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1、201610 版 APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNET FUTURES TRADING SERVICES (activation / amendment / cancellation) 網上期貨交易服務網上期貨交易服務申請表格申請表格 (啟動啟動修改修改取消取消) 從客戶獲取的資料是為了遵守寶生證券及期貨有限公司“寶生”的客戶盡職審查政策、本地法律及條例及或國際標準所訂立的要求。在國際間打 擊洗黑錢、恐怖活動融資及詐騙活動中,此程序至關重要。如客戶未能提供有關資料,寶生可能無法處理客戶的申請及或向客戶提供服務。請參閱寶 生的資料政策通告或寶生及其相關機構不時以任何名稱發出

2、的有關個人資料的使用、披露及轉移的一般政策的其他文件。 The information is required from the Client for Po Sang Securities and Futures Limited (“Po Sang”)s compliance with its customer due diligence policy, local laws and regulations and/or international standards. It forms an important part of the international efforts to com

3、bat money laundering, terrorist financing and fraudulent activity. Failure to provide the required information may result in Po Sangs inability to process your application andor to provide services to the Client. Please refer to Po Sangs “Data Policy Notice” or documents under other relevant heading

4、s issued by Po Sang and its associate entities from time to time relating to the general policies on the use, disclosure and transfer of personal data. (Please mark as appropriate;請在適當方格內填上。) I. Information of the Client 客戶資料客戶資料 Name in English 英 文 姓 名: Account No 賬 號: Name in Chinese 中 文 姓 名: Iden

5、tification Document No. 身份證明文件號碼: II. Type of Application 申請申請類別類別 : : I/We refer to the above Account maintained with Po Sang and hereby request to apply for futures trading services via the internet (“Internet Futures Trading Services”) * in accordance with the “Order Type Module Level” selected b

6、y me/us in Section III below. 本人吾等現擬於寶生按照本人吾等於第 III 部分所選擇的“指令模式組合”申請於網上進行期貨交易的服務(“網上期貨交易服務網上期貨交易服務”)* I/We hereby request for change of the “Order Type Module Level” of my/our Internet Futures Trading Services to the “Order Type Module Level” selected in Section III below. 本人吾等欲更改網上期貨交易服務的“指令模式組合”至本

7、人吾等於第 III 部分所選擇的“指令模式組合” I/We hereby request for cancellation of my/our Internet Futures Trading Services 本人吾等欲取消本人吾等之網上期貨交易服務 Remark 備註: *Clients shall collect the “Internet Trading PIN” letter in-person at any branch of “Po Sang” *客戶需親臨“寶生”各分行領取網上期貨交易密碼函 III. Selection of “Order Type Module Level”

8、 for Internet Futures Trading Services 網上期貨交易網上期貨交易服務服務指令模式組合指令模式組合選項選項 Order Type Module Level 指令模式組合 Module Code 組合代號 Order Type Selection Serial 指令模式選項種類 Basic Module 基本組合 E 1 1. Rest of Day (ROD) 整日有效單 2. AM Order (AM) 上午有效盤 3. Stop Loss Order (SLO) 止蝕盤 4. Auction Order (AO) 競價盤 5. Market Order

9、(MO) 市價盤 Advance Module 進階組合 E 2 1. Module 組合 E 1 2. LOV Order (Limit Order with Validity) 有效日期限價盤 3. OCO Order (One order cancel another order)二擇一盤 E 3 1. Module 組合 E 2 2. UTL Order (Up Trigger Limit Order) 上升觸發盤 3. DTL Order (Down Trigger Limit Order) 下跌觸發盤 4. U/DTL Order (Up/Down Trigger Limit Or

10、der) 上升/下跌觸發盤 Clients Declaration 客戶聲明:客戶聲明: (1) I/We hereby declare and confirm that all the above information provided by me/us is valid, true, complete, accurate and up-to-date. 本人/吾等謹此聲明及確認上述所有資料乃屬有效、真實、完整、準確及最新。 (2) I/We confirm that 本人/吾等確認: (a) I/We have carefully read, understand and agree t

11、o be bound by the contents of the Account Opening Form of Po Sang,(including, in particular, the risk disclosure in there) and acknowledge and agree that any provisions therein may be amended by Po Sang from time to time without prior notice to me/us. 本人/吾等已細讀、明白及同意受寶生的開戶表格內容(包括,特別是在有風險披露)所約束,並確認及同意

12、接納寶生不時修訂開戶表格內的任 何條款, 並無需向本人/吾等作出通知。 (b) I/We have received the Internet Trading PIN letter. 本人/吾等已收到網上期貨交易密碼函。 (c) Po Sang has explained to me/us the nature and risks of futures trading, trading futures online and each Order Type. I/We fully understand the nature and operational risk of the various

13、Order Types in the Order Type Module Level selected. I/We have been advised by Po Sang to seek independent advice before making any investment decision. 寶生已向我解釋期貨交易、網上期貨交易服務及每個指令模式的性質和風險。本人/吾等明白所選指令模式組合內各類指令的性質及操作風險。寶生已建議本人/吾等在作出任何投資決定前應尋求獨立的意見。 (3) I/we understand that Po Sang reserves the right to

14、 reject my requests without giving reasons. I/We also understand and agree that the above application will only become effective upon approval by Po Sang. 本人/吾等明白寶生可保留權利拒絕本人/吾等之申請,而無需給予任何理由。本人/吾等明白及同意上述申請僅會於寶生批核後始生效。 (4) I/we understand and agree that the scope of service of the Internet Futures Trading Services may be varied by Po Sang from time to time, without prior notice to me/us. 本人明白及同意寶生可不時修改網上期貨交易服務的服務範圍,並無需向本人/吾等作出通知。 Client Signature(s) 客戶簽署 Date 日期 For Office Use Only 本公司專用: Stamped by核印 Checked by 複核 Handled by 結算經辦 Checked by 結算複核 Date 日期 Remark 備註:



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