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1、笔试部分笔试部分(3)一、补全单词。t_ller l_ _ ger pre_are w_ _ kend bou_htretur_ _appy medi_in st_onger _eadach_二、按要求转换单词。1.have(三单)_ 2.family(复数)_ 3.foot(复数)_ 4.much(反义词)_5.I(宾格)_ 6.people(复数)_7.learn(过去式)_ 8.read(过去式)_9.funny(比较级)_ 10.tall(反义词)_三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.She _ (be) taller than me.2.She like _(fly) a kite.3.

2、What did you _ (do) last night.4.Li Ming and Tom _(have) fish yesterday.5.I _ (be) a student.6.Does he _ ( collect ) stamps.7.She _ (go ) fishing yesterday.8.They _ (read) a book last night.9.My name _ (be) Jenny.10. How _ ( be ) you?四、英汉互译。1、去钓鱼_ 2、头疼_3、发烧_ 4、照相_5、看电视_ 6、排队_7、去公园_ 8、爬山_9、打扫房间_ 10、洗

3、衣服_五、单项选择。( )1. I like drawing pictures and she_A. like singing B. ling to sing. C . likes singing( )2.Wu Ming is a girl, she_long hair.A. has B. was C. have( )3.Where are you_on your holiday?A. to go. B. go. C. going4. She is _ than me.A. strong B. strongger Cstronger5.I want _ a loliday.A. to B. o

4、n C. with六、选择合适的单词填在下面的的横线上。yours sick sore surprise hello1. My grandma fees _ . She goes to see a doctor.2. Thank you and say _to my friends.3. He buys me a present. He wants to give a _.4. My hands are big, and _ are small.5. Whats the matter with you?I have a _ throat. 七、情景会话。( )1.某个人或某个东西十分漂亮,你应

5、该怎么形容?A. Pretty ! B. Colorful ! C. Expensive !.( )2.当你得知别人生病了的时候,你应该说:A. Thank you !. B. Im sorry to hear that ! C. Let me help you !( )3.你带领客人到学校参观,你第一句话应该说:A. Welcome ! B. Wonderful !. C. Hurry up !( )4.当你的指别人要出去旅游时,你应该对他说:A. I dont like you . B.Have a good trip ! C. Buy me some gifts.( )5. 如果你是店里

6、的服务员,当顾客进来时,你应该说:A. What do you like? B. Whats your name? C. Hello, Can I help you?.( )6.当你想知道对方的姓名,问:A. What is your name?. B. What co lour is it? C. What does she do?.( )7.你说这本书是我的,说:.A. This is my book. B. That is mine. C. This jacket is mine.( )8.问他的职业是什么?问:A. What do you do? B. What is he going

7、 to do? C. What does he do?.( )9. 问对方身体好吗?问:A. Can you fly? B. Hello! C. How are you?( )10. 你问对方现在几点时,说:A. When do you do home work? B. What time is it now? C. When do you go home?八、连词成句。1. are tall you how ?_2. last weekend did what you do ?_3. hurts my nose ._4. know he I likes stamps collecting .

8、_5. going I row a am boat to ._九、阅读理解,判断正误。Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui. What did we buy? We bought a doll fo

9、r her. Because she told me “I havent got a lovely doll.”When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Jingming park, but it was later, we had to went home. We had a good time on that day. ( )1. Xiaohui is taller than

10、 me.( )2. I bought a doll for Xiao hui.( )3. We went to a shop last month.( )4. They had a good time on Xiaohuis birthday.( )5. We rowed a boat in the park.内部资料 仅供参考内部资料 仅供参考231411U1A LM32456 7411U1B LM3249108411U1C LM324141312411U1D LM324231411U2A LM32456 7411U2B LM3249108411U2C LM324141312411U2D L

11、M324D1 LEDD2 LEDD3 LEDD4 LEDD5 LEDD6 LEDD7 LEDD8 LEDR1100KR21KR31KR41KR51KR61KR71KR81KR9 1KR101KR11 1KR12 1KR13 1KR14 1KR15 1KR16 1KR17 1KR18 1KVCCGNDVCCGNDJ1J2J3J4R1912P1 VCCGND1111D34007D44007 D54007D6400712P1C4 470UC110UC230PC330PC5104C7104R110KR2 15R3100R4100R5 510R6360R7360R8360R9360R10360R1136

12、0R12360R1310KQ19012Q29012Q39012Q49012Q59012D14148LED1LED2XTAL112MLSBT13VD2400721034BLYCOMCOM1COM2123P3COMCOM1COM276421910a b c d e f g5dp3GNDa bfcgdedp8DS176421910a b c d e f g5dp3GNDa bfcgdedp8DS276421910a b c d e f g5dp3GNDa bfcgdedp8DS376421910a b c d e f g5dp3GNDa bfcgdedp8DS4Vin1GND2+5V3U3LM 78

13、05RES1 RXD2 TXD3 X24 X15 INT06 INT17 T08 T19 GND10P3.711P1.012P1.113P1.214P1.315P1.416P1.517P1.618P1.719VCC20U189C2051A7B1C2D6LT3BI4LE5A13B12C11D10E9F15G14U24511abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefgVCCGNDVCCVCCGNDVCCK1K2 GNDGNDVCCGNDGNDVCCBL1BL2BL1BL2DSCOM 1DSCOM 2DSCOM 3DSCOM 4DSCOM 1DSCOM 2DSCOM 3DSCOM 4C6 100u9JWKffwvG#tYM*Jg&6a*CZ7H$dq8KqqfHVZFedswSyXTy#&QA9wkxFyeQ!djs#XuyUP2kNXpRWXmA&UE9aQGn8xp$R#͑GxGjqv$


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