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1、 基礎食品衞生證書課程基礎食品衞生證書課程 Foundation Certificate in Food Safety Course 課程簡介課程簡介Introduction 環球經濟急速發展,市民除對食物質素的要求不斷提高外,對食物安全及衞生的標準更為重視,希望所食用 的食物安全及健康。澳門科技大學持續教育學院致力將食品安全及衞生的信息推廣至業界及廣大市民,以提 升澳門整體的食物衞生水平,促進經濟及社會繁榮發展。 With the rapid development of the global economy and the increasing demands of the public

2、on the food safety and hygiene standards, food is expected to be safe and healthy. The School of Continuing Studies of the Macau University of Science and Technology is committed to promoting food safety and health information to the industry and the public, to enhance the overall level of food hygi

3、ene in Macau and to promote economic and social prosperity. 本課程旨在培訓食品從業員食物衞生知識,協助從業員衞生操作的標準,確保所生產的食物安全衞生,以預 防食物受到污染,減低發生食物中毒的機會。 This course aims to train participants on food hygiene knowledge and help to maintain hygienic standards to ensure that food safety and hygiene is maintained to prevent fo

4、od contamination and to reduce the risk of food poisoning. 課程內容課程內容Course Content 課程內容是參考英國環境衞生協會(Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, U.K., CIEH)的基礎食品安全證 書課程及香港食品衞生管理人員協會支援,課程大綱為: The course content is based on the “Foundation Certification in Food Safety“ of the Chartered Institute of Envi

5、ronmental Health, U.K., CIEH and supported by Hong Kong Food Hygiene Administrators Association. The contents are: 細菌學及食物中毒 Bacteriology and food poisoning 食肆設計、裝備及蟲鼠控制 Food establishments design, equipment and pest control 如何防止食物污染及食物中毒 How to prevent food contamination and food poisoning 澳門食物衞生法例

6、Macau Food Hygiene Legislation 個人衞生、清潔及消毒 Personal hygiene, cleaning and disinfection食物衞生案例探討 Case study on food hygiene 對象對象 Target Audience 在職食品業同工 (包括食肆、酒店餐飲部或食物包餅製造廠等) 、從事相關行業人士或有意投身食品行業人士。 Food handlers (including restaurants, hotel catering or food package manufacturers, etc.), people engaged

7、in the relevant industry or anyone interested in joining the food industry. 導師導師 Instructor 資深註冊導師,並具豐富教學及專業培訓經驗,對食品安全管理有深切認識 Senior registered tutor with experience in teaching/professional training and in-depth understanding of food safety management. 考試及補考安排考試及補考安排 Exam and Re-Exam 課程中已包括一次多項選擇題形

8、式的筆試,如學員未能合格,可獲一次補考機會及需繳付補考費用 MOP$300; 倘若於補考後仍未考獲合格,則須重新修讀整個課程並繳付課程費用的全數。 This course includes a written examination with Multiple Choice. One re-examination can be provided for those who fail. The charge of the re-exam is MOP$300. Those who also fail the re-exam need to repay the tuition fee fully

9、and retake the whole course. 證書證書 Certificate 學員出席率達 80%或以上及考試合格可獲頒英國環境衞生協會(CIEH)基礎食品安全證書(Foundation Certificate in Food Safety) 。課程將於第 3 節安排學員考試。學員亦可憑此證書修讀中級食品安全證書課程 拓展食品安全專業。 The participants who have no less than 80% of attendance and also pass the examination will be awarded “Foundation Certific

10、ation in Food Safety“ by CIEH. Awardees can further take up Intermediate Food Safety Certificate programmes and explore expertise areas in Food Safety. 持續教育學院持續教育學院 School of Continuing Studies This course is under DSEJ Continuing Education Scheme 本課程已納入教青局本課程已納入教青局 持續進修發展計劃持續進修發展計劃 凡持有食品衞生督導證書凡持有食品

11、衞生督導證書 報基礎食品衞生證書課程報基礎食品衞生證書課程 可獲豁免可獲豁免 MOP200 學費學費 合辦機構合辦機構 上課地點上課地點 Venue 澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 335-341 號獲多利中心 11 樓 澳門科技大學持續教育學院 Alameda Dr. Carlos D Assumpo 335-341, Hotline Centre, 11/F, Macau Tuition Fee 課程費用課程費用 澳門幣 1,350 元(如修畢並持有民政總署發出的食品衞生督導證書的學員報讀本課程,可獲減免澳門幣 200 元,學費為澳門幣 1,150 元,但費用須自付,不能使用“教青局持續進修發展計劃

12、”資助) MOP1,350 (Students who have completed and have a “Food Hygiene Supervisor Certificate“ issued by IACM will be exempted MOP200 and tuition fee is MOP1,150. In such case, the tuition fee cannot be settled by the DSEJ Continuing Education Scheme。) 上課日期及時間上課日期及時間 Class Date and Time 收生名額收生名額Class S

13、ize 13 people 課程編號課程編號 Class Code 日期日期 Date 時間時間 Time 內容內容 Content 課時課時 Duration 授課語言授課語言 Medium of Instruction 1707230002-0 21.11.2017 (Tue) 14:00 - 18:30 課堂 Tuition 9 hours English 24.11.2017 (Fri) 14:00 - 17:30 課堂 Tuition 17:30 - 18:30 考試 Exam 1707230004-0 25.11.2017 (Sat) 09:00 - 13:30 課堂 Tuitio

14、n 9 hours 中文 2.12.2017 (Sat) 09:00 - 12:30 課堂 Tuition 12:30 - 13:30 考試 Exam 1707230004-1 5.12.2017 (Tue) 14:00 - 18:30 課堂 Tuition 9 hours 中文 7.12.2017 (Thu) 14:00 - 17:30 課堂 Tuition 17:30 - 18:30 考試 Exam 1707230004-2 8.1.2018 (Mon) 14:00 - 18:30 課堂 Tuition 9 hours 中文 10.1.2018 (Wed) 14:00 - 17:30 課堂

15、 Tuition 17:30 - 18:30 考試 Exam * 報名注意事項報名注意事項 Enrollment Notes * 報名時間:星期一至五報名時間:星期一至五(9:00 20:00)、星期六、星期六(9:00 13:00) 公眾假期除外公眾假期除外 Operation hours: Monday to Friday (9:00 20:00) ; Saturday (9:00 13:00) Close at Public Holidays 1. 首次報讀本院短期課程者,請先登入網上報名系統網上報名系統(網址:https:/coes-stud.scs.must.edu.mo/oasc/

16、PersonalInfo.do)或掃 瞄以下的 QR Code,選擇 類別,預先登記個人資料(不需上傳身份證) ,填妥資料後,帶備身份證正、 副本及相片 1 張至本院辦理報名。 For those who enroll for our courses for the first time, please go to https:/coes-stud.scs.must.edu.mo/oasc/PersonalInfo.do or scan the QR Code below, choose the category of , and input personal information (no need to upload ID copy). After registration online succ


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