In th onstitutionl history o mor thn two hunr yrs th prty _hs n ovrturn y th prty out o powr 18 tims t th

8、lvl o prsintil ltions. . in powr . in th powr . in powr . in his powr标准答案:23. Th r int _him _his sight. . took . rom . priv . rom . took . o . priv . o标准答案:24. Mny mn _srii his li or th us o rvolution. . hs . hv . is . r标准答案:25. Our mily otors lini _ t th juntion o two usy ros. . rsts . stns . stys

9、. sts标准答案:26. Thy i in tht _pprs in rm hs r grtr inlun on moo thn _ours in th rm. . th prson . th thing . who . wht . who . tht . th prson who . whih标准答案:27. ithr my thr or my rothrs_to th prty. . r going to om . r oming . is oming . is going to om标准答案:28. In ollg I _ in sin. Wht ws your mjor? . mjo

10、r . orr谋学网 . ror . touh标准答案:29. Th sttistis _ tht living stnrs in th r hv improv rstilly in rnt tims. . provs . is proving . r proving . prov标准答案:30. H lt _ o wht h h on in shool. . shy . sh . visl . shm标准答案:31. I must ongrtult you _th xllnt sign o th nw rig. . with . t . on . o标准答案:32. Milk,uttr,n

11、hs r _ hr rom th rms. . import . trnsrr . trnsorm . trnsport标准答案:33. Popl n nimls r irnt in thir _to rugs. . ts . tions . tivitis . rtions标准答案:34. Th oupl hs ont not _ mount o mony to th ountion. . inonsirl . inonsirt . inurt . inomprl标准答案:35. I nvr rliz tht somy I woul mrri to _. . molul . oxygn .

12、gnius谋学网 . rug标准答案:36. Tomorrow w will _ our y o inpnn. . vor . xpos . ror . lrt标准答案:37. I you wnt pn, look insi th _ o th sk. . ox . rwr . mjor . mlt标准答案:38. It is only rntly _stronomrs hv gun spii rsrh into lk hols. . whn . so tht . tht . whih标准答案:39. Pintrs, writrs, n omposrs lso hv _hvily _thir

13、snsitivity to innr ntsis. . rwn . k . rwn. on . rwn . in . rwn . rom标准答案:40. Th stunt si thr wr w points in th ssy h _ impossil to omprhn. . hs oun . ws ining . h oun . woul in标准答案:41. Thos popl _ gnrl unrstning o th prsnt sitution. . lk o . r lking o . lk . r in lk标准答案:42. H us to_t th Rivr Sin n t

14、h goln rltions o th stting sun to stlish n tmosphr or rtivity. . gz . gzing谋学网 . gz . ing gz标准答案:43. In t, Mry woul rthr hv lt or Sn rniso _in Los ngls. . y stying . thn sty . thn hv sty . to sty标准答案:44. ttmpts to _this ol systm hv n m in vry prsintil ltion in th pst on hunr yrs, ut th systm hs surviv ll ssults. . rk own . rk in . rk up . rk through标准答案:45. _h h gon to slp thn th tlphon rng on mor. . s soon s . No soonr . Hrly . Srly标准答案:46. Th jo o stunt ommotion oir _ grt mny visits to lnlis. . onrns . ors . sks . involvs标准答案:47. Woul


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