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1、1综合英语教程综合英语教程 5 Unit 1 Listening and speaking activities Interview 1 A Happy Family 1 DiscussionDiscuss the following quotation: What kind of family is a happy family? What is an unhappy one?All happy families resemble one another;, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion Leo Tolstoy,Anna

2、 Karenina BackgroundMegan is a mother in her thirties. She is a homemaker.But she was once an artist and marketing manager with an advertisement company before she had children. Her husband is a business consultant in an investment company. Then have three children, a 12-gear-old daughter, a 9-year-

3、old son and a 7- gear-old son who is verg interested in learning Chinese. The youngest boy aspires to climb the Himalaga Mountains when he grows up. And he made a pinky swear with the author to 80 with him when he goes mountaineering in China.2 Listen and take notes _ _ _Based on your notes, discuss

4、 the following questions with your conversational partner.Questions 1、What is Megans idea of a happy family? 2、What is life like in a lower middle working class family? 3、What is her view of American families in general? 4、What are her expectations of her children? 5、What change does the Sept. 11 ev

5、ent cause in the attitude of ordinary Americans toward family life?3 Language work Listen to the passage again and find expressions for the following blanks. 1) A family, whose members, including their relatives such as cousins and grandparents, live together, is called _. 2) You may own a lot of th

6、ings in life such as cars, a beautiful house, and posh furniture, but your family may not be a happy one. So a happy family may not be _. 3) For the woman, it is _ that children can see their father every evening. 4) American families are more and more diverse in structure. In Megans opinion, Americ

7、an family is _. 5) Americans are _ how they feel about family life after Sept 1 lth.26) In Megans opinion, to keep American values _., Americans must improve their attitude toward family life.Interview 2 Husband and Wife A Cross-Culture Marriage Listen to the second interview about another family in

8、 which the husband, Bill, is American and his wife, Lin Lin, is of Chinese origin. They were married about half a year ago although they had known each other for several years.Before you listen, think of the following questions - 1、What is the most important thing between husband and wife in order t

9、o create a happy family? 2、Would you like to marry someone from another culture? What would be the difficulties in a cross-culture marriage?1 Questions for discussion after listening 1) Did the listening confirm your thoughts? 2) Think of Megans view in the first interview. How does Bills view diffe

10、r from hers about an ideal happy family? 2 Listen and talk Listen again and take notes about the following topics. l) When Bill says a happy family is an intimate one, how does he explain this idea? 2) How does Bill feel about Lin Lins frequent calls to her family? 3) From what Bill said about his f

11、ather, can you envision what kind of man he is? 4) What is the worry of Lin Lins mother? 5) Bill is not worried about the cultural differences between him and his wifes family. But what prevents their communication? 6) How does Bill think of Lin Lins father? 7) What is Lin Lins misunderstanding of t

12、he family relationship in American culture? 8) What is the joke between husband and wife? 9) Bill mentions the financial arrangement for the wedding. What point does he want to make here? Based on your notes, discuss the above questions with your conversational partner.Unit 2 ReadingParents and Chil

13、dren Pre-reading discussion 1、Did your parents urge you to study when you were at middle and high schools? 2、How did you respond to their urges? 3、Did you understand your parents then? True or falseT F1. The Upton family did not go out to play sports during the snowing days because Suzanne felt Gods

14、 call to slow down.2. Psychiatrst Alvin Rosenfeld argues in her book that American parents think hyper parenting is the only correct parenting method.33. The authors of this feature story Seem to imply that stability in marriage and working life is related to ones social and economical conditions.4.

15、 Parents have to cane time off their work in order to drive their ldds around for various activities and sports.5. It can be inferred from the passage that the phenomenon of “parents as agents“ was unusual about 20 or 30 years ago.6. Sometimes overbearing parents may cause both moral and physical problems in their children.7. In a “winner takes all“ society, the winner will be rewarded and respec



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