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1、大学英语写作中学生的问题21 世纪大学英语的改革创新 指出:目前大学英语写作中学生普遍存在的 问题是“ 四差一慢” 。 四差四差 :语言规范性差(语法,拼写,用词等);应用语言基本句型能力差 (句型,句式变化等);段落开展策略差(推展方法和技巧);篇章逻辑连 贯差(段落间的承启和过渡)。 四级写作中如何选词一篇文章是由词,句,段,篇构成的,文章的写作过程是一个“由词生句,积 句生段,积段成章”的过程。要想写出好文章,应该从选词,造句和构篇几个 方面下功夫。词是文章的基本单位。恰当的选词能准确,形象,清晰地表达思想;选词不 当则会使句子生硬,意思牵强附会。要做到用词准确,应在掌握词汇的意义 和具

2、体的搭配上下功夫。 选词(Diction)的重要性在The Right Word at the Right Time的序言中,The Readers Digest的编者 对选词的重要性作了一个贴切的比喻:Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion: it is a courtesy to others, and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the e

3、yes of the world.“一字值千金”也说明了选词的重要性。Our government can adopt /carry out various effective measures/ means to fight against fake commodities. (use many ways/methods) Compare the Following Sentences We shouldshouldshould use different ways to get to know the society. We oughtoughtought tototo make use

4、of various methods to get to know the society. We areareare supposedsupposedsupposed tototo take advantage of diverse means to get to know the society. 选词的基本原则 尽量用四级范围内的积极的,活跃的,常用的词或词组 。 尽量用表达最贴切,最生动,最有力的词或短语 。 尽量用最符合所写话题,所用文体的词或表达。 Summary 文章无论长短都是由词汇构成的。如果掌握的词汇量不够,写出的文章就会 词不达意,严重影响文章的表达。所以,要尽可能学好词

5、汇,掌握词,词组 和常用表达,打好写作基础。四级考生在措词方面存在的问题:1 可供“调遣”的词汇量贫乏,用词大部分局限于中学词汇。 Eg. Good points= benefits, advantages, merits.Problems, bad points= drawbacks, disadvantages, shortcomings, defects.2 表达相近意义时,常重复用一个词,用词单调。 Eg. Good= helpful, useful, beneficial, favorable, advantageous, does good to, benefit.策略1 调动大学

6、期间学过的更生动,更丰富的词汇表达意思。 Eg. Cause, lead to, result in, bring about, give rise/birth to2 用具体,生动,有针对性的词语。 Eg. Use, make use of, make (good, effective, wide, wise, full) use of sth, take (full) advantage of 3 文中如需要多次表达同一词义时,以原词,同义词,近义词等避免重复使 用同一词。 Eg. Adapt to, adjust, makefit, get used to, be accustomed

7、to 四级写作中如何造句 句子句子是文章的基础,是作者表达思想的最小语言单位。句子的质量直接影响文章的质量。写作的最基本要求就是句子语法正确。然后还有修辞及其它技巧。好的文章都有一个共同的特点句型多样。要学好写作,必须首先写好句子,掌握不同句型的写法,并根据自己表达思 想的需要进行灵活的句型转换,从而使文中的句子长短错落,起伏有致,以 增强文章的表现力。 句子一篇文章的好坏在很大程度上取决于句子的合理选择。好的文章不仅要求句子表达正确,语言规范,能准确有效表达思想,而且要 富有句式的变化。同样的意思用不同的句式来表达,往往表达出来的语言风格和修辞效果迥然 不同。这些都要求考生有扎实的语法基础知

8、识。 句型要多样简单句,并列句和复合句交替使用,灵活使用各种句子结构如:倒装句,省 略句。强调句,非谓语动词,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句等。若要写好作文,要写好句子,首先要掌握句子结构和句式变化及句子类型, 可通过对课文经典句子的背诵提高应用语言基本句型的能力。要善于模仿。Imitation is a good way to learn. 段落的构成 Analyze the following writingTo be an educated person is not easy. Firstly we should know clearly the purpose of being educat

9、ed. Secondly, we should be diligent and persistent, trying our best to overcome all the difficulties that we come across. Lastly, we should not only educate ourselves, but also help others as much as possible to acquire knowledge and skills. Generally speaking, an educated person will have more resp

10、onsibility for his country and the society. Topic sentence主题句又称主旨句或关键句,是一个段落中最重要的句子,是段落的“纲”。 说明段落的中心思想和作者的写作目的,是段落发展的依据。段落的每句话都应紧密地联系主题句所表达的中心内容。写好主题句是文章成功的关键。 (common practice of scoring in CET-4) 主题句的构成Topic sentence = a topic + a controlling idea about the topic主题句=主题+中心思想主题:段落所谈的话题,问题中心思想:限定话题的范

11、围,确定话题的发展方向。整个段落都以这个中心 思想为依据,围绕它进行。中心思想用关键词(key words)来表达。 please identify the two parts Developing private cars in China has many positive aspects. Keeping pets is beneficial to people in several aspects. Smoking results in a series of negative effects.The following factors contribute to success.Th

12、e reasons why bicycles are so popular in China lie as follows. 主题句的位置:位于段首 开门见山,点出主题。There are many ways through which we can improve our English. Above all, we should read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as possible. Next, we may listen to English programs on the radio or watch Engl

13、ish programs on TV every day. Besides, it is necessary for us to seize every opportunity to speak English both in and after class. Finally, it is equally important to form the habit of taking notes and keeping a diary in English. 主题句的写法:如何写好主题句应尽量清晰明了,简练,用词准确,力求用一句话清楚地表达该段的 中心。 Environmental polluti

14、on is important. Environmental pollution is an important problem that deserves our special attention. 主题句的写作技巧(1)表示人的名词或代词主语的句子:主体为人 College students should take part in social practice and get to know the world. People take part in recreational activities because of several reasons. We benefit a lo

15、t from doing part time jobs. Young people today are badly influenced by TV. 主题句的写作技巧(2)表示物的名词做主语的句子:主体为事物 Good health is important to us. Information plays an indispensable role in modern life. Diligence is a key factor to success. Sports benefit people in many ways. Recreational activities fall int

16、o two major types. 主题句的写作技巧(3)用动名词短语来表达主题,做主语。主体为话题Owning a private car is very convenient. Keeping pets can lead to some problems. Studying abroad benefits students in many aspects. 主题句的写作技巧(4)用“There +be + 名词”句型来写主题句。主体是所谈话题的方面There are several reasonsreasonsreasons why we should develop the industry of private cars.There are innumerable/numerous advantagesadvantagesadvantag


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