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1、板书内容包括:三篇小作文范文,大作文讲解板书, 最后附有第一二节课讲的基本写作句型板书。 Keep Working & Good Luck!小作文范文1. 道歉信范文 Dear Sir or Madam, Im a student of our university and my library card number is 34567. I am writing this letter to apologize for damaging Harry Potter IV that I borrowed last week. I always had the habit of reading b

2、y the school lake. But yesterday when I was about to take out the book, I carelessly dropped it into the water, which made the book impossible to read any more. I am sorry for the mistake and Id love to buy a new one or pay a fine upon your request. Please accept my sincere apologies and let me know

3、 what I need to do. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,LiMing2. 投诉信范文Dear Sir or Madam, Im a student of English Department, living in room 204 in Building 2. Im writing this letter to apply/request/ask for a single room in the following semester. Now I am sharing the room with XXX, one of

4、 students of XXX department. First of all, he is a member of the students union, and his colleagues often came for all kinds of students activities at the time when I needed to study. Besides, I found that he often used my computer/ books/ shampoo without asking me. Therefore, I am wondering if it i

5、s possible for you to arrange a single room for me next semester, which would benefit me and also leaves him a free space.I will appreciate it very much if you could solve this problem for me as soon as possible. Looking forward to your reply. Yours cordially, LiMing3. 通知范文 English Speech Contest Ma

6、rch 4, 2010 In order to enrich extracurricular activities and provide students with a chance/stage to show their English ability, the English Club is going to hold an English speech contest on April 10th, 2010 in cooperation with Guangdong English Channel. The contest will include 2 rounds. The cont

7、estants should prepare for an English speech within 5 minutes on the topic of wild animals protection. Every contestant who enters the second round will be awarded an Oxford Dictionary and the final winner will have the chance to enjoy a five days tour to Britain. All the non-English majors are welc

8、ome to take part in the contest. Those who are interested, please sign up at the English Club office on the fifth floor of school library before March 15, 2010.English Club= 大作文结构 A good opening关于背景句 1. 弊 问题: Today, China is confronted with the problem of the poor living situation of the senior citi

9、zen more seriously. One of the pressing problems facing our nation today is that the younger generation lack of the ability of handling pressure/ difficulties on their own.2.关注 There has been a heated discussion about a picture/cartoon/drawing/photograph in the newspaper/ among people/ among young p

10、eople. There is a growing awareness of the importance of the benefits that globalization can bring us.3.发展 With the development of 在过去的 XXXX 年期间,我国/世界的 XXX 有了巨大 的发展。Great changes have taken place in the country side of China in the past three decades. The past three decades has witnessed the great d

11、evelopment in 主题 thanks to the reform being carried out. 时间+ witness+ n.=Para1. (背景句+)如图所示+ 选定主语做倒装+定语从句/分词 伴随关于描述图画 language 选定主语: 图画的主角, 主角所在的位置 An old man lies on the ground. On the ground lies an old man.As is shown vividly in the picture, in the sunshine/in front of us stands a beautiful Americ

12、an girl, (who is) dressed in traditional Chinese costume, wearing all kinds of decorations and smiling splendidly to us. 如图所示,我们面前站着一个美丽的美国小姑娘, who 穿着传统的中国服饰,wearing 各种饰品而且, smiling 灿烂地对我们。 如图所示,球场的中间躺着一个可怜的老人,蜷缩 ing 成一个足球的样子,被他的四个子女(who 把守着家 门就像守门员 goal keeper 一样)踢出家门。guardAs is drawn ridiculously

13、in the cartoon, in the middle of the football field lies a poor old man, crouching on the ground like a ball and kicked out of home by his children who guard at their house doors like goal keepers. vigorouslyAs is vividly shown in the photo, in the chair of a hair salon sits a young man, asking the

14、hair dresser to make his hair as stylish as David Beckham, a British football megastar, at the cost/price of 300 yuan.As is simply drawn in the picture, in the darkness lies a lamp, burning vigorously, lightening the surrounding and giving out warmth to the endless darkness around it.As is shown viv

15、idly in the cartoon, on the playground runs a young man, who is tired but still keeps running, rushing to the final destination, which, at the same time, is also another brand new start.每篇文章都不一样的句子话题内容 每篇文章都一样的句子 - 题型= para2. 阐释含义(内涵 intended meaning, symbolic meaning)废话+内涵的解释+图到论证的过渡尽管图画很简单,但是内涵很深刻Simple as the picture is, its intended meaning is really deep. (The authors real purpose is not the picture itself, but to lead us to find the fact behind it.)It reveals the fact/problem that over-fishing causes the sharp decreasing of the sea species.比喻 Simple as the picture is, its symbolic mea


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